So Amazon is supposed to deliver a dildo today.
The mail already came and it wasn't with everything else
I don't want my mom to see it and I'm really anxious
Does anyone know how Amazon shipping works? Do they deliver stuff themselves?
So Amazon is supposed to deliver a dildo today.
The mail already came and it wasn't with everything else
I don't want my mom to see it and I'm really anxious
Does anyone know how Amazon shipping works? Do they deliver stuff themselves?
Other urls found in this thread:
Amazon will deliver it in a box via a white van. It may or may not say amazon on the van
Yeh it’ll be from them. They have their own delivery trucks.
its probably being sent with a separate service.
also post ass
If you are in usa i think amazon delivers their own orders but rest off the world it just come with everything else.. hopefully ya mum didn't intercept dildo and keep it for herself.. post more pics btw you seem sexy af
Bend over for us and the driver.
Okay I'll be on the lookout for a white van where they have the good stuff
Sometimes the do depanding on where you're from. Othereise they will use. UPS, of DHL
Also. Nice tit, care to show some more
depends where you are living. where?
also, pussy pic
you deselected the option "packaging will reveal contents", didn't you?
Depends. sometimes it's UPS. majority of the time it's their own driver depending on location. It'll come in a box. If your mom asks it's "just a bunch of stuff I bought from amazon"
Now, post more nice pictures :)
Please reward us with ass/pussy pic for our kind advice sexy lady
I can help ya out on kik or snap, nice body
Need more pics to ascertain how you will look using it.
Now kindly favour us with ass/pussy pic for our good advice sexy girl
I'm just so nervous
I feel like I'm dying lmao
Help with what?
Everything was explained
If you want to talk to someone be a man and ask
Nice bb.. dont sweat it most time i buy sextoys they come in box or bubble wrap so you cant tell what they are.. but to be safe id wait near that door..
You can usually track the actual truck that will deliver it. Go to your dildo order and see if there’s an option for that.
Flip me off
Wait a sec that looks familiar. does your first name start with a Y?
Dumb question but do you have to put lube on a dick if you're gonna suck it?
if you offer the suck the delivery man's dick he will make sure your mom doesn't see the package.
Fuck me if your name is Yolanda
Nope.. spit is good
No lol
Okay thanks
Can you pose so I can draw you like one of my French girls?
some guys like to see a girl spit on his dick because it's dirty. sometimes a girls spits on it when she's also doing a handjob.
kek, what a fake dipshit. Any girl knows she can just go to a sex store. Like the owner even cares who you are..... It is their fucking bussiness
Super fine ass, and nice tits!
Hope your dildo comes soon and you care to share some pics here
Bro I can't even buy my own underwear without being embarrassed
Take some more pics if you feel so inclined.. would love to see you finger your pussy.
Probably not this specific thread but I might make a new one for it
Spread your booty cheeks my nig
Tbh sex shop dildo is way more expensive than ebay/amazon dildo.. this girl is just being financially intelligent
nice tits op
hide it in your room under a place she would never think of looking
Aww why not? There no time like the present
Amazon also employs random ass people who deliver shit in their own cars. Had a nignog and his mother deliver a PC monitor to my house using some regular Nissan Pathfinder
Show us please
Show it to us please
Please reply me you have a creamy pussy
Do you have an opaque PC case with an easy to remove cover?
Any pics of your room so we can assess if there's any where to put it without your mom finding it?
Please do so, I'll be on the lookout, you look gorgeous!
He hasn't come out
that's because you're a fag dude trying to buy female underwear.
why the fuck should I suck a wiggling piece of plastic.
>amazon/ebay is cheaper
topkek of the week
Thanks for actually posting a decent femanon thread, OP. Shit is rare these days.
Good luck OP.
Go say hi..
Filename and sun orientation already gave me enough information to check on
Now trying to extract EXIF data and GPS position.
He is probably seeing what it is so when he comes up to rje door he knows who the dorty horny girl is
soooo dorty. such bad
You are an autist
Dont try and scare the poor girl we want to see her play with her new dildo
You faggots are so fucking cringe
"RePlY mE BaBy"
"ShOw PuSsY"
You're basically all fucking pajeets only difference is English is your first language. Kill yourselfs. All of you.
OP move out of your mom's house underaged faggot.
yeah you have to stop being a faggot and go to a porn store like a normal person
>white knighting this hard.
let sluts slut. why you gotta try to bring morality into this?
Talk about cringe...
Underage OPs are supposed to live at home, dumbass.
Actually I liked the dirty talk would be better if they could spell. Charging the dildo brb
This is it
OP also needs to properly sterilize it before first usage.
Plz die now
How do I do that
Crossing fingers it's a bad dragon monstruosity
Post vid of you fucking yourself
looks good.
think you should kiss it
time to use it and post pics
Nice looks damn fine
I will
Nice. Show give it a test ride and show us.
>slut buys penis-shaped piece of plastic
>dozens of losers applaude
>White knighting
>Calls op a faggot
Kek go back to le ddit
Dang it's big.
Clean it up good first
When are you planning on playing with it ?
Post more pice
I have that dildo. No vibrator in the one I got.
Depends on the material but boiling/hot water and soap is always a safe bet
show it next for your arm or a bottle or something for size comparison
What exactly are you doing here?
Why does a Black girl buy white dildo ? :D
Amazon delivers to prison cells?
Looks like where you live
Why you so upset user? Cant you just enjoy a nice thread like the rest of us?
Expose your Kik?
Why not just use a real man?
>user, I'm horny and could use some dick.
>can I come over
>guy: leaves door unlocked for you.
She is some 56% spic from the looks of it
Who tf still uses kik in 2019??
she might be butters, man
horny niggas such as myself
> $40
you got ripped off, fam
People who don't know of Telegram
today everyone uses skype
Fair enough
OP here.
Mom found me while I was sterilizing it.
She asked me "what the ACTUAL FUCKIN FUCK!!!!!"
still waiting ... ;)
Doesn't matter, there would be a guy that would bang.
check out this subreddit:
>tfw no gf
I got my 2 side pieces on kik.
Welp, might as well post vids, she already knows user
That was because it is bigger than your father. She is jealous.
Are they 12 or something?
One is 23, other 30
Ahahahahaha best laugh today, thanks OP
Hope you are not in too much trouble
Also hope to see you back here in a few days riding this monster
Keep larping
>12 or something
Damn you sure you can handle all that dick
not yet sterilized? do you really want STD's that bad?
sadly, my wiener is smaller than that.
I won't be ever able to satisfy OP once she's played with that thing.
lets see then
show dildo next to pussy
Its really not that big. Maybe 1.5 in width and 6 in length.
That ain't a bad size. Show us how it feels cutie!
Lmao.. least she didnt steal it ;)
it's a good size... with enough pre-stretch, it could even go in your butt
how does it feel in your mouth?
See how much you can get in your throat
show pussy
very hot!
I appreciate that...
Godamn you're fuckn sexy
I have a sudden feeling this is a dude. I know all the pajeets are gonna jump on me for saying this but im more nervous about my shaky sexuality than anything.
Isn't this the girl who tried shoving that hair brush up her ass? Kek
I'll be your dildo hun :p
That's me lol
Verified, for the glory of trips !!!
She's camming here
No I'm not
Stop. Thats how these threads get ruined and oversaturated with dick pics. Just let her post.
Did you ever do a video of that
you must be indian
OP is a dude. He will enjoy the dicks.
I'm impressed! You managed to take it all the way down your throat
This queenie?
Annnnnnd here we go...
Do you want dick pics sent to your snap?
I use to be bulimic so
eww without even sterilising it!
damnn im diamond
Nice job thanks op.
Wanna go for another hole?
Doubt it. Besides, nobody else wants to see it. We're all here for him/her, not you.
Smh I did
good girl...
Do you like being a slut for us?
How does that new toy feel in your throat?
nice moustaches, Zorro
God damn
Can someone zoom and enhance that sign?
Yeah it's fun
It's for people to clean up their dogs shit
Just to clarify, are you a dude?
"Here's your Big Penis Dildo, miss Yolanda. Please sign here."
Would you do more that deepthroat it
Don’t be such a wiener.
Wrong.. just lazy typer.
Why are you nervous about your sexuality? If it's pretty then fuck it. God is fake and other people don't matter. Why do faggots like you always have to make it into a whole thing?
God the things I would do to you , keep posting your sexy self
Do you like the feel of that white cock in your mouth ? Time to destroy your pussy
Could you grip it and lick the tip please
What’s your snap?
For most leather I like bison brown but for bdsm I think red or cordovan fits the aesthetic better
>trying to avoid being gay
Maybe i just have a preference for real women? I dont wanna invest time into a thread if its a dude, especially when theres already 600 trap threads open right now.
Now, let's see if it fits.
Fuck off. She's a smelly pajeet piece of shit
same as Thanos
>t. Indian
Take one for the team!
I think red is great. Use it on yourself until your ass is the same color.
Do you like all the attention you're getting from this? Do you like knowing all the guys in this thread are hard for you?
Now rub it on one of your nipples.
It's a real female with a pussy, tits, and ass. She gave it her snap last night and posted all of those
Thanks again op
take that top off
Rub your boobs on it please
That..that wasn't me lol
Post the pics here?
More like this but put on lipstick.
Put it in your ass pleeeasse!!!!!
put it in darling you're such a tease!
Put it between your tetitas
OP needs to put a pic every time she posts... getting confused which is hers!
Straddle it
Could you squeeze it between your tits??
Jesus christ, the request to pic ratio is out of hand. slow your roll before you guys scare her off.
Amazing. I'd love to see it placed between your breasts.
Well to whoever that was have fun with it lol
shes not gonna fuck you bro
Would you please tease us your pussy op
>more than 40 fuckin minutes
it's been more than 40 minutes she's secluded in the bathroom.
guess her mom just understood what's happening.
also, her mom heard the camera sound and noticed the flash.
>tfw your daughter exits the bathroom with a bizarre Amazon box and a laptop and a cellphone.
Alright, now give us your snap
also this
and then rub it against your wet pussy lips
Put it inside you
Place it between your feet you little slut
She's grocery shopping lol
Lol. The girl is completing requests what do you expects
You’re awesome! Keep going!
can you make a pic of you drooling on your tits, tongue out?
maybe the dildo between your amazing tits
Would you please tease your pussy op
Literally just want pics but okay.
put some pussy juice on the tip and then like
I can't put it between my breasts
They can't hold it
Is there already a dildochan, if not can op forever be dubbed dildochan
Hold it with your feet
>its getting out of hand
Just saying. She can only do one request at a time.
Try your best! It’s ok.
Why not?
No decent human being likes niggers.
Would still love to see you try.
Fuck the betaness is hard with you
Now rub it against your pussy
The arch nemesis of not-a-dildochan
Honestly, do we need to put chan in front of things to make them special? We could just say fuck a title and appreciate what we get.
wrap your hand around the shaft then stick your tongue out and lick the balls
Shit you’re ugly. Stop posting.
Does this count
do a backflip
Hey just a week 1 Yea Forums user that wants to make a splash and not just with my jizz
You look so boring that makes me feel happy about my life
bruh it's a tradition.
it does
also, small tits >> big tits
OP, do you know how to make gifs?
Show some respect son. You’re talking to a girl who rolled trips with a picture of herself kissing a dildo.
Could you deep throat it while winking and giving a thumbs up?
edgelord incoming
rub it on your pussy
>Honestly, do we need to put chan in front of things to make them special? We could just say fuck a title and appreciate what we get
>put chan in front of things to make them special?
>in front of things
Is that girl’s name Kirsten, she looks just like a fat chick that used to send me nudes a couple years back
Thanks, OP!
Yes, but the question us will she ever come back after this thread? If not, i dont see a point.
I demand your feet!
ehh, close enough
Can you lick your tits?
It will be there tomorrow nigger
just put it on your ass
Spread your pussy
Beats me
A fair point raised, its only special if they return 3 times or more
Such amazing eyes on OP
OP thank you
Put it in your ass or spit on it
This is the second thread she's made and it seems like she plans to make another one when her riding crop comes in
I think if you regret any single pic later it will be this one
I can agree with this rule.
such a good sport! Finally a girlie with some spirit
Would you please show us your panties, maybe a cameltoe?
what a fucking sport love this chick
That wasn't me
WTF are those eyebrows lmao that’s a dude haha
>blue bathtub
was your house built in the 70s and never remodeled?
That's great! Very cute. How far can you deep throat it? Can you get the balls in your mouth?
Got any more of the fat girls pics
Spectacular my girl
Apparently that wasnt her. Otherwise, id say more power to you.
definite proof you're underage.
You kidding right ? I’m not showing to anyone respect posting nudes online with a dildo that’s been washed with saliva.
More pussy please?
def a dude, wont show us pussy
Can you deepthroat it while being kahaii and holding up a circle game circle
Looooool ahahahahahahah
ew. the monster from cthulhu
Belle Delphine face that shit
I do not.
damn u cute
Keke i saved this pic forever. Only pic worth this thread
There was some puss earlier
post your 23 & Me results, creatura, so i know if i can fap to you or not...
Sheeeeet boi you’re retarded
Checked. Got a snap? Add me, somepuckluck
There are no words to describe that face. Kek
Bumping for this.
his name is Zorro.
notice dem moustaches.
>Disrespecting trips
Infidel. Leave this board.
No wonder you can’t find anyone to f you and you have to settle with dildos
It’s brave, it’s game changing and I can still fap to it 10/10
The most beautiful girl in the world
it was not timestamped... guess why
You forgot a Snapchat filter to make you look more serious
Lol that thumbs up
that's actually a dude.
Fucking rekt
Will you please suck the ball sack and give the shaft a handjob
this girl looks like fun. I bet I would get along great with her irl
too bad I will remain a virgin forever because I'm totally anti-social
I’d still like to smash, and see anal
>t. coming out as a massive gay
Fuck off then mate. You don’t belong here.
Oh okay I leave you be while watching an ugly cunt and o go fuck a 11/10. Babye
dear OP,
You are hot
best regard,
PS, i wanna see your Thigh
Nah I’m a fat fuck 3/10 and even I’ve got laid 6 times in the last year. I won’t die a virgin but I won’t get jack for the rest of my life, I peaked
being this fuckin triggered
Mouth isn't good enough put in in you op!
Already out so doesn’t matter
Heyla, heba hello-ah
Gr8 m8 fap to a trap
Is op still here even
I told you to stop posting. Now it’s too late. Thank you actually for that cringe
Dubs says yes
He's long gone.
Mmm is cook for you everyday and treat you like a princess you deserve. You seem such a decent girl and a rare find. Pls be the mother of my child
Love to see you do this shot
Any experience with ahegao?
How about instead of doing a request op’s choice for next pic
Just stuff this little fucker in your taco bell and let us see
is this you OP?
he can't. he's a dude
Is Rubio found it on another thread
Would crack a beer with/10
Lol this fucking guy is comedy gold
Fun thread. I’m out. I imagine you’re going to keep playing with your new dildo though.
holy shit it's even the same brush
At least she tried.
>Same hairbrush
lol! if it is, looks like somebody learned the hard way that spit doesn't make good anal lube.
Nice vagoo
Doesn't help that the brush has a strong grip either, I'd bet
Be a bro and share the thread
Show butt, op? Looks cute from here
OP has white hands but it's a nigger from the waist below.
fuckin why
Swear to god, if she wants to try with her new dildo, I'd Amazon her some Sliquid :D
op is probably riding herself to orgasm atm
I love that sudden realisation of the pain, any other webms
OP here.
confronting mom.
I tried so hard but no
Goddamnit this is SEXY. OP, you got it going on
OP's kik?
Good luck OP
just tell her youve used them at some point now im using them get over it
Still pretty hot
You'll be able to do it one day you dirty little slüt :)
alternative do what i did when my parent discovered my sex toy, its none of your business the end, forget you ever saw it
Bless your soul. One day you'll make one lucky man very happy by being his fucksleeve.
Yet another OP doing things she'll soon regret.
I think i got it off of Yea Forums. Sorry.
then you got kicked out