Who has Haley’s mega? Exposed slut from Yea Forums earlier

Who has Haley’s mega? Exposed slut from Yea Forums earlier

Attached: FFE2803F-8B98-4703-B068-F574B6C221D7.jpg (720x719, 58K)

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monitoring. i think i know this chick

I have a few nudes but I want her vids

Attached: E21F742C-8774-4C13-816D-89DD234166D5.jpg (1124x2002, 184K)

post one with her face. the second pic doesnt look like the chick i know

Attached: 71F9B1C9-39F1-4A05-B634-82E1D7CB37AA.jpg (1017x1810, 259K)

thanks Yea Forumsro. not the chick i know. the one im talking about has a couple of tats on her arms

There’s this tat

Attached: 2F088A52-93FE-4971-BB95-8596FD68047D.jpg (919x1636, 250K)

Wait wait wait..... before I post the link, who is this chick? How old is she/would she have been in the pics/vids? Why are so many threads popping up about her?

Someone post the fucking mega so I can fap please.

not her. the chick i know has words on her arm and a bow on her shoulder. total whore

Old enough to have tattoos and multiple piercings, especially on the nipples now post the fucking link

>Tattooing and Body Piercing-Prohibits the tattooing, branding or body piercing of minors under the age of 14. Prohibits the tattooing, branding or body piercing of anyone between the ages of 14 and 18 without the written informed consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian.

As soon as I know the pics/vids aren't underage which I do NOT know right now..

checked....hitler has spoken

Attached: hitler420.jpg (720x955, 60K)

gotta be over 18 to get tatted without a parent

Proof I'm not bullshitting, either. Yes, there are vids.

So she could have gotten them 14-18 if her guardian signed. So again, no proof.

right then now what kind of parent lets their child get piercings on their nipples? She’s 18 at the bare minimum but I’m guessing 22 or 23

forgot image

Attached: 26656446.png (688x385, 605K)

i doubt that her parents are particularly involved in her lfe or were at any point beyond conception

Attached: feelsbadman.png (230x219, 7K)

So be it. The link is yours, anons. Enjoy:


user is doing God’s work right now

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: vigvv0h1j9

Thanks, Yea Forumsrother

holy fucking life ruining mega

Is she famous or something? Why would she be ruined?

anymore megas like this one? with such a comprehensive set of a webslut?

Anyone looked up her social media yet? Can confirm the nudes are her, she’s such a cutie

Attached: 2020FAFC-3D16-44A4-9395-24DB96C22EEC.jpg (750x1064, 334K)

see this

another scorned dude trying to ruin a chicks life.

Attached: wait_a_second.png (538x414, 276K)

maybe im doing it wrong but i would never post nudes of an ex because they would all know exactly who did it. its not like these bitches have nude folders like i have a reaction folder. its always oc with chicks

Never understood how nudes “ruin her life” when bitches get exposed

What the fuck could that ruin? A girls naked body, how does that ruin anything at all

sometimes bad bad men send the nudes to the girls friends and/or family and/or workplaces. And sometimes they get fired, divorced, scorned, etc.

Attached: bait.webm (500x208, 473K)

new guy here, what is mega, how does it work ?

I guess I can see that. Not sure why a place would fire somebody for having nudes though. That doesn’t make any sense

real question is if he was successful. Did it work?

whats with the QR labels on some of the pics?

if you had a girlfriend that liked having nudes of you then you would likely let her take pics. so a few months later you dump her and she posts all of your nudes online and sends them to your family, friends, and coworkers. You dont think that your life would change if your mom and your co workers saw that?

only way to know is when all of her social media disappears. thats the first tell

Bump for other anons

Another user should do this same thing, but with a hot chick instead of this slut.

Type mega dot co dot nz slash and then link

Try not to be totally helpless and search the internet if you don't know how to do something.

Probably from temporarily exposed

Attached: 29355283-2EDA-4B3B-9686-53747D8D4DE1.jpg (1041x1388, 242K)

Thanks bro !

i wish that website came back!!!

>Try not to be totally helpless and search the internet if you don't know how to do something.

Attached: whatanonsaid.jpg (125x121, 2K)