My wife tried coke for the first time and as expected the sex was superb. We've never done MDMA...

My wife tried coke for the first time and as expected the sex was superb. We've never done MDMA. Can anyone here enlighten me on how sex will be on MDMA compared to coke?

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Sex on mdma is even better bro. I've been raving since 2011 and every time I do coke I just wish I had mdma hahaha.
It's gonna be fun. Enjoy yourself op!

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Thanks for the reply. Anything that specifically makes it better?

It's good if your cock doesn't shrink to the size of a cashew. If it doesn't, you might have trouble finishing, but it'll be an amazing experience as long as you can get it up.

could give ur dick a case of the micro so try it once to get a feel for it or experiment together to see how it is.

i have such a hard time getting a boner on it

Is this more of a problem with MDMA than coke?

The profound emotional connection and tingly rush from MDMA is completely unparalleled, especially when compared to cocaine. Mandy is a thousand times better in every way, except for the way amphetamines can send your cock back in time.

Yeah, but seriously don't let it put you off, even if you can't actually fuck, you'll figure something out and it will be way better than you think.

I cant even get a boner on mdma let alone take a piss

taking a piss tho feels so good at the peak, try it dude

Judging by his post, he has tried it already and couldn't do.

no shit, im saying he should try in the future

"Can't even get a boner... let alone piss"
> You should try pissing bro it feels so good
Way to go

this has been my experience every fucking time on mdma
>skanky neon unicorn grinding my crotch
>should be diamonds
>lil fucker is inside out and i feel like a giggly 10yo
still love that shit tho

10 times better

Im rockhard when on mdma

sex on mdma is AMAZING. it takes forever to cum tho..
my gf becomes an amazing slut when she takes it, there are no limits

Yeah it seems to affect everyone slightly differently in that regard, I know loads of people that can't even get a drop of piss out without straining for half an hour, I can do that fine but my penis becomes a press stud, and I know plenty of guys who can fuck no problem and say it's the best. I envy them so badly not gonna lie. It happens for the same reason that you can overheat though, because your core temp goes way up and all your blood wants to kick it in your torso.

i cannot cum when at my peak & this is proof god doesn't actually love me

I find it much harder to fuck on MDMA. For the girl the sex is amazing but for the guy its just sorta hard to stay hars. MDMA is way more about love and friendship. Honestly you wont need to fuck because you will be engrossed in each other’s presence

Cocaine is a stimulant that makes you fuck good. Thats its primary purpose. MDMA just forces a seretonin overdose. Btw start taking 5-HTP vitamins daily for a while before and after you take MDMA

we dont do much coke before sex usually, but mdma, oh boy she loves it, we have had some seriously fun nights with that. U know, go to the cabin just the two of us and pop 0.1 - 0.3 grams of molly and go straight to bedroom or sauna :DDD duuude i love it :D u have to try it, its pure love and lust basically...take some coke at the end of the buzz and valium or xanax when u want to go to sleep. have fun

MDMA is great, I attribute my first threesome to Molly.

viagra will also be needed sometimes

get yourself a viagra/cialis and some whippits/poppers

Sex on stimulants is trash. Hard to cum, hard to stay hard. Maturation is the way to go. 90 mg’s of adderall followed by a 15 hour fap session will be the most intense orgasms of your life.