Let's share some unpopular opinions up in this bitch.
>no holds barred
>keep the trash talk above ad hominem
>solid arguments award points for TKOs
Let's share some unpopular opinions up in this bitch
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The 90s were a horrible decade for music at large and it's when "rock" died and it sold out completely thanks to the fucking grunge scene.
Kurt Cobain was right to blow his fucking face off.
Some Yea Forumstards might agree but most of society dislikes these oppinions
>if a woman is under or equal to 23 and you are her 4th sexual partner, she is garbage
>society is degnerate now because of weak men, so it’s our own fault
Totally agree
Can't say I agree.
You can have a truckload of partners, but as long as you don't hurt people with your actions there is nothing wrong with fucking different people.
Problem is the anti-"slut shaming" crowd largely disregards the fact that you can cause damage to other people with your so-called "sexual freedom".
Sturgeon's Law: "90% of everything is shit" is more valid now, than it was when it was conceived, because the internet helps breed mediocrity like a wildfire.
Video games can be amazing learning tools, but manchildren ruin the industry by seeking quick gratification and superficial "coolness" with absolute disregard to the potential value of the medium.
Couldn’t agree more. Never understood nirvanas whiny soyboy music.
Representative Democracy is the biggest con humans have done to other humans.
A vast majority understand this, but the truth of it is so difficult to face they pretend like it isnt true.
Gen z people are worthless lazy stupid human trash who will never amount to anything good.
Zoomers actually won the fucking lottery compared to millenials. They are going to be the next richest generation and I hate them for it.
Humans are shit and we should actively cleanse the earth from this cancer, before it can spread onto other planets.
Smartphones and mobile phones in general are just unnecessary luxury.
It really annoys me how the standard for where generations begin varies so much. On some scales I’m a Gen Xer and on others I’m a Millenial. (Born 1979). Everyone should get their story straight.
If you support safe injection sites for drug addicts, then we should also build "safe driving sites" for alcoholics.
>Smartphones and mobile phones in general are just unnecessary luxury.
Every necessaty was once an unnecessary luxury
Toxic Masculinity is a false concept meant to create a second class of citizens from the most capable and strongest of them, because the ruling elite is weak and incapable, ruling purely through social and economic warfare.
A Real Man™ has to:
>be able to defend himself and those he cares for
>understand and practice physical craftsmanship
>appreciate art, beauty, history and culture and understand their inextricable connection
>have no master, but show respect to those that are his superior on the matter at hand
>be honest about their intentions: social intrigue is for women and when performed by men should be met with physical violence
>I'll be honest Joe, I'm kind of autistic
captain america is the worst avenger by fucking miles he's a massive faggot
toxic masculinity does not include appreciating art tho
'79 is straight up Gen X.
People who put Millenials any earlier than 85 are 70 year old anthropologists who have had no real connection to those generations or the culture that defined them.
I know. Think of that as 2 separate posts with tangential relation, if you like.
100% agree
nirvana/grunge killed the metal scene. metal was the last real rock until about the early 2000's with system of a down and rage against the machine....but it was never the saem....
not really "unpopular" just really accurate...
You can go without a phone, you can't go without food water and shelter. Learn the difference between a want and need.
Grunge > metal
Grunge is fun for younger people.
Metal is tasteless vapit music
Its mostly just a system put in place to avoid getting stalin and hitler by limiting the political power of individuals. How good the democracy part works depends on how much money the oligarchs in your country have
Holy shit there is so much wrong with this post.
Nirvana was literally the only good-ish grunge band, Rage Against is the epitome of shitty 90s ""ALTERNATIVE METAL"" and in addition to that, yes it will never be the "seam", but there are a shit ton of tremendous metal albums that keep getting released, except you wouldn't know it, seeing how you consider RATM and SOAD as good metal.
Go sniff your farts in the corner and keep quiet.
This is not unpopular ffs
Presumed collectivism is poison. Assuming someone has your best interest in mind just because you are the same nation/skin color/sexual orientation/gender/political orientation or whatever is just the stupidest shit ever.
People and media keep confusing actual Latinos/Hispanics (the conquerors of the Americas) with those little goblins who are a different race.
Having sex with someone who is drunk isn't rape.
Queen is overrated
Good opinion
I mean, if you get no coherent confirmation of consent, or go at it with someone who is straight up passed out that's rape. I'm not into social justice bullshit, but you gotta have some common sense.
Just like the Beatles, they have some amazing, groundbreaking songs, but they get overshadowed by the pop-ier, easier to market drivel.
Men are not born they are build
Men are superior to women
Traps are gay
Yea Forums is shit overall
Religion is retarded
Pornography is detrimental for mental health
Masturbation is bad
Jews run everything
Niggers are less evolved
Europeans are stupid and gay
Girls are whores because men are Faggots
Pornography is a Jewish weapon
Cucks should be killed
We need more effort in space
Conservativism is superior to liberalism
Music is shit now days
Abortion is murder
Rappers are bunch of unskilled glorified imbeciles
American football and baseball are boring shitty sports
90 are better than 2000
Millennials are femenized
There's an outgoing attempt to femenize the population
We should be more socialist Corps. Are out of control
Vaccines do cause autism possible contribute to Homosexuality
Homosexuality is a mental Disorder
If Germany had won WW2 we will be living in anadvanced, cultural and moral superior world society.
USA is full of degenerate pigs
No I agree if she can't walk and talk its rape.
I like to eat oranges while drinking coffee
>not having a jug of coffee with every meal
fucking pleb
NFL is for pussies. Real men play rugby.
It's not gay to like and suck feminine penus
Ball sports are for pussies and children, real men study martial arts and general athletics.
>Humans are shit and we should actively cleanse the earth from this cancer
You go first.
>Smartphones and mobile phones in general are just unnecessary luxury.
Said the young man, drawing a puff from his vape.
>Video games can be amazing learning tools, but manchildren ruin the industry by seeking quick gratification and superficial "coolness"
I disagree, the gaming industry is ruining itself by overwhelming greed turning most games into microtransaction-ridden skinner boxes with little redeeming value.
Lemme guess, Alabama
They sell what the "average nerd" buys. People who are legit into video games as a medium for art and/or entertainment and have a critical eye are the exception, not the norm. The norm is the average MCU/GoT/SW manchild who is content with flashing colors, false dopamine boosts and sense of "belonging" to a fandom of like-(empty)minded individuals.
I'm far from considering myself a gamer, or nerd, despite liking games and some traditionally nerdy culture, however I do have a lot of self-described "gamer" and "nerd" friends and it always seems like they latch onto something and blindly follow without giving it a second thought.
Pedophiles can't help being attracted to kids (it's absolutely wrong for them to touch kids or rape them etc obviously!)
It's comparable to gays, they can't help it
>Men are not born they are build
>Men are superior to women
In some regards. Same goes the other way around.
>Traps are gay
Definitely not straight, but not exactly gay either.
>Yea Forums is shit overall
True, but doesn't devalue it's importance in culture.
>Religion is retarded
*Organized religion
>Pornography is detrimental for mental health
It can be. But then again, that could be said for a long list of things considered normal. It's up to the person to exercise their freedom responsibly.
>Masturbation is bad
Have you tried sitting on your hand first?
>Jews run everything
They do, but "Jew" is a caste and mindset, rather than an ethnicity, as they would have you believe.
>Niggers are less evolved
*Differently evolved.
>Europeans are stupid and gay
You can't talk about "Europeans" as a monolithic culture, as there is strong national division and vibrant cultural differences from place to place. Some nations tend to be stupid, some tend to be smart, some can be absolute faggots, some will make you feel like a woman. (Visit the Balkans and Scandinavia back to back, you'll know what I'm talking about.)
>Girls are whores because men are Faggots
Stop being a faggot.
>Pornography is a Jewish weapon
Media at large is a weapon of control. Pornography is among the least egregious examples.
>Cucks should be killed
They weed themselves out of the gene pool. Who gives a shit?
Pt. 1/2
>We need more effort in space
>Conservativism is superior to liberalism
All traditional political systems have a pretty bad track record. Adaption and flexibility are superior to any dogmatic political ideology.
>Music is shit now days
There is amazing music being released today, you just didn't put the effort into finding it, I do understand your grievance with it not being popular though.
>Abortion is murder
Drinking a handle of vodka is suicide, but people should be free to make choices pertaining their own body.
>Rappers are bunch of unskilled glorified imbeciles
True for the most part, but that goes for a good deal of popular musicians.
>American football and baseball are boring shitty sports
Watching sports is the dumbest shit ever.
>90 are better than 2000
In some regards.
>Millennials are femenized
So are gen Xers to a large extent.
>There's an outgoing attempt to femenize the population
>We should be more socialist Corps. Are out of control
As I said, adaption and flexibility win over ideology. People need to make educated consumer choices, that's how "we fix capitalism", not by over-inflating the government's already immense power over the citizen's everyday life.
>Vaccines do cause autism possible contribute to Homosexuality
Don't know much on the topic, but I doubt it.
>Homosexuality is a mental Disorder
It could be construed as such, but then so can a lot of other behavioral patterns, which are considered normal or even beneficial in today's society. Homosexuality doesn't seem to be detrimental, nor beneficial, so who gives a shit?
>If Germany had won WW2 we will be living in anadvanced, cultural and moral superior world society.
We probably would be more advanced as a technological civilization. I doubt people would have had the freedom to forge their own culture, though. State-mandated artistry and culture is a joke, just look at the CCCP.
>USA is full of degenerate pigs
It's full of uneducated simpletons.
Jack Nicholson is the worst and least believable movie Joker.
His movies were the Tim Burton cartoonish ones. You can't blame him for working with what he was given.
lel...that's why the rugby players who've transitioned to the NFL have been kickers.
I was born in New Zealand, but I can freely admit that there is a world of difference between no pads with a bunch of guys you'd hang out at the pub with and pads with feral nigger killing machines.
I agree. We need to get this done. Safe routes for alcoholics. It's not their fault they are addicted to booze. They need to be able to get home without the fear of being pulled over.
Tendie farts taste the best
Using the Unpopular Opinion Podcast logo
Yeah because stalin and hitler predate representative democracy
There should be neither. Problem with alcohol is, you can be an immediate danger to those around you, while with heroin the danger you pose to others is social and far removed from the nature of the drug itself, as opposed to alcohol.
>stay mad boozecuck
CAPTCHAs are unpaid labor, which allows tech corporations to capitalize even farther on their "users" under the guise of security.
I mean, why not? It's the only thing that podcast is good for these days.
Shit used to be a good listen, before ATB went full kool aid, like, 5 years ago I think?
If you are a woman my wife to be and the mother of my children that are going to share my parents genes I expect you to be a virgin at my same age or younger down to 21.
At 21 to 30+ infinite you must be a virgin to qualify as my sexual partner
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: j7fppctdbj
I don't care if we pay for idle human trash to eek out a substandard existence. I believe the cost of housing, feeding, clothing, educating, and providing medical coverage is worth the cost. You can satisfy the humanitarian perspective, but the amount of money that would actually be saved by subsidizing the poor out of the capable workforce would be staggering.
Training wages, accidents, punctuality, efficiency, pretty much every aspect of businesses would be impacted in a positive manner.
Once you've eaten the horse pill of A Living Wage getting implemented, and stopped giving a fuck if you're paying to support the poor, you can actually re-describe it as a Utilitarian mechanism. You're culling the undesirables from the workforce and making them happy you're doing it.
These bottom rung peeps can then either idle into obscurity and death (Remember, this is already a substantial benefit) or they can still use their time to invent, create, or otherwise claw their way out of this new bottom.
This would have other impacts as well, increased job availability, increased citizen productivity, increased national arts productivity.
The final and best motivation I'd add to it, would be that if you're on this subsidy, you're limited to a single child or birth (multiple births like twins and such).
You acknowledge the left crying
You salute the rights ego
And you also drastically improved the base of the country.
You're right, but for all the wrong reasons. I'm far from a lefty, but your reasoning just sounds hateful and fraught with unwarranted self-esteem and sense of superiority.
You underestimate how easy it is to get your head smashed in with a rock, by someone who is on all accounts "inferior" to yourself, except he has a rock.
Dogs are just annoying, they're loud, messy, demanding, and invasive. There is no reason to own one, besides ego gratification.
>OP is still a faggot
>Yea Forums has never changed
>plant life is more important than animal life
> you’re all gay
>every one actually dies alone
>this guy self identifies as retardation
It's a chicken-or-egg question, I'd say. Most ill-behaved and "annoying" pets (not just dogs) have been raised poorly by people who've learned about animal behavior from anthropomorphized cartoons. It's a huge problem when an animal is raised in isolation with humans and no other specimens of it's kin and it's even worse when the humans have no concept of the animal's psychology.
T. Soyboy cuck
Allowing anyone to dictate what you do for your convenience will ultimately lead to your downfall. It doesn't matter what system of government you use to put that person in a position of power.
>Smartphones and mobile phones in general are just unnecessary luxury.
I agree, but the issue arises when a piece of technology increases your value in society greater than its own value. That is a smartphone, computer, TV, internet connection, etc.
Here's mine:
If you're a grown man posting selfies on social media, you need your fucking head checked because it's cringey.
If you're posting gym selfies and shirtless selfies posing without muscle, I cringe for you and you give every decent man a bad name.