>Be walking inside Walmart >See incredibly hot girl like 9/10 10/10 walk from parking lot into store. >Kind of walk into the same area she's in. I have a cart, she doesn't. >Notice she is carrying several things. >I walk up to her and offer her my cart. >She goes, "Ok." >We start a conversation. I make her laugh. Talk about how I give massages, etc. I ask for her number. >She gives it. >I call her so that she has my number. >I see her iPhone ring, so I'm certain I have her number.
>Go home and text her a pic of myself from my Google voice number, letting her know I'm the handsome guy she met at walmart and that this is my number for texting. She responds, "Sorry, doesn't ring a bell." >I go. "Weird, I saw my number ring from her phone, but okay, she probably doesn't know her number, she seemed kind of dumb. I had to give her my shopping cart."
>I'm bugged and decide to find out if it's really not her... or if she was playing me.
She was fine carrying her bags. I'm sure she's aware of shopping carts. She didn't want to be rude but clearly wasn't interested. You creeped her out by not only offering her a shopping cart, but talking about how well you give massages.
She probably felt uneasy about giving you her number but since she knew you were going to call her to verify it she thought she could just talk her way out of it later.
She knew who it was who was calling, and tried to pretend she didn't know you because again she was creeped out by you and didn't know how else to get rid of you.
You were trying to play her. She knew you were creepy. Don't try to pick up women at wal-mart that way, and if you happen to talk to someone, don't immediately jump into massage talk. Save that for a 2nd or 3rd date.. assuming you get there.
Xavier King
Anthony Perry
op here, bumping. sorry give me a minute
Julian Sullivan
This user is likely 100% correct.
I saw the red flag too when you talked about massages. Immediate creepy thing to bring up in wrong context
Carson Campbell
> she was creeped out by you but gave you her number anyway > didn't immediately block it
Elijah Parker
i know this girl irl shes from nc. initals mc . i may drop some in the nc thread
Jack Cox
probably forgot or didn't want him to show up again and say "did you accidentally block me?"
Matthew Howard
Why is she incapable if just being upfront in your mind?
Dylan Adams
Being so bluntly honest makes anyone uncomfortable.
By not being so direct, it helps both of you save face in public.
Oliver Rivera
Maybe because she wasn't sure if you'd attack her if she was brutally honest?
She was trying to de-escalate the situation in the least confrontational way possible.
Michael Powell
Guys do a thing now where they call immediately to make sure it’s not a fake number.
Girls are too afraid to give fake numbers.
It’s much easier to just give creeps like OP the digits and then block or ignore them later than to deal with some unhinged incel face to face.
Dylan Reed
OP here. I'm back.
ok, >so I was bothered about this girl saying she didn't recognize me. >so I decide to call her voicemail via slydial (a service that skips the ringing and goes straight to voicemail) >I call her voicemail and it's her voice answering confirming her name Lexi >I text her back these exact words:
Logan Fisher
she knows he won't attack her. yall in public lol. only cray cray ppl attack you, and that's rare.
Quit stalking her you dumb cunt. It's over. It never was.
Ian Gutierrez
>lol, I just called your voicemail. It says Lexi on it. You're such a bimbo. haha. All you have to say is, "Hey! I'm not interested. kthx." >Then I admit to her I was only interested in her ass >Send her a dick pic that got me laid 4 times >No response >So I decide to call her on Friday or Saturday night from MY OTHER NUMBER to go to the bar >Try to call her from my other number, but it goes straight to voicemail. >Try my google voice number. goes straight to voicemail. >Try several times to call her and it always goes straight to voicemail.
Isaac Jackson
>Frustrated. >Get on my THIRD number. which is another randomass google voice number with no voicemail or anyone knowing about it >decide to text her. >sup lexi >she responds: Hi whos this? >me: sorry wrong number >I wait...
>She texts back: This is lexi. sorry. i got a new phone. who's this guys, this girl is fucking drop dead gorgeous. so i want to get a pic of her >So i text back >sorry, i don't know which lexi this is. send some pics >she goes: nahh >I go: Yeah, wrong number >she goes: thought so >i wait...
Ian Harris
>I decide to man up and call her from ANOTHER number just from my gmail to see if it actually rings and to know if she had actually programmed all my other numbers to go straight to voicemail. >I call on my PC, and what do you know, it fucking rings. >She picks up right away... and goes, "Hello?" >I'm confused and think it's her voicemail again >She keeps asking: Hello? >I hang up.
1. Hot girl laughs at my jokes, agrees to hanging out. 2. Gives me her number. 3. Then suddenly responds that she doesn't recognize who I am. 4. Blocks both my numbers.
Why do women do this?
Why give me her number in the first place instead of going through all this trouble?
Sebastian Garcia
This cant be real, my god you are a tremendous faggot
I'm probably 5 or 6/10 in the face. 8 or 9/10 body.
My hair is long though. In a ponytail. need to get it cut.
Nolan Garcia
I tell strange bitches all the time that I'll massage them. The really fat ones are into it. I don't massage though, or fuck, I just don't respond.
Nathaniel Ortiz
Have you seen ted bundy? That shit don’t matter when you have no social skills
Gabriel Morris
So you immediately talk about yourself and she gives you a pity laugh and her number so she doesn't have to deal with the random massage offer you probably only talked about her body
Anything else i'm missing OP?
Cameron King
That's very creepy that you'd harass this woman with multiple phone numbers and whatnot, but fuckin hilarious.
>she gives you a pity laugh and her number She damn sure won't make that mistake again
Brandon Campbell
You fucking called her number 10 seconds after she gave it to you you fucking pathetic fuck.
Hudson Gutierrez
kek jesus this guy is a major faggot and the best part is how clueless he is to that fact also, how do you set up and use google numbers? never did that before
Jaxon Hill
the fact that y'all took the bait SO EASILY proves that Yea Forums is soft.
Jace Bennett
Your a fag and a retard. Her response completely makes sense.
Justin Baker
what the fuck did i just read
Ryan Turner
Bitch, remember the part where you called her a bimbo and were just interested in her ass? Thats right, you are a pathetic beta that has no social skills, its literally not her fault. Who knows how creepy you were at the Walmart. She dodged a fucking bullet.
Liam Rivera
>take 1/1000 chance of being maimed, stalked, acid-attacked, run over, rape/murderv& by an angry incel >or take 0/1000 chance by satiating him with a number for the moment. l2expectedvalue
Grayson Johnson
If a random cunt forced his shopping cart in me and then continued to call me from what 4-5 different numbers I would be distancing myself too. Nigga you're a fucking psychopath take a hint.
Blake Howard
Be a Yea Forums soft faggot to my ass
Hudson Johnson
No u
Elijah Campbell
Women get scared. I’ve got girls numbers in the gym before that have been in a relationship. The last one was really cute and after I text her she told me the truth. She said she was intimidated so she gave me her number but she’s actually in a strong relationship. I said, ok sorry for bothering you and moved along.
She likely didn't want raped and murdered by some incel. So she diffused the situation.
Bentley Cook
No yuuuu
Liam Ramirez
I don't know what's the real bait anymore: This post or these replies.
Lucas Powell
No u
Jace Bell
No u
Adam Roberts
Nah matey you
Michael Smith
i beg to differ. i just nailed three 10s in the past year...
Mason Torres
no, you idiot. i called her right as she gave it to me, so she had it in her phone
Jack Perez
Of course you did ... You're just a regular nail gun You should get your head read before this problem manifest leading you to conduct a mass shooting provoked by all the "10s" who blocked your number after approaching them at wallmart... KYS seriously save the lives of those poor people.
Isaac Campbell
I just kept trying, man.
I literally went to night clubs and scraped 10/10s as much as i could last year.
Jayden Scott
Read how to be a 3%.man
Jeremiah Perry
Yeah of course you did buddy that's why you are sitting on B bitching like an incel,
You are unstable seek help
Matthew Evans
You are a creepy mother fucker dude. You make women uncomfortable. Probably creep your own mother out. Doubtful you even have close male friends. But only because you make them uncomfortable as well. You are very similar to a visible skin rash. Weird to look at. Wish you'd just go away. Irritating as fuck when around
Nathan Campbell
Lexi's side of the story.
Some fucking fedora, neckbeard, basement gentleman, told me a shit joke and randomly forced me to take his shopping cart. He then wouldn't fuck off until I gave him my number, he fucking leered at me whilst he called it to check I gave him the right number. He was a really creepy bastard who referred to himself as handsome. I have started to receive calls from 6 different numbers since that fucking weirdo followed me into Wal-Mart. I am going to report this whole thing to the police so I don't end up in his mom's basement like the rest of his victims.
Wyatt Collins
dude, if this is your game there's 0% chance you've ever gotten with a 4/10 let alone a 10/10. Anyone with even a little bit of self preservation; not respect PRESERVATION; would turn and run from your creepy ass. How much do you drink at the club? might have a case of beer goggles making you think you're scoring way higher than you are.
William Baker
>immediately meets girl at walmart and tells her you want to give her a massage >calls her a dumb bimbo >sends her a picture of your dick >stalks here from several different fake numbers
Next time, if I may make a suggestion. Read her number back incorrectly. If she likes you or pays attention, she'll correct your mistake.
Owen Kelly
Nathaniel Lewis
I actually DID get the number wrong and she corrected the area code I guessed wrong. I guested the area code right, then she gave her first numbers after the area code, so I asked if that was her area code, she said no.
This story has more amendments than OP has had "nailed 10's"
Jose Davis
Can you post a picture OP? Block out your face of course, but we want to know what we're dealing with here
Michael Allen
wait, so you called her from a second number to begin with?
you are a fucking retard. that is sketch to begin with
>She responds, "Sorry, doesn't ring a bell." A million reasons for this, from her BF is sitting there, to being stoned when you texted her or whatever.
Show the screencaps of the conversation faggot.
>decide to man up >call her from ANOTHER number
this is clearly bait. post caps
Camden Adams
Make it so! you could be the next Ted Bundy! High hopes my friend high hopes.
Julian Cox
I was literally fucking thinking this...
Aaron Bailey
>I gave you a shopping cart, now let me give you a massage in return! >hey Lexi, it's the stud from Walmart, here's a picture of me in case you forgot in the time it took me to drive home, even though I already gave you my number >rather than picking up on your obvious signals you're not interested, I'll be even creepier and hope that works! >hey Lexi you're a bimbo and I'm just interested in your body >here's a picture of my dick to seal the deal >still no answer? I guess I'll repeatedly call and text you from multiple different numbers >I start off text convo [again, not from the number I went awkwardly out of my way to make sure you had] with "sup Lexi", then say I don't know which Lexi you are and ask for your picture >jk wrong number (?) >still don't get the very clear message you have been sending me this entire time so naturally I call you again from a 5th number >how dare she not make it more uncomfortable than it needed to be by shutting me down as soon as I asked to give her a massage! Get help.
Henry Stewart
OP, if being a rapist is your "pitch"it should come as no surprise this girl thought you were creepy as soon as you offered her a massage out of the blue after giving her a shopping cart in a Walmart