is she still a queen of Yea Forums?
Is she still a queen of Yea Forums?
Kek who is this bitch?
nu fag
no way boxxy aged that much
new fag
A brainy little tart who graduated college years ago and has left Yea Forums behind.
LITERALLY WHO????????????456
A girl named Rose.
It's a boy
Blue hair Rose?
Thats a dude
that's trap
loli chan was our true queen. She understood Yea Forumstards
Yea Forumsree is the true queen, Rose is merely a pretender to the throne
What's rose look like these days
>Literally no one vs. Rose
Wew lad.
About the same. She posted a late ass Christmas special not too long ago. Still a dude. Still autistic.
Nah. She was all woman. Vagina and uterus.
>Being this much of a newfag that you don't recall the era of everyone debating if Bree has a dick or not in sixty threads a day
Wew lad
Rose isn't even cute, she's just a shy autistic girl