Why is she not considered the greatest MILF of all time?

Why is she not considered the greatest MILF of all time?

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because she only exists in the context of a shitty cartoon

Because dexter's mom

>shit artstyle
>shit animation
>shit writing
>mediocre voice acting
>shit character design (pringle nose? really?)

bbbbbbut she's a mommy!
yeah, no.

Because she has a fucking shark nose

literally more of a sex symbol

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because cartoons aren't real

i actually like the show.. the writing has gotten better over time

Her voice

I'm kidding, but like what other shows do you watch? You could do much better and still have a fucktonnage of seasons to choose from with a lot of other shows


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ive been here for years :p
i watch a lot of law and order lately. loved breaking bad, dexter, BoJack horseman, futurama, etc. idk family guy always cracks me up and ive grown up watching it so its funny to finally get the jokes i didnt understand when i was younger.
Hbu? what shows you like?

South Park > Family Guy

Because only jews like family guy. Fucking pervert.

they poke fun at jews all the time though

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We can stop the thread here. This is it.

Cartoon =/= real fucking retard incels now-a-days

Try The Venture Bros.
Bojack was refreshing, I did like that. Don't be afraid to watch older shows. 90's anime is timeless and unparalleled

The visuals is the thing that mostly disgust me in this show besides the fart jokes.I mean like the layout,Character designs,color palette are just so horrible and unappealing.I can barely watch one episode.I can't be the only one.

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oh i agree, venture bros is tight, inuyasha was my shit growing up and rewatched most of it about a year ago. cowboy bebop is timeless. any others you recommend?

visuals can be off putting at times the fart jokes make me roll my eyes but there is good humor underneath it all. Seth McFarland makes good shows and you cant convince me otherwise

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Cuz dbz exists

Morticia Addams, or Dexter's mom

hnnnnng don't fuck with the Mr. Peach man arc, funimation.
If you liked Takahashi try Lum: Uresie Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku.

Tenchi Muyo is high quality

>morticia addams
BIIIIG BRAIN confirmed

Hells yeah

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FLCL is dope too. Ill check out Tenchi Muyo

I admit the fart jokes are good is whats holding family guy but other then that this series is as generic as it can be.The stories/plot lines are a hit or miss depending on the episode,and is most of the time a miss.The visuals are the exact same as American dad and The Clevaland show and they are bad.They sometimes try to copy south park but always end up doing it badly and cringily.The only thing that it can do in that regard is just make fun of jews or some normie shit.When they tried to go in deep it just falls flat.They should just stick to fart jokes and plotlines that go nowhere.
Also a little extra I stop watching the series when Seth McFarland took offense to South Park making fun of them yet has no trouple making fun of Heath Ledger death and in the most horrible unfunny way possible.This is what I mean that they fall flat when they try to go the South Park style.This show is truly American Trash Entertainment and you can't convince me otherwise.

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what kills me are the cutaway jokes. so tiresome.

sadly the dub was kinda bad and never redone

Also the characters are all anoying.Literally every single character is just disguisting and uninteresting except for maybe stewie and Brian.This is something that South Park doesn't have and In fact we actually got mad when they kill Chef off.

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*blocks your path*

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I mean like look at this photo and compare it to the shitty art style Family Guy has.Which one honestly looks better?

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francine is god tier yeah

i thought there was a dimple on her teat but it was only a speck on my screen.
boner -50%


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Francine is better

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Samefag.This is a American dad,family guy,and Clevaland show Hate thread.

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Why do both these characters have a wildly slutty past? Both were rockstar groupies and probably have partner numbers nearing tripple digits.

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Marge is pretty hot tho

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First couple seasons of southpark>>>>>>>>>>>>familly guy>>>>>>>>>South park now

Blame Isaac Hayes for Chef getting killed. He threw a bitch fit when they made scientology jokes and quit the show. They just killed him off because recasting him wouldn't be the same.


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you wish. It ain't good, man.

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No no no nononoo noooooooo!

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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Which 90s anime?

getting cummed on, like the whore she is.

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notice how the artist rendered the hell out of that cum? family guy's artstyle is horrid.

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Marge Simpson/Thread

Pretty much this. You're autistic as fuck if you find Family Guy/Simpsons porn good.

Liquids are difficult to do, maybe the guy justs sucks at it. Here it looks better.

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