Let's all make fun of redditfags
Let's all make fun of redditfags
I'm a redditfag.
this post reminds of the time I had a dick in my ass
edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!
Unfunny joke
Edit: oh, thanks for the gold guys, didn't expect this to be my most upvoted post
rddit gay lol
Yea Forums is clearly the superior website
Edit: Why the downvotes? Really? Rediquette says I can state my opinion.
Clearly a troll account, because everyone who has opinions different to the hivemind is a troll.
you guys are just jealous that we have more karma so you sob here.
Do you really have nothing better to do
Disregard /u/Anonymous, he's a well known troll
r/Yea Forums
Fuck off you racist incel.
Upkibble this thread
very epic
All forum regulars are cringy ass pathetic people. Me included.
Question no Yea Forumstard can ever answer: What is so bad about r*ddi+?
Reddit in 5 words
>Orange man bad, katanas good.
It's full of mainstream media lovers, brainwashed by vox and buzzfeed. Literally all of them think Trump colluded with Russians. They're all cucked by their stupid gender studie, sjw feminist girlfriends or girls they wish they could get.
Reddit is full of Nintendo loving autistic stinky dumb cucks.
That's what.
Edit: thanks for the gold stranger
Chris Chan?
Reddit aint all that bad
The karma system
Ah so all your arguments are invalid since they center around it being populated by people who aren't alt-right conservicuck incel pieces of shit. Got it. Kill yourself.