Why do young men do this?

why do young men do this?

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Attached: dio shad.jpg (680x794, 86K)


'cause old men prolapse if they try

Moar, faggot

oh so that's why he calls it his twitch stream... because his anus is twitching.

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Im just guessing here. But maybe theres a bunch of gays willing to pay you to play vidya with your ass out?

Its shadbase, you can look up the whole thing in 6 seconds

Only traps do this.
Y'know, if you associate yourself with fictin all the time, dont be surprised if you start to see only it.

they're probably are but twitch doesn't actually allow that
someone should make a lewdstream*c0m and make big bucks from that
could be a platform for slutty female streamers too and their sycophants

Thanks, friend

Because money.

because society is collapsing and we're in the weak men creating hard times part.
>pic slightly related

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Why do you fap to it?

what game is he playing?


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ten points to Griffindor, user.

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cash is king.