I really wanna suck dick right about now. Pic is me. I’ve never done something like this before, post dick pics or something idk. I can provide proof or take more pics if you want.
I really wanna suck dick right about now. Pic is me. I’ve never done something like this before...
take more pics
What do you wanna see?
Tits or gtfo
You’re curious big deal. Download Grindr and talk to some guys. Don’t do anything sketchy like get into some dudes car, much less of it’s dark and you cant see who’s driving/how many people are in the car. Inspect the dick. Don’t even put it in your mouth if there are sores or warts or moles. Oral stds are a thing. Have fun, be safe, go at your pace
Where do you buy that dildo
Ive been on grindr, its been fun. I only really used it when I was living in a bigger city, but now that im back in a smaller town, theres no one here. I hooked up with a guy last april and it was great, but havent gotten any since then. :/
I got it off amazon for like 20 bucks I think. It feels really weird without lube on it tho.
Idk man, just search for dildo and go nuts
I meant what region
Oh. Lol. Im from america
it really doesnt matter just post some lol
Show ass.
post pussy
this boy does have some dick sucking lips too
Stick that dildo between your tits
No one can tell if ur m-user or femanon kek
mouth open with tongue out
>what happened to your face ?
this isn't grindr faggot
No shit where in America it’s a big fucking country
Were all hoping male
Nothing wrong with a dude wanting to suck a dick, but OP looks like he's 12. GTFO underagebait
you ever slide that bad boy up your ass? or are you just into mouth play
Thank you!
I like it that way.
You got it.
Ps, sorry the letters are scribbly, it was hard for it to show up on camera
Im actually 20 but i know i loom way younger. Lmao
I can’t cum without penetration so. Heh.
Just my mouth? No dildo?
ye just mouth
slide that dildo up your ass
With dildo
I have some doubts. You look young as hell OP. If you wanna know why look at the pics you've posted. It makes me wonder if you are attracting pedoanons.
Here ya go ~
know how to do an ahegao?
even if you dont want to show your whole face, i'd appreciate the expression, show as much as you want.
also double peace signs for maximum lewd
ty. i wanna cum on your tongue.
Id post my id but this is Yea Forums, and there is no way for you to believe me that I am infact 20 so. Whatever. I dont care tho, i like my young looks!
I’ll... try!!
I would like that
Hm? Maybe op is a femanon Perhaps it's a trick of the light from how the shirt went. If femanon tits or gtfo. If manon suck that dildo like a hungry whore.
Now putt your dildo between your tits
ooo if you're taking requests, this one next please :>
focus on soles+ass
Let’s see that dildo do work
"focus on soles"
foot fag
This is about as far as I can get it down, I’ve only sucked like 4 dicks in my life orz. Tried to throw in a peace sign tho!
great work detective, did you figure that out because of my words or the fucking picture of the feet?
Make a discord or something dude and post it
i refuse to believe there's a penis lurking in there somewhere until op shows it
I only have boxers so I gave myself a wedgie trying to pull this off. Man that hurt my back!! Hope youre happy tho lol
hes a fucking dude faggot
Ur 100% trans-user, correct?
Idk. I think making a throwaway discord would be too much work and my normal discord isnt too hectic but would there be any harm in making a discord ??
very cute, im absolutely gonna nut while thinking about you thanks op
user, it looks like OP answered what their sex is.
Sure! I don’t have a foot fetish but I dont see the harm in doing so as long as i dont find it nasty haha
his...her...? words mean nothing
unless i see a weenie, im still fapping
and if i do see a weenie, im probably still gonna fap
Crap u right
this one next please :>
feel free to ditch the boxers
I mean if you already have a discord post that, or use a throwaway to vet us into your main one
o shit sweet trips me
might be easier if you want to take a few of these in one batch
this one if you have a mirror, also barefoot, no socks >:L
Kikes got another one...
Fair enough, ill set that up rn
I dont have a mirror sorry! But ill do the first pic you requested!
fags have been around since the beginning of humanity
get over it retard
I got a leg cramp taking iff my boxers lol
Girls are so flexible idk how they do all these thot pics
Im all new to this so its very weird to me
damn that's a nice ass
what are the chances we get to see your pipi :>
Little to none, sorry! I’m kinda shy.
I made a discord
Pls no illegal shit
Very nice
for discord it's usually
footfag guy here btw
here's another pose if you're still up for it
you can fill in the banana for something else
dumb ass thats the server code
Faggot that's user tag
is the server code you absolute baboon
Oh I know! Thats the server code. My name is whoknows#2053
I just grabbed whatever was close to me, so have a water bottle
Lol youre fat
Im 170 pounds, i think the angle is just weird!
Your feet are the most disgusting thing I have seen in my whole life. Please cut your toenails.
Which state?
Arizona, but moving to Tennessee soon
>sees America
>"lol fatty"
Slutty lips.
You were born for this.
Do you have any girly underwear?
Requesting more ass pics
what are your nipples like? fairly masculine or?
I can try and borrow some but im not sure how girly they are. Thank you for the complement tho ~
One moment!
Theyre pink and squishy
ever had a dude suck on your nips? if they're squishy and not overly rough or masculine, i'm sure you'd love it
also post pic pls
You don't say.
Found some on the laundry room lol
Ive had guys suck on them but it doesnt really do much for me
that's a shame
post em?
Id rather not, im kinda sensitive about em
op, why are you pretending to be a cis boy on b?
I would love to have a pet like you.
Can you do this pose for us? No need to be naked if you don't feel comfortable.
holy fuck that ass drives me insane
have any more in those briefs?
I honestly have no idea how to TAKE that pose, i dont have a selfie stick and take pics with my ipad. Sorry. I can try?
Why dont you come fuck me to find out if im cis or not huh?
Btw. Server still going with a pics channel with all that ive posted here: bedHfgn
Timed photo, prop the iPad against something
>Why dont you come fuck me to find out if im cis or not huh?
post your penis and i'll see if you have enough meat to satisfy me big boy
Took my own spin on things. Hope you like!
super hot
that bulge is making me feel feelings :x
I love everything about this picture
But it would be at least 14% hotter is you showed the soles of your feet in it.
how old are you?
Thank you!
I tried. Kinda hurts, but i tried.
Ive said it twice in this thread, but I’m 20!
show your cock please
Do people around you know you are a little faggot who loves to be worshiped?
No, I dont think so. But now im blushing. Thank you
Get some lewd underwear and shave yourself completely. You will be the newest most desired little whore around here.
Trust me I know about gay shit.
So much potential.
Get some lingerie.
No one asked but I put on some thigh highs. Theyre kinda itchy (wool)
Sorry these all keep posting sideways mxksmxk
Can you show your hole?. I guess it's really pink.
I can try, hold on
I second that
go be a faggot there
> go be a faggot there
Thats a blue board you nigger cunt
Sorry the lighting is weird
Mmmm, Very lickable
No LGBT is rated SFW.
You can not post lewds.
This is the correct place do you not understand that random is for everything except MLP?
Holly Molly, I want to eat your ass until my tongue hurts
You are a homosexual and should isolate yourself from society for the good of humanity.
“Last April”
Go right ahead!
Thats what I thought. Otherwise I would have posted this there
Im gonna fuck your dad
Do you got anyone ass shots?
looks tight as fuck
whats the bigges thing you inserted in it?
I can take some, what do you wanna see?
Can you put your dildo inside your ass please?
No panties, maybe a video if you can
show us that dick
show dick
Nothing too big, it can start to hurt pretty fast and im inpatient so I havent gotten a lot up there. I just take it slow and easy whenever i do anal
tiem for dick pic
Im really shy as hell tho with my dick pics. Literally have never taken one
If you angle it right, it will look great.
Quit being a faggot
Hmu on kik j.dub.123
I'll show you mine if you show me yours :-)
This op. Be a slutty trap
You are one ugly ass faggot. Please dont post any more ofnyour fap trash here. Faggot.
This is fucking disgusting. Go to the gym, shave your fucking legs. Have some god Damn pride faggot. If your gonna post degrading pics of yourself online that will mwver go away at least try to not look like a fucking troll. Gross.
The truth is so strange it can only be lied into existence and our minds can't lie NEVER doubt it