What are your plans for the summer user?

What are your plans for the summer user?

Here are mine;
> Either quit my job or work part time
> Spend my new free time working on a solo album (about summer)
> Going to try and record it in a studio
> Want to hire someone to play strings on it
> Spend time with a girl I've been hanging out with
> Seems like she likes me so hopefully it goes well
> Going to play WoW classic with my best friend every night

Overall I have a pretty comfy summer planned, and I hope it turns out like I want it to...

What are you going to do over the summer user? I hope whatever you do, It makes you happy.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

mine are boring
>wait for new music to come out
>stay inside playing vidya
>go out occasionally with friends
>go out to see some movies

That doesn't sound boring user, it sounds nice and relaxing.

literally nothing

Pretty hyped
>Take GF out to my fav beach
>Get my game out of alpha into beta testing
>Get a better part time job
>Work out
>Go to the zoo
>Celebrate my birthday

Not even waiting for a video game or movie to come out?

Sounds super comfy user, I hope it's nice. What are you doing at the zoo? How old are you turning?

I'm going to finally find a programming job.
I'm a good programmer and I've written a lot of impressive code compared to my peers (not many people with a BS in CS have written drivers or a non-toy HTTP server from scratch, for example), but I took a gap year after school and it turns out that employers really fucking hate that. It was my most retarded decision. Couple that with the fact that there are a TON of CS graduates pouring out of the US college system right now, and my situation looks grim. However, I'd be willing to work hard, long hours for 40k, whereas a ton of these kids are expecting 6 figures. I'm going to beat them by being capable yet cheap.

What is your game written in?
I should take my girlfriend to the beach, too.

Going out with my GF and a few close friends. Turning 24. Thanks user for asking

It's a generic RPG system for tabletop role playing so no coding required.

Oh, cool. I wrote a GURPS ripoff when I was ~12 and it fucking sucked. It turns out that designing games is hard.

I'm kinda smashing Riddle of Steel and World of Darkness together. Essentially have the light narrative play with the option of going heavier on combat. Excited to get told it sucks and having to rebuild it a few dozen times.

I believe in you user.

>Start a new work contract for $55/hr
>put all my money into bitcoin
>make music with ableton, start putting together an EP/album
>maybe start Djing again
>keep up sobriety
>try and make more friends in this new city
>jiu jitsu
>maybe buy a nanrobot scooter to zip around town on

> go to Sicily
> eat pizza to avoid to commit suicide.
> come back home as a fat version of Godfather.
> essere rispettato da tutti, minchia.

Ableton is the shit. What work will you be doing?

Ya it is, I make mid tempo

Im a web developer. Got laid off awhile back and was super picky but finally found a company that seems great.

I work mostly with react/redux/node

That sounds great user, good luck to you.

>be me
>be 25
>its summer
>work, college.
>suffer from both.
>whatever free time I get sleeping

Quit your job

>wont be able to pay for school
>wont be able to get higher paying job
>Ill still be miserable, but comfortable
>in crippling debt from bad decisions
>cant quit job, had 8 in the last two years, all jobs suck

What are you studying? What kind of summer classes?

>Spend free time on further developing my music skills
>some music festival
that's literally it

be an E whore for a sugar daddy

In short I'm going for I.T. but more specifically cyber security since I already have some things lined up for that field already.

>dad was a Microsoft technician
>taught me all he knew
>followed in dads footsteps
>dad, i want a computer
>hands me a box of computer parts and a case
>"you keep what you build"
>built my first computer, 1996
>it's a piece of shit
>ok dad it posts
>lol, now you need an operating system, faggot
>have fun
>obtain linux
>dad is bigmad his kid is a linux nerd and he was a microsoft fanboy
>kid surpasses father
>windows 10 comes out
>user, where is x, y and the start menu
>top kek

>not building his own OS

bump bump bump

goodnight all