You owe us 500 years of reparations. Pay up your debts whiteboi

You owe us 500 years of reparations. Pay up your debts whiteboi.

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go away

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Who is you? Who is us? Be specific.

Did she deserve this?

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No, we're done here, but thanks, you can bring us the check. And maybe more water.

I think I need to buy a whip again to teach ur place on earth, break is over now fuck of to work slave.
Cotton isn't picked alone you know.

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>You owe us 500 years of reparations.

Most of my family stayed in their respective countries, and moved to the US long after slavery had ended. I’ll pass, thanks.

It's disgusting and racist that you'd put an actual monetary price on the suffering of the black man. No amount could ever reverse what happened and it's pointless to even try.

Lets establish the fact up front that slavery in the U.S. was reprehensible to say the very least, and is an ugly stain on our history.

At least the descendants of U.S. slaves live in the most free and prosperous nation in the world where they have the best opportunity for a good life. Otherwise they would have been born in Africa and would likely be living in a horrible situation by comparison.

No one owes you a damn thing just because of the color of your skin. Fuck off.

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we've fed and clothed africa for over a hunderd years, when are you going to pay up ?

Shut up nigger


your ancestors sold themselves. Blame them.

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Nigger finally finished reading the first line of that fake "death America caused" meme from a thread a couple days ago. So where exactly does 500 years come from?

No dude. We abolished slavery on your people. Pay up for your gratitude nigger.

Says White OP trollfag

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Jews owned and did all the black slave trade. Like fucking bankers today.

Jewish goldsmiths to be exact, black boy, the kikes brainwashed you because they want a white - black race war not that the spotlight is on the kike bankers. Racist enslaving unconstitutional private foreign kike bankers, yes. The biggest racists on this planet, niggger even the N word came from these kikes, you fucking mongoloid.

>taken from shitty mudhut place
>given job, language and education
>liberty to ruin your new home and welfare
paid in advance and get scammed: the game

>fuck tons of black only grants
>benefits handed out to blacks like candy
>blacks can be racist in public and no one bats an eye
>white guy says anything challenging blacks and he's "racist"
>what was supposed to help poor blacks get a job the same as whites is now treated like a quta system where whites are descriminated against
>Wasn't even alive during slavery but demands they get everything they want

You've been paid.

Nigger you would be living in a mut hut dying of malaria and aids without us. YOU owe US reparations you ungrateful subhuman ape

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Why ? You will spent everything for drugs and ugly hookers. Just like other niggers

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I've got your bullet right here jew

How Long Were You A Slave...
Paid In FULL..I know this is redundant...STUPID NIGGER

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Well then you Egyptian kangz owe my people reparations.
You niggers enslaved us.

You can even work off the debt and we'll provide you with food and lodging as well.

Then we'll make the white Americans pay for a marginal processing fee and also do you the favor of applying your three-fifths of that money to your debt to us.

Does that sound ight dawg slice?

Hey americans.
I can solve your nigger problem for more foreign aid even though we refused to sign the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

We need some chimps to push buttons in gaza and do hoodrat shit to the Palestinians and you need to reduce crime. Flush the turds out of your congested prison system and the heavy burden on your welfare systems lightened.

What do we gotta do ?

Just put the niggers on a cruise ship and send them our way.
Tell them you're sorry and you hope a relaxing cruise can be the first of many gestures in trying to make things right for their dead great great great great great grandfather who would have never know his kids had they not been chained together