Admit it. You're fucking terrible at video games. You spend all your time playing, wasting your life away, and for what what?
You're fucking garbage at every game you've ever played. A loser in basically every aspect of life.
Me? I beat Dead Cells' final boss in 9 runs. I reached max level in Halo 3 Lone Wolves, the solo playlist! I reached rank #1 in Skate 2 for North America. I've succeeded overwhelmingly in nearly every video game I've ever played. I'm also married and have full time job. Why are you such a failure? Why do you suck at literally everything? Might as well keep wishing your mom will jerk you in the shower. Explain yourself
>Hates a game because they suck at an entire genre
Have fun with League of Legends. I heard they got a new champ out for you to sink another $20 into.
Blake Ross
>Fart (You) vs. me, one on one, NOW! I will fucking DESTROY you, you stupid amerimutt! FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!
Sebastian Parker
THIS JUST IN Poor person convinces internet they aren't poor with JUST FOURLETTERS!
Ryder Cook
Good job getting your digital achievements, I guess. I would consider that wasting my life, but to each his own.
Angel Nelson
CS:GO is for autistic fags that suck at shooters and want to learn guaranteed results from actual pros that learned the maps when they released 20 years ago.
>Plays a Cash Grab reboot of a 1990's shooter with literal gambling funding >Hates on shooter that shaped entire industry and cemented custom games and map editing as industry leading staples
Is it fun to watch a bunch of YouTube videos telling you where to throw your flashbang and where to point your gun?
I don't much care. You've done stuff, I've done stuff. What matters is that you had fun doing it, and didn't waste big parts of your life not enjoying it as much as you can. Life is too short, and you only get one.
Daniel Watson
Don't be mad because you lose ranked matches because you didn't press G on the right frame. Some people actually have to think about where they throw their grenades!
Chase Green
As OP, I actually respect this answer. Go fuck yourself, but pleasantly.
Jayden Thompson
Weird flex but k
Christopher Stewart
I'm a lot older, and never had $20k in my account that I can remember. Not a bad accomplishment. Difficult for me. I have, and have had more than $20k in assets, but I don't hang on to liquid cash long.
Jaxon Gonzalez
I will, and nothing but the best quality porn whist I do.
Jose Evans
Understandable. As much as millennials like to say how much easier it was to be any generation but them, the fact is that being successful is never easy.
But, what games are you good at?
David Kelly
>Let's pretend this isn't shit tier bait
I suck at games. I don't play them professionally. I play them for fun.
It's like telling someone they suck at walking because they don't have any Olympic medals for speedwalking.
Partially correct. It's like running in to a large social gathering and shouting "YOU SUCK AT VIDEO GAMES". Only the people that play video games are usually going to answer, and some are only going to answer to tell you you're right. Like yourself.
Ethan Flores
Disappointed by the small amount of Video Game content in images