Pitbul hate thread
Pitbul hate thread
Based thread
nah mang. my pup is part pit, and she's the most amazing dog ever. pits are good dogs, it's the owners and the inbreeders that are shit
Fuck pits
I hope u get ur face eaten off faggot
They all wrong. Pits are super sweet, mine is also half pit and couldn't have asked for a better dog.
Dogs of Peace thread
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you pitbulls
OP's a mad nigger who obviously got attacked by one like a little pussy.
Dogs of Peace
>pits are good dogs
there's a vid around of 3 black doggos attacking and oldie who appears to have fallen off a scooter. The vid is being taken by a guy in a car, who does nothing.
Those are tugous - indiginous Taiwan dogs. They're doing exactly what they were bred for, taking down big game by constantly flanking with the pack.
They haven't done this in more than 100 years in Taiwan, but there's those three who appear to have it in their dna.
pitts also have fighting in their dna. sooner or later, it appears.
Anyway, what fun is walking a doggo if you shit yourself everytime a small child gets near the animal.
So terrifying.
You have to be a real faggot to be scared of pitties.
You dumb meli
Guns don't look scary but skill kill people
pit don't look scary but kill kids all the time
it's called being smart you dumb meli
Dogs of Peace attack only bad guys
See, I find it's the guy wielding the gun that's the scary part.
Shit owner = dangerous tool.
Surprisingly, just like a dog.
You raise a dog well, it will behave well.
You raise a dog likea nigger, it will behave like a nigger.
>design a gun to kill, it will kill
>breed a dog to kill, it will kill
Okay sport.
When you finally move out the ghetto, you'll finally understand.
But we both know your dumb ass ain't ever getting out the ghetto. Hope your throat gets torn out.
It's your wallet, reputation and conscience on the line if your dog snaps, man. And how many owners have you heard of that said their dog was gentle before he attacked? A lot of insurers wont cover them. quotewizard.com
...is for children, and the weak-minded.
dont pretend you care about kids you fucking faggots
pitts are a mans dog
>the ghetto
What kind of retard thinks pitbull attacks all take place in "the ghetto",
wherever the fuck that is supposed to be?
Garbage dog for garbage people
GSDs are men's dogs. Not shitbulls.
Dogs of Peace are harmless
If you cant beat the living shit out of a dog you're a fucking faggot and if you let your kid get attacked by a dog you're a retarded nigger who shouldn't be a parent
>you're a fucking faggot
>you're a retarded nigger
no U
The funny thing is I work in Detroit and with 1 gay guy. The gay guy fucking defends pitbulls to the death as being good dogs. And all the niggers in the city own them. Ops meme is factually correct.
That's a bad picture to post to make your argument. Your dog looks like it's angry that it doesn't know what to bite
I shouldn't have to beat a dog to death.
>You raise a dog likea nigger, it will behave like a nigger.
All dogs are niggers. Me and some buddies spread special treats in areas with lots of dogs or where many people go to walk their dogs.
Sonetimes we hide and watch until a dog eats the special treat. We are always having a good laugh when the blood is dripping from their mouth. Sometimes we use a fast poison instead of razorblades. The dog starts sumbling and moaning and the stupid owners start crying for help. We then walk by and sometimes we knock the owner out and rob him or rape her.
Humans who own dogs are no people. They have zero rights always remember.
The ghetto is where ever you live, you fucking dog loving nigger faggot.
pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world, nobody likes them and its only shills and kikes that protect them
How dare you insult the Pit! They are a breed of peace.
>What kind of retard
Okay, *that* kind of illiterate urban redneck retard who can't
follow an online thread, because he can't figure out who posted what.
Doggo? Are you fucking retarded? Just say dog like a normal person
Edgy Boi alert. Make sure you don't cut yourself on all that fucking edge
Dogs of Peace attack victim
aside from their violent tendencies, those dogs are ugly as hell. who would even consider getting one except for white trash. I guess dogs really do take after their owners
Man, Fuck Pitbull
Dogs of Peace disfigure their victims