Rekt thread
Rekt thread
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fuck have no gifs
damn, ghost-rider ripped his arm off so hard it changed from right to left.
The hand hit was right, but the one that flops onto the boxes is a left
Isn't that the arm of the woman who ran away?
Thats one corny ass edit
Good, nobody wants GIFs.
come on, there's fucking paddding and she only fell 5 feet, she deserves that shit, what a pussy
>signage is in russian
What a stupid mother fucker. Holy shit
>What is a joke filename
oregon wont let you pump your own gas... i drove trough, as someone from california, and was blown away by how fucking pathetic the concept is.
They did away with that.
thats why you wear seatbelts
did he die?
when i lived there last year, biggest retard state in the union, the local high school was 'The Cavemen" they are literally proud of being subhuman
she forgot to drink milk
Nah he could be good, he just needs a aspirin or two
is this a bad way to die? when i an hero i plan on hacking my arm open
agree , dumb bitch
hate fags that turn away the camera instantly
Is this webm accurate?
what the hell blew up here?
> Car was being filled with nerve gas.
cars should be illegal in china, holy fuck people is really demented there
propane would be my guess
Someone doesn't know their left from right
ban infinity sedans, they keep killing people
MOAR plox
Just noticed they both lose an arm.
Its fake
lol, even more hilarious when someone from Oregon goes to another state. Just sit in their car, then whine (and even panic) when they're told that everyone pumps their own gas.
Oregonians are massive homoqueers.
LOL that probably hurt so bad
this dudes an absolute savage wow
was he committing suicide or did he just fuck up?
>he just fucked up
Why does shit like this always happen in Asian countries? Probably a narrower selection of countries but i cant be assed
I don't get it
commiting suicide
Fake as fuck.
Kids on phone...
My name is not Seymour
Because it’s fake fagtron
I was thinking that. People are dumb
did he die?
Its the dudes hand watch at two seconds. She comes away with her arm his explodes
Don't know. For all I know, the effects of nerve gas are pretty lethal.
He's taking a nap forever.
It's from a movie, you assfag.
Fuck me i understand why Asian people are labelled as bad drivers, how does this happen?
them gooks can't drive for shit.
How did he die? I didn't see them get hit or was that off screen?
Kek fuckin dumb cunt what he think would happen?
That he wouldn't die.
He fell asleep.
Guess he was wrong then
i like ones like these because you can see them crack into the machine
Low IQ combined with cars being a relatively new commodity in most Asian countries.
>jumps 20 feet in the water
I don't think so. FAKE
I love how one tried and the other one was like uh na you got this....
it doesnt even look that high, what happened to him?
undercurrent man, shit will drag you under fast
Just because i play with my ass doesnt make me GAY
She is so dumb...
heart stopped, or had a seizure
i think he broke his back from the fall. that bridge was really high up. if oyu're gonna do that, go feet first
But if I don't wanna break my feet?
water, concrete, nerve gas...
HAHAHA what the fuck did they thing was going to happen?
The fall on his back knocked him unconscious, combine that with the current and he basically drowned himself. Hence why rescue divers always make it a point to drop in feet first.
That they would be able to cross the street at that speed while carrying a milk jug.
Did he died ?
lol yeah it was soooo high. fucknut
Where's the one where the guy gets beheaded with a sword and you see him move his eyes after.
lol, this was at my local gym. She dislocated her shoulder and knee
what kind of gym keeps a rock wall?
Dude is a Chad even in death.
fucking jigaboos lmao
involuntary muscle movements of the eyes.
A bouldering gym....
bump for this. I wanna see
anyone here got the video of what seems to be surgery to the gums?
okay good point, those do exist
Looks like he's deep in thought.
No Fucking Helmet
Police brutality, yo!
They dindu nuffin!!
Get that fucker some smoke.
Honestly I thought they replaced all cops pepper sprays with a second gun, how old is this video
Rule #2 Double tap.
Double Whack
Fucking diamonds
I don't know why, maybe I'm just fucked up, but your goddamn comment made me laugh because there is no way to believe that, ironically, you'd find a clip of an event that transpired at your local gym.
What are the odds?!?! XD
The arm you see is from the driver. The arm from the lady walking out is off cam.
If everyone survives, we'd be over run.
Natural selection with a spackle of bad luck
Any gangrape vid?
take it with a grain of salt because i just remember reading it on here but the story was
she dumped him, he an heroed in her store right in front of her. didnt calculate that shooting yourself in the heart is a shit way to die
haha, fair - i'd be calling bullshit too. It was circulating on twitter a few months back when it happened.
Its called an anchor round you dipshit
Not really. You don't die immediately if your head is cut. It can take up to a whole minute.
Thats cool, thanks
Would've looked more real if they left the blood out
It was a good edit for the first part but the ending is what gives it away
Your whole life encapsulated into an instant
dat spatter tho
The fuck you mean, blacko?
She was a strong independent wimmin
people should really stop being on their phone while moving
Nah I don't think so, looking at it, it just looks like he caught one on the nose and taking a nap.
Like being knocked out in a boxing match
It's because they use Huawei phones.
Fucking spawn kills
Thank you
What's with the giant child?
>Or is it a toy truck?!?!?!
Aaawwwww. Mommy never said no to the little spoiled prince.
Everyone on /b has lots of gore but you never see any rape
She laughed it off as it almost felt like the real thing ya know the BBC thing
Dude probably died.
The stupid fuck operating is the reason for the accident.
Learn to ride you fuck up....
Sucks to be that pilot.
it's like she knew it was going to happen, that's why she lifted the child so the kid would live
clearly you.
Dude, he landed weird and got knocked out...
His idiot friends didn't save him and he drowned.
Didn't go wrong the way I expected...
Srsly man, I'm convinced that if you use ATGATT and ALWAYS ride with caution and situational awareness, you are actually safer on a motorcycle, since you are much more nimble and can easily make last second maneuvers if necessary.
They must've liked this guy. Clean execution. No fuss, little mess.
What a fucking pussbag. What has she gotten herself into?
i love you
Chad the cliff hanger ain't slippin
Beheading is a brutal way to die though.
Apparently you're still aware for a short while afterwards. I think electrocution or lethal injection are probably the best ways to die, since they immediately eliminate your perception.
What does that mean?
I genuinely don't know
THIS is the rekt I like
I guess I'm OK with seeing Chinese families get run over by trucks
I hate when fuckers start posting penis mutilation tho. How the fuck is penis mutilation "rekt"?
It was suicide you retard.
> she: you don't believe how i lost my virginity
>me: yes, i don't believe
Damm fuvking degenerate russians
Kevin Smith hates his critics.
What do you think...?
Can't you read, fuckboi?
All The Gear All The Time. It's the big thing they teach all the riders in America in the safety courses.
I pretty much wear head to toe gear every time I hop on the bike. When I'm lazy I'll skip wearing my boots, but not wearing a helmet is retarded. You literally fucking deserve to die.
she got him right between the eyes, the farmer even checks the spot.
he dead
He lost control of his bike and knocks his head on the ground when they fell.
I like the style of fashion the executer wears
Does anyone know if /b allows rape videos? And if not, why?
Ahhhhhh, see I do this too, but I have the sense to know it is practical to be geared up.
I've seen enough movies.
Thanks for the response.
hahaha. wow. that
Fuckin narb
rip Larry David :'(
he lost conscious before hitting the ground. probably a bullet
Thats not 20 feet. After a certain distance impacting the surface tension of water is the same as concrete my dude
Fake, they made the earth round.
>that fucking retard who keeps trying to get into the elevator
What the fuck is going through that guys mind?
First off...
Kick the fucker in the NUTS
Fucking hell. Never turn your back to an open door.
nigger. yes
I think he just happened to hit the water on his back and KOed
Also stupid beaners...bulls are color blind, they see red the same as blue you ignorant spics.
jumps at 0:14 lands at 0:16
that's at least 64 feet
"Oi man, are you gonna let me in? I need to get to the next floor."
>"Your full size Senko body pillow has just been delivered!"
this is why you shouldnt be stoned when operating heavy machinery
Gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 bro
The fuck did you get 64 feet from
I got 99 problems...
the slightest ding just destroys the entire companies stock...
maybe by the replacement shelves from somewhere else
I love how arabs react inn shit like this.
>how could this be happening?
>allah was protecting them
>hands on head to keep it from exploding
How does she not see the fucking car?
Fucking filename
I live in Taiwan, that's China. Still, I've seen shit that stupid here too. Walking strollers on the road with back to traffic. Jogging on the road with back to traffic, parking a stroller in the street as she goes in a shop. Too lazy to put the stroller on the sidewalk.
Honestly, Chinese kinda clueless sometimes.
Cos 'mods'
Wonder what he did to piss those guys off
Where did the water go?
China. Not even once.
19.6 meters
21.43482 yards
64.30446 feet
Chink detected
Are you chingchong?
being this retarded
then you tell me, how many feet is 19.6 meters
No one cares Island nigger.
the end part,kek
Salt bae?
Why do people let this kind of thing happen to themselves? If you're gonna die anyway, why not fight back, or at least make things as difficult as possible for the motherfuckers trying to kill you? Why cooperate?
accident on the highway and they stay in the middle of the tracks to see the damage? they are crazy
Im missing something here, why is the car spinning?
I thought this was India at first.
New jersey does it too. I moved from the tristate area to CA when I was 7, then up to Portland a couple years ago. Gave me flashbacks to childhood lol
Just open a door for Fuchs sake
Looks like the driver deliberately hit them.
>The fucking walking path.
you can't open the doors until the pressure equalizes.
Fucked up.. your have to wonder and I'm certain of it, that you would be conscious for at least a few seconds after that. Insane can't imagine it and wouldn't want to either
posted on the corner
Shopped in lol
This. Why the fuck?
Acceptance of your fate, only through confronting your inner demons and asking the Creator for forgiveness can you free your soul. Similar to Japs and Vikings. These people are not afraid of death when it comes to them. Only Jews fear death as is well known
What the actual fuck did I just watch
you think they didn't choose to be killed?
you think the people killing them didn't threaten their families?
maybe bitches will stop being so dramatic, he's better off anyway with an idiot like that, but alas, good pussy wasted
Did he dieded?
Don't let that meat go to waste
Who told you that? A dead person?
Fucking retards man
oh she's done done
every time i see this i lol
None of that makes any sense. I can understand that kind of reasoning from people who come from a culture that actually believes in that nonsense, but I see this kind of thing, cooperating with one's own murderers, happen even in the modern world, like the U.S.. Why would someone who knows that this life is likely all we get willingly go to their death at the hands of others?
All the more reason to fight back, to kill or injure as many of the monsters as you can. If they are willing to kill you for any reason, they will easily do the same to your loved ones for any similar excuse. The only answer is to fight back, because you and those you love are all going to lose everything anyway. Might as well make the monsters pay some blood for it.
The definitive proof that dogs are retarded?
Sorry but this is fake. You can see the same head with the same eye moving in another beheading video.
spoken like a true autist with nothing worth living for
nah he just twisted his ankle
Kick the car, that'll teach it
Watch divers. They angle their toes down to break the surface tension
Which part?
Care to explain?
kids 1995 I have no legs
Natural selection, i have no sympathy for these morons
Oblivion doesn't sound that bad, the way I see belief in God is that why not? Why not wear the seatbelt? Better safe than sorry. Literally nothing to lose and all to gain
nerve gas
i legit feel sorry for people in this situation, fuck man, machine chewed her up
everything, literally everything you say
Nothing to lose and all to gain by not only having your existence ended, but to have it ended by evil people who will go on to do the same to countless others? I can understand the apathy or suicidal ideation that leads one to care nothing for whether they live or die, but doesn't something in you scream out in rage at the evil of it all? Wouldn't you want to hurt or kill those seeking to kill you? And if not, why not? Is self-defense not both just and noble?
Care to explain?
Takes 10 minutes for the brain to die from lack of oxygen and blood.
and now for easily the worst rekt in the thread
lol fucking animals, and they wonder why everyone considers them shit, this was punishment in like real time
can't explain autism to the autistic.
you have 30 seconds of oxygen to your brain after your heart stops
Yes, you can. Or at least you can explain to me what you disagree with regarding what I said, and why you disagree. Dismissing my statements as autism accomplishes nothing.
Fuck you mane
and ten seconds to lose consciousness
Unlucky hit of the kerb, then the tire hit the ground in such a way that the suspension basically acted like a catapult.
theres nothing to disagree with.
you're just autistic. you just cannot understand or empathize with other people in different situations.
you yourself have admitted that you don't.
look up tafheet
Cannot understand or empathize with other people in different situations? What have I missed? What have I failed to understand? What have I failed to feel?
I'm 99.9% sure that's in France
Are you sure? There's stories that people have stayed conscience longer.
Hell, here's one that has a guy still responding to commands up to 30 seconds after being beheaded. Just because the average is 10 seconds, doesn't mean it's going to happen 100% of the time. Wouldn't it be fun to be the one who isn't average?
very satisfying to watch
you don't even know what the conversation that you started is about?
30 seconds.... 10 minutes... basically the same thing
This is how escalators in America will work after President Trump gets rid of all those confusing, job-killing safety regulations.
The conversation I started is about why people wouldn't do everything in their power to hurt or kill those trying to kill them, as I cannot fathom any reason not to at least try. I cannot comprehend why/how someone could just give up like that. It does not compute.
This now happens to the posters mom
Fuck this hurts my heart tho
Yep, dead.
ok. i want you to read what you just said, and then read the post you made before this one.. and realize why it was a stupid question
>pic related, you're OP
Alright, pretend I'm a child. Spell it out for me. What are you getting at?
Did it die?
But does that dude just have an entire pack of hunting dogs?
>I cannot fathom, I cannot comprehend, It does not compute.
>What have I missed, What have I failed to understand, What have I failed to feel?
Did they touch a rail? or a wire?
how so? i got high like that when i was young the girl looks around 12 or so. shit kids,now and days are having sex at rhat age. you may not like it but it happens
What I have been asking this whole time is for someone to explain to me the reasoning behind giving up, letting yourself be killed. I have no data to go on. So far as I am currently aware, there is nothing to understand. And yet people do it. So clearly there is data I am missing, perspectives and opinions I have never encountered before. That is why I ask what I have failed to understand, because clearly I have. Maybe, instead of assuming that someone is fucking psychic and thus able to instantly see what you see and know what you know without you telling them, it would be better to actually engage with someone trying to ask honest questions out of genuine confusion and curiosity. How am I supposed to understand something that no one is willing to try and teach me?
Fucking mom of the year egh?
i already did but you seemed to have missed it.
you don't have anything worth dying for so you will never understand.
Fucking potato
You can time the fall and kniw exactly how high it was, and how fast he hit the water.
You're right. I have nothing worth dying for. What I have are things worth LIVING for, and a fiery vengeance towards anyone who would dare try to rob me of those things. If I'm going to have my life taken from me, I'm going to cause as much harm to those enemies as I physically can before they end me, because they deserve to suffer and die for what they mean to do to me. Give up? Give in? Why? What do I gain from doing so? What good is done by doing so? And don't say "loved ones in danger" again, as I've already refuted that. If I'm being murdered, so are my loved ones. We should fight back, and if possible, do so together.
and i've already refuted your refutation.
Nobody is staying conscious at zero blood pressure
Its bullshit user
Not any more. Half pack at best
Never once did you even address it.
Stop posting fuckhead
Why? I am willing to chance the possibility that I am being trolled for the slim possibility that I might actually learn something. I've always wondered why people just give up and stop fighting back against evil, and someone in this thread responded to my question. I'm hoping for an answer, and continuing to try for one costs me nothing.
actual autism
Because you're retarded and screeching like a monkey should be embarrassing for you