Family Fap Thread: Resurgence

Family Fap Thread: Resurgence

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Sister, interest?

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Great ass

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Daughters please

Any femanons have pics of family that they fap to?


Anyone have some green texts?

Spycam of my sister. I'll trade more of her for tributes on kik. Kik ohsn4ps

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I have a bunch of her pics saved. Have fapped multiple times. Show something new please


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1 2 or 3

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3 for sure

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Do you factor her yourself?

Do you fap to her yourself?

Tell us about your aunt.Have you got to do anything with her? Make out? See her naked?


Damn shes hot asf, do you have moar?

Post more here for us to trib first


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shes super sexy. ive only ever laid in bed with her once

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Did you “accidentally”. spoon her or take any other liberties?

Dem, nice legs! how old is she?

More. What if you were clothes

most def i kno she felt my hard on even tho i was like 13

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With fewer clothes


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She couldn’t really say much or do anything. How old are you now?

I love dirty comments on my bbw mom


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Have any of her cumming

Keep em coming bro!
Do you have anymore pics of her's legs?


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Fucking more




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Hit me up on kik with a tribute and I'll send some uncensored pics. Cum on her face and I'll send video. Kik ohsn4ps

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So hot

Yeah, she is hot
Can you post more? Btw how did you got that photo?

Her phone

Fucking hilarious right there.
Stupid nigger bitch doesnt know the difference between melanin and melatonin.
If she only had a brain...

Do you have more pics?

Holy shit
Moar pls!

Sister on right

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My sister, want my cock down her throat

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My cousin

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Fuck me more

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moar shes hot

Damn your sis has such good dsl


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Nothing worthwhile to tribute yet.

On right again

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I would pound her hard

Yep, would love to feel them around my cock and for her to deepthroat me, I know it’s wrong since she’s my sister but she’s so hot

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Me too

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Fuck me too. I would to watch her suck with that pretty face

How old?

45 ((remove the extra dot.))

Shitposting Yea Forums autistic server with no rules. Post whatever you want!

Nudes, Yea Forums Memes, NSFW, VC, Megalinks, Voila, Dropbox, Kik swap, Nude swap, Porn swap, Snapchat, pornchat etc

You can even get Mod just for being active!

>More to come soon

Have you ever tried something with her?

Tried to feel her tits

Sounds like a dream

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Cool, how did she reacted?

My sisters ass and legs drive me wild, when we were younger we used to do stuff but it stopped when she was like 12, I wish we still had it

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You’re legal now. Now if you could only get in bed with her again. Do you think it could lead to sex?

Omfg that ass.

Jesus more of that ass

I was pretending sick, I did feel them

Fuck a tight body too


"would" love?
More like will love

Let's see those hot daughters.

Her ass on right

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Noice, she has some great tits

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How do you manage user?

THEY feel good also

Super cute would fuck her !
Post more hot pics

Mmm Id lick and fuck that thicc body

Fuck i would split roast her with you

Green text ?

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Do you have any of her ass?

Lol, I’m mostly not thinking of her sexually unless I’m horny, mostly I use her panties, bras or heels to jerk off with if I’m really craving her

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No but will get

Older sister

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Lol bet you get horny often


Jesus rock hard

You are so lucky. She is hot big sis

Any full body pic? Or one that shows hers legs

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Made her tits bigger a year ago making me diamonds thinking about her since

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My sister has really bad self esteem issues and anxiety etc, caught her crying over it once and told her I thought she looked great etc, she was 19 and a virgin at the time and said that no guy would ever be interested in her.

I said that’s not true and if I weren’t her brother I’d totally bang her while jokingly nudging her, she said it didn’t make a difference whether we were related or not and started giving me a blowjob. I first pushed her head away but gave in after since I was so turned on by the taboo of what was happening.

She swallowed and started crying even harder than she was before after that. She’s on pills now and nothing more has ever happened but she’s still self conscious I think.

>pic of her, couldn’t get one without Snapchat filters, I guess she uses them because she’s insecure too

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Fuck you seen her new titties? That ass and face is killer too

I'm fappin to her nice face !
More nudes and body pics please

When she’s around the house wearing panties and a bra I’m rock hard

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Would u share your pretty sis with friends?

Fake asf

On the pill means you should be trying to fill that up.

Fuck she needs to be pounded

Wish had more nudes

Diamonds she has it all

Sadly not
Sure wtf

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Your family is for love and support, not sexual pleasure, user.

My oldest sister used to come into my room and dry hump my leg/crotch area when I was 10 and she was 13, I had no clue what she was doing but I liked it so I let her do it. Was also as far as I can remember the first time I got a boner, she used to rub herself while she did it

To be honest it’s basically molestation but since I liked it I don’t care lol, she’s extremely hot now and wish she’d do it now

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We should fuck her face and tits. Shes gonna love my cum all over her body

Not fake but okay
Not the pill anxiety pills lmao , has since dyed her hair too I have no fucking clue why, I though she looked better blonde

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Wish I could do it myself

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How old you?

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I bet that ass bouncing on your cock

Both my sisters: sally (left) and Gemma

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Love this teen ass

Would be perfect for her to ride me as I see her tits go up and down as she moans my name

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Okay heres the plan Yea Forumsro, Blackmail that slut into worshipping your cock and post results!


Post more of her wanna se everythings

Think she could be teasing you, user?


How old is she

So a few weeks ago, I made a fatal mistake. I was hanging out with some friends of mine and my little sister dropped by to pay me a visit. Say hi, the normal stuff.

My friends, the perverted assholes that they are, immediately started hitting on her. After she left, they all started talking about all the things they'd want to do to her.

Cut to today.

I woke up from a nap and realized something wasn't right. My body, it had transformed. My friends had dosed me at brunch with some XChange and it turned me into my little sister!!

Now I'm sitting here hoping the pill wears off soon. The pill didn't just turn me into my little sister but also made me crave.... Certain things. Male things. Things a guy like me shouldn't be craving

I'm holding out. Sitting here in this tight petite teen body trying to avoid seeing anyone

You're my [pick a role] and I trust you. You wouldn't take advantage of this pill and what it did to me

Hit me up to help me. The Kik i set up for this is xchangevictim

Gemma on left at Sally’s 18th bday party

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Sally is nice

Haha man I don’t reallt want to do anything with her, but it’s a nice fanatasy, especially not into blackmailing her, don’t want her to hate me

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Doubt it, it’s only on hot days and that can be pretty often in Australia

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That's a really good spy cam, what did you use?

She’s on right here

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Stfu the fuck up

At least you're posting human girls instead of greasy, hairy spics. I feel like Jane Goodall looking at those pics.

That’s literally fucking gay

Ahh true

Wow. More please

Not sure what you mean by that haha

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My aunt and cousin, I know I post them here a lot

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What do you want more of

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Anything. I love her smile maybe more of that. Or anything more revealing also. Surprise me

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Just a spycam app on my phone

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sexy af moar


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My sister has the best DSLs I’ve ever seen, would love for her to sensually duck my cock

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Want to drop a load on my sisters tongue or coat her pretty face

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I may or may not be in love

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Her pretty face is made for blowobs

*quack quack*

Don’t blame you

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Don't stop posting your mom! She's fucking incredible!

Without a doubt
Haha I knew someone would comment on the spelling mistake

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Can I just get everything to be honest?

I only have a few more pic but will post all I have

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Last one

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My sister, have came on her while she slept, wiped it down after though

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Thank you

My sister, like?

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... sorry couldn’t resist

Still a hottie though

Which one?

Here’s more of her

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any greentext stories?

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pierced nipples?

She is so pretty. I bet she loves sucking cocks

My cousin, she's like 2 years older than me and we've done stuff when we were younger

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sis, making me cum buckets

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lets see some more?


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my aunt

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Chur butha. Gotta ciggy for a burn on your sista ow g?

Sis. God i would love to blow a load inside her

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I've got an ass pic of her somewhere on my phone

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older sister

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There ya go

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Holy shit. Lickable

my mom

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I've got more but I got to get some Z's

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Hi guys this is my sister, I have more if you want

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Let's see more of this slut

Not the user you're replying to here, but you can't just spring sex on her the first night. Maybe night 2 or 3 so it doesn't seem rushed or weird.

Another tip would be to get her drunk/really tipsy. Not for fucking cuz I'm pretty sure taking advantage of a drunk chick is rape, but just drunk to get into bed to just lie with you.

last one

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got any stories?

Yes but now it's late for me im tired so just pics

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Check weather report
Wait for really hot day
Jerk off in your room with the door unlocked or the bathroom with the door unlocked
If she's teasing you then you'll know, if not then just be like "Dude wtf" and play it off

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Such nice trash


Post your kik if you’re interested in real sister wins. Can prove if needed.

mom, guess age

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Prove away


43 so hot

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Nice bod

Fuck me killer legs too. Post more.

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Your mom is a hot slut


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So hot


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Damn. What's the farthest you've gone with them?

I want to destroy your mom. She know you fap over her?

post that shit homie

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I forgot to tag my own post lol
I've licked her cunt after taking this in our backyard.

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Damn. Done anything else with her?

she caught me

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Did she help you?

I want to her throat her and cum on those tits

i was 15
got the single mom talk
its perfectly normal etc, your dad would explain it better, you need a girlfriend

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She have alot of men over?

not really
shes way to protective tbh to slut around me

Damn i want her bad

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sadly nothing too great, I've played with her tits and ass before and shit was like pudding
she's played with my dick too but nothing more than that.

Fapping hard to your mom user. She is so hot

god bless doc who prescribed her some sleeping aids when she had few crap weeks at work and couldnt sleep

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next pic is last one i got and the crown jewels

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Where did you cum user

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Just nutted

This is my sister message her on Kik saying all the dirty shit u wanna do to her she's such a fucking thot
Her Kik is EsmeWinter

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butt and helped myself with her soft hands
every time she breathe slightly harder gave me heart attacks

Tell me about it...

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Lets see her ass


Damn you do it often. So fucking hot


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only did it when she was taking the sleeping pills


Bet her ass was so good

Interested in my sis? I fap to her often

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How often. Wwyd

Wwyd? Hard for me to be around her

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Love to slam her anal and finish in her mouth

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Used to fap to her often. There was a hole in the wall between our bedrooms so I would watch a lot. Let her catch me fapping and cumming sometimes. Even had her pics on my screen when she walked in sometimes lol

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Hot what did she do?

Her ass is made for it

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Watched me sometimes. When I had her pics up she was shocked then laughed and told me to enjoy myself before she walked out. Saw her getting fucked a lot including some three ways and groups

Omfg yes it is amazing

Did you ever finish while she watched? She dp?

Have you ever tried something with her?

Yes and yes. She watched me cum several times. Usually when we were drunk

Had a few hand jobs and one blow job. She used to get really drunk and stuff just happened

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I would nut in her mouth

I did when she blew me. The other times she tugged me onto finishing over her face. Might continue if there's another thread. I'll look out if any anons post her pic and request

green text?

Sure. This thread about to die though


Hard to not grab her when she's showing off

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>Be teen me
>House party with fellow anons
>Cute girl there I spend hours trying to fuck
>Get denied
>Horny and drunk. Fuck
>Decide to head home
>Sister out with her friends clubbing
>Decide to fap
>Sister comes home soon after. She's really drunk
>Decide to let her catch me fapping because fuck it
>She walks in and sees me stroking it
>Giggles and sits on the bed
>She starts drinking ranting about guys being idiots
>I'm still fapping slowly
>Tell her I'm kinda busy here
>She laughs
>Looks me in the eye and reaches her hand over
>Doesn't break eye contact
>Grabs me in her hand
>Looks at me questioningly
>I nod
>She moves down to her knees
>Takes me in her mouth
>Best drunken blow job I've ever had
>She deep throats me until I nut down her throat

Holy dude, i wish i was that lucky

She likes cock. She even let our dad see her nude dildoing herself after I dared her to lol

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