Guys I posted a thread about 6 months ago after I fucked a granny hooker in Prague. Was anyone in the thread...

Guys I posted a thread about 6 months ago after I fucked a granny hooker in Prague. Was anyone in the thread? I'm here again and trying to figure out which granny milf I should fuck this weekend, Will you help me choose?

this is the granny I fucked last year. And I'll post a left right pic of the two milfs im considering banging

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sure user post them

and heres the two gilfs i'm torn over.

Attached: Which blonde GILF? left or right?.png (1342x898, 1.34M)

nice tits on left but right looks hotter.

yeah so i prefer lefts body and tits, but cant see her face so its more risky. she could be butterface. but right is sexy as fuck too

cant decide! lol

heres a good shot of left i like.

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any body pics of right?
are you in prague now?

heres right body shot. and yeah dude im here now. why?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-01 at 23.43.20.png (426x1184, 476K)

fuck she looks different from the first pic.
because its kinda late in prague? are you fuck one of them in a couple of hours? or tomorrow?

>are you fuck

based ESL-poster


yeah shes got longer hair in that photo. next saturday, so in a week. i jsut arrived here

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-01 at 23.50.06.png (728x958, 932K)

more left?

rockin the coffin

heres left in a corset.

i also do got some more photos of the first granny i banged last year if that interets you?

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nah we have to find out which of the two new ones you're going to bang.
how old r u user?

What’s the site in the corner of the pic?

ha gumy job central brudda

ok dude! im late 20s.

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does right not have any good body features or whatever+

Eh, when I get into the horny as hell mood. I head down into Tijuana to pick up a hooker. I'll sometimes pick up a older 30+ lady because they are cheaper, and usually willing to do more for the money. One time this older big breasted lady let me tit fuck her for $5 and another gave me a BJ for $10.

not really other than she looks like she would give a good blowjob

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-02 at 00.00.30.png (568x986, 831K)

she doesn't have her tits out?
you leaning to left one?

honestly bro im torn 50 50.... hence why i came to Yea Forums lmao. if i cant decide then maybe i dont choose either and find a new slut.

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ha dude that is awesome. yeah same with me. the granny i fucked last year for $40 let me do everything i wanted. even hardcore anal with no condom (i was drunk and stupid, freaked out about aids but got tested and all good lmao)

heres her ass just before i rammed it with minimal luberication.

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what are you looking to get? bj? tittyfuck? anal?

total package brudda. handjob, prostate massage, bj, titfuck, pussy, anal and cum in mouth or on face and tits

here is the first gilf i fucked for $40 blowing me.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-23 at 16.23.57.png (780x1326, 1.07M)

i think the left one is the one for you user

How much was it? I really wanna pound a granny

The older ladies tend to be more willing to do things, and at a cheaper price, just because they are competing against the younger girls. Fucking any of those girls without a condom is one of the worst things you can do down there. I've have had a couple offer to charge extra to allow condemless sex claiming that they are "clean" and on the pill, but I won't do that. I'm just waaaayyyy to paranoid about catching some random STD from one of them. I sleep around with enough ransom girls to where I'll usually get STD checked about 2-3 times a year.

you think? whats your assessment that made you come to that conclusion? i typically would agree - shes more my 'usual' taste, but theres somethign about right that i really like but cant quite put my finger on...

$40 bro, for an hour

ha yeah you right man. older hookers are for sure willing to do anything. i think theyve been hooking and turning tricks long enough that they seen it all. but i was stupid as fuck to not use a condom. but now i know im clean it was worth it for the pics and vids i got hahaha

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just her body appears to be better. but of course u cant see her face.

Is Prague expensive

i know! her tits and ass are grade A beef lol, but not seeing her face makes me worry shes a butterface...

depends on what youre after. not really that much if you know where to look.

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