People worship God because they're not smart enough to realize God doesn't deserve worship...

People worship God because they're not smart enough to realize God doesn't deserve worship. Just because your parents give you food and shelter doesn't mean it's okay for them to mislead and molest you throughout life

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I curse God out loud sometimes, what a piece of shit

Atheism makes sense. But we should commit those who hate imaginary beings.

Anrahamism is a plague upon mankind.
Had that pharaoh killed those jews we would have been in a much better position.

Without debating whether God exists or not, People would have only worshiped God due to fear, the stories in the Old Testament are horrific.

>the stories in the Old Testament are horrific.


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god is the biggest spook of human history
fuck that nigger

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Says a retard who doesn't even know who god is. And it's not jesus, retard.

I hope your whole family perishes in a fire

suck a dick christfag HAHAHAHAHA

I don't believe in sonny jesus, retard. Go shove your small cock up your mother's ass. I'm god in the flesh compared to you, you limp dick cocksucker motherfucker.

sure thing retard

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Your mother sucks cocks to the core and your father diddles little boys.

Your mother sucks cocks in hell!

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nah mate she's very much alive, unlike your frontal cortex

Boys fuck your father up the ass and he moans with pleasure.

I do at least every day, there's so much stuff that goes on which I know is God fucking with me.
that's how I started believing in God not, cuz of a miracle but because the things that go wrong in my life are too specific to not be from some Divine interference

uuu sick burn

>people still think [insert god here] is real

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>completely misunderstands the other guy and embarrasses himself
>s-sure thing retard
>better post a pic so it makes me seem cooler

If I was god, I'd fuck with your little ass too.

Tell me more. It sounds hilarious.

when are you going to stop with your active disbelief in God?

he he he

>because they're not smart enough to realize God doesn't deserve worship
>because they're not smart enough to realize he doesn't exist.