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Attempting suicide is not an indicator of mental illness. If anything it’s an indicator of sanity and realism about a situation.

Says the mentally ill tranny.

Says the autistic straight male.

that is what that means tho that's text book homie whether its the gender dysphoria that causes the depression that makes you not feel fulfilled or not its still mental illness

Trannies, fags, dykes, etc are human garbage.



You know normal people should consider suicide too. It's not just for the mentally ill

mental illness causes suicide what are you on about

You need to learn how to spell

yikes nice rebuttal cringe lord

Life is a mental illness

Says the butthurt mentally ill tranny.

It wasn't a rebuttal

You got that right, it was pathetic.

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They’re just more “out of the system”, yall linking it to mental illness but it can easily be that they’re generally treated more like shit, plus you must evaluate in terms of $$$ and lifestyle
Ps im in no fap mode and im dying, any advice?

What was pathetic was how horrible your spelling is.

Dare I call you a nigger?

No they're mentally ill

You mean you’re, dumbass.

Cracka ass cracka.

we all mentally ill foo

Good i hate Fags.


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You don't have to tell me twice. I know you're all mentally ill

It’s all in the perception of others
You dont know that, you’re probably a monkey

>what was pathetic was you are spelling
Nice try dumb dumb

wasn't even my post dummy

the suicide rate of everyone has gone up significantly, not just lgbt people.

In fact, incels are killing themselves- and after you get past the pepe reaction images, most of you in the alt-lite/alt-right want to follow your leader adolf really bad.

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You're still a retard

I don’t see a problem tho
there’s too many of us anyway

okidoke cant wait for you to be a number on that chart incel

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Wait, life can't be boiled down to a set of memes?

Who knew???

hoes mad

Listen to how stupid you sound

Idk are hoes mad?

you breathing heavy yet? I bet you're super angry

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Physical reproduction should be prime example that sticking your dick in another man's ass is incorrect. Abnormalities, genetic defects and trannies are examples of natural selection at it's best, the weak and unfit genes will not reproduce... Survival of the fittest.

I came here to make fun of transvestites, but I'm making fun of illiterate morons instead. Win win

I'm not a hoe


What the fuck are you even trying to see, you idiot?

> there's too many of us anyway
So why don't you off yourself?

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There are very few. That is too many

Gays need to sit the fuck down and shut up. Tired of my movies, TV show and news flooded with their

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If it's just dysphoria and bullying then why do the rates not change for post op? Perhaps because theyll never pass and thinking they ever will is a mental illness? But oh yeah let's blame literally everyone else for insane dudes cutting off their dicks and offing themselves because no one will fuck their inside out scrote bag franken pussy