Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread
1000000th poster gets a prize

Attached: 19a.jpg (1080x1080, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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But what kind of prize?

don't tease me like this H-guy. I missed out on my Jenna last time

Attached: dua (207).jpg (1363x2048, 448K)

I'd drink her piss

Attached: 1482419215635.jpg (1011x1274, 556K)


Somebody just dıed. İ'm goıng outsıde for a walk. Brb.

I've got a boner

Attached: PD 1.jpg (3825x5293, 916K)

Attached: 1553754886451.jpg (1403x2388, 864K)

sure why not

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Attached: CMcreamlicc.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

Is there an exact point at which a nap turns into a middle-of-the-day sleep?

Attached: IMG_20180929_063056.jpg (1242x1538, 225K)

too late

Attached: 150558.jpg (716x1079, 109K)

check em lads


Attached: 1553755044523.jpg (2000x3008, 1.2M)

Are you IP tracking me?
Or was this a coincidence?

Attached: PD 2.jpg (2473x3600, 331K)

can't post anyone these days smh

you'll find out if you get the 1000000th post

Attached: 3.jpg (650x910, 47K)

Attached: 47ce87.jpg (720x921, 60K)

Jen.Law before shooting a gangbang

Attached: 1513626523270.jpg (720x720, 73K)

I mean ... I like regular celeb threads :|

Attached: Jessica_Alba-DL1961_Jeans-Photoshoot-007.jpg (800x1202, 123K)

Attached: e1103.jpg (810x1080, 124K)

You dont wana have some fun every once in a while?

Attached: 1553755604186.jpg (1939x2800, 751K)

Me in the back, left

Attached: 1559272323801m.jpg (579x1024, 71K)

Attached: TitFlaviy-477090-Girl_like..._Melissa_Benoist.jpg (817x1100, 691K)

I have lots of fun, user

Attached: Bella-Hadid-Feet-2968817.jpg (1500x2003, 1.95M)

Attached: sabrina_carpenter_nude4.jpg (705x1000, 123K)

Fakes are no fun

How so~?

Attached: 1997803 - Emma_Stone fakes poob.jpg (1713x1200, 1.09M)

Attached: emma cum fake (2).jpg (1278x1920, 427K)

I had a purple tip thinking about Danny Day Lew so I knew whoever I was talking to had one as well. pretty standard reductionary thinking led me right to you, bonerbrother.

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Attached: lrd 9439942.webm (608x1080, 335K)

Attached: TitFlaviy-705082-Girl_like..._Taylor_Swift.jpg (1000x742, 488K)

Looking at pretty pics of pretty celebses

Attached: gg90.jpg (1988x3000, 628K)

meant for

Attached: DEqjexMUMAAHdDY.jpg (600x900, 47K)

One night, I'm going to come to you, in your house or wherever you're sleeping, and I'm going to cut your throat.

4 hours is the cutoff point where a nap becomes a sleep, in my completely uninformed opinion.

Attached: lily (4).jpg (1080x1920, 289K)

Attached: Honeyview_11497157541538.jpg (899x1200, 62K)

Is this not pretty??

Attached: 1505563031497d49b3_cfake.jpg (1000x666, 393K)

Attached: emma cum fake (28).jpg (3345x2800, 1.05M)

Attached: 1528303901494.jpg (1600x1065, 190K)

holy lewd

Attached: Bella-Hadid-Feet-3178332.jpg (3280x2272, 429K)

Attached: jeX96PU4sLC0wX_0ljX4Q30GEOswjEisZHw3abRKq00.jpg (1024x682, 80K)

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Attached: 1.jpg (1200x1599, 175K)

fakes are gayer than you

Makes sense, good to hear about your purple tip. Hope it's nice.

Attached: PD 8.jpg (750x750, 107K)

I think the real thing is prettier.

This whore

Attached: IMG_20190527_222838.jpg (750x1334, 169K)

dem feets tho

that's Lily Mo Sheen, not Lily Rose Depp. just for your filename. I like that wooden spoon over the pasta pan tho. thats a neat little trick

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Attached: IMG_20190526_145616.jpg (1534x2048, 211K)

Would lick cum off every inch of her body

Attached: zpw7oao.jpg (1524x1143, 279K)

Attached: 5477c24378f76.jpg (681x1024, 78K)

>liking feet
disgusting pervert

Attached: Bella-Hadid-Feet-1889301.jpg (640x640, 84K)

Attached: k6vhSuI.jpg (3372x4500, 822K)

Attached: 1489679184075.webm (800x944, 1.01M)

I know that ... it stands for Lily's really dirty ...

Also yeah the spoon thing is pretty legit.

Attached: MO.png (1080x1350, 650K)

Attached: 105d73.jpg (810x1080, 128K)

Fuck yeah I am.
tfw emma has better feet irl

Attached: 103b40.jpg (547x600, 43K)

absolutely disgusting

Attached: Bella-Hadid-Feet-2792442.jpg (1528x1829, 560K)

Attached: Emma_Watson1015.jpg (1200x803, 192K)

Attached: 3c774d.jpg (729x1079, 65K)

Attached: 456f6e.jpg (607x1079, 61K)

I wana be footdommed and humiliated like this so fucking bad

I'm a monster, what can I say?

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Attached: 105a91.jpg (1920x1080, 120K)

Ok bck

oh shit my b. carry on fren

Attached: jordyn-jones-at-ricky-garcia-s-18th-birthday-bash-in-los-angeles-01-21-2017_1.jpg (1200x905, 92K)

I wish that I was born a thousand years ago
I wish that I'd sailed the darkened seas
On a great big clipper ship
Going from this land here to that
On a sailor's suit and cap

Attached: 15.jpg (1280x1705, 272K)

It's High Noon, Don't Get Tracered

Attached: 1401078401389.jpg (2821x3499, 1.81M)

Ded thred

Attached: Screenshot_20190531-112323.png (2560x1440, 1.75M)

Attached: 126804311304eaf75f_cfake.jpg (1000x665, 335K)

if you close the door, the night could last forever
leave the sunshine out and say hello to never
all the people are dancing and they're having such fun, I wish it could happen to me
but if you close the door, I'd never have to see the day again

Attached: Bella-Hadid-Feet-2321619.jpg (2000x2000, 840K)

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>>^It's High Noon, Don't Get Tracered^

((p.s.: the photo is my bad side.))

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Attached: Emma-Watson-Nude (13).jpg (640x334, 30K)


Attached: Lily-Collins-Feet-3546800.jpg (2000x1334, 396K)


I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Attached: 84.jpg (2000x3619, 1.66M)

Attached: 2019-01-06.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

so good

Attached: Lily-Collins-Feet-3803625.jpg (2687x3582, 1.12M)

flawless (except for the rose tattoo but still its not that bad)

Hi i got a question...
Thread doesn't bump, why is it?
Does anybody know and care to explain please?

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Attached: 2017-01-04 (1).png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

more pixels

Attached: Jessica-Alba_-DL1961-by-Boo-George-2016--10.jpg (1470x2209, 225K)

Yeah I'm not a fan of the tat either, but I mean ... can't beat them.

Attached: Lily-Collins-Feet-3799060.jpg (3748x2498, 800K)

It's just bigger pixels! I'll tell gerard.

why would that happen?
thread seems harmless

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Attached: emwatsnx-20180320-0001.jpg (1080x1350, 738K)

Larry, we have been friends, and you respect my dad, and I respect you, but I will put fucking bullets right through your heart. You put that fuckin' gun down, now.

Attached: 9a7e14c8-8766-4f5b-812d-fc3be6727a16.jpg (900x474, 48K)

small price to pay for those perfect toes

Attached: Zoe-Saldana-Nude-Sexy-5 1.jpg (811x1080, 119K)

Attached: Zoe wat.gif (500x264, 486K)

Attached: Zoe-Saldana-Nude-Sexy-8.jpg (3000x2254, 365K)


Attached: it's a clean bird zazz.gif (250x187, 1.96M)

Mods didn't like it, perhaps

Gaby Spanic

Attached: spwnicfan-20190111-0001.jpg (898x898, 51K)

got me stroking

Attached: 1515362738895.jpg (1280x1705, 309K)

one of the gayest things i've ever seen. it's so fucking fake. i hate dumb bitches.

Happens, usually they just send the thread to /s/

Attached: Halston Autosage.jpg (1365x2048, 471K)

Attached: Terry-Richardson-Photoshoot-leighton-meester-7182182-1302-868.jpg (1302x868, 156K)

did Terry add his own special cream to that icecream? of course he did lol!

lol haha

I'll take the one on the right, please. And then the one on the left. Then right again. And then left one more time.

Attached: lily (30).jpg (1200x1434, 249K)

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Attached: c0OI2JK.gif (360x640, 1.02M)

silence shitlips. Jenna is an angel.

Attached: bdLlanrQ.jpg (1713x1501, 350K)

who /gettingsmashed/ here

Attached: gg13.jpg (750x929, 112K)

Attached: tumblr_noi5s9cqko1u08gzyo3_r3_500.gif (500x207, 1.5M)

That FAS baby sure is edgy.

Then she sank down to her knees, grasped the cutter by both handles, took a deep breath and plunged the long blade through the middle of the package, through the middle of the masking tape, through the cardboard, through the cushioning and right through the center of Waldo Jeffers head, which split slightly and caused little rhythmic arcs of red to pulsate gently in the morning sun.

You know I was just considering

Attached: 85.jpg (1900x1267, 333K)

wont lie, the last thread was infinitely better

is the captcha being bd for anyone else?

join me frendo the beer is flowing

Attached: gg8.jpg (749x932, 61K)

Attached: tumblr_np4vztWxaU1u8o8e1o2_500.gif (497x255, 1.47M)

Not me, I'll be too busy monitoring your progress.

Attached: lily (58).jpg (1470x1802, 219K)


It's High Noon, Don't Get Tracered



>>^jessica is very nigri^

Attached: 1559056370763m (1).jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

maybe maybe
should eat something first

Attached: 71.jpg (1600x1000, 219K)

ngl feeling horny atm

Attached: 1523082779751.jpg (736x996, 74K)


Attached: 1503322287968.jpg (1356x1920, 496K)

isn't that what these threads are for?

Attached: 47586541_367707290682365_3799714114179720028_n.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)

babz did it better


Attached: UfiK1adW_o.jpg (1366x2048, 213K)

Maybe? Idk

Attached: Lili blep.jpg (934x718, 43K)

true, true

could be good news for you, we'll see

Attached: gg127.jpg (820x1200, 172K)

And it shall cause your tower to fall
Make of you a pyre of flame
Oh, you who dwell on many waters
Rich in treasure wide in fame
You bow unto your, your god of gold
Your pride of might shall be a shame
For only God can lead his people
Back unto the earth again

Imma go throw some food on then I'll get started :3

Attached: 111.jpg (1600x1200, 264K)

Miley C. leaked

Attached: 1551517244107.jpg (780x971, 77K)

Don't go making any promises, now. I might get the wrong idea.

Attached: lily (69).jpg (1080x1921, 210K)

go be stupid somewhere else

Eat a piece of shit, you stupid-dumb bus.

You give more people rides than the the entire city public transportation system.
You stupid hat. You dumb bus.


Attached: 1559193351610.png (720x719, 937K)

Oh, by the way...

Brie leaked

Attached: 1551522162461.jpg (480x640, 38K)

... (OP) #

It's High Noon, Don't Get Tracered


youtu.be/5K7fqns2YEk [Open]

>>^jessica is very nigri^

...you've been trounced.

Attached: 1555407621546.png (640x640, 524K)

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Attached: 081_014.jpg (2247x3000, 1.77M)

I'm not sure I understand the form of spam where you legitimately contribute celebs to the celeb thread ...

The Tower

You're not a dude.

Attached: 1559388262819.jpg (600x900, 97K)

These facial shoops are getting good.

legend, I'll be waiting :3

no promises, just strong posibilities

Attached: gg18.jpg (768x1152, 113K)

Who loves nigger cock? Emma does.

Miley C leaked

Attached: 1551511243036.jpg (3264x2448, 1.28M)

Hell yeah...

It is called promotion.

Thank you for recognising my ability.
I feel validated by an intelligent person.

Attached: 1559393047780m.jpg (683x1024, 76K)

a thread so bad even watson-fag™ cant ruin it

yeah if i were OP i would just delete this sorry shit and try again

Attached: 45214521254.jpg (2684x1789, 350K)

Attached: nina_dobrev_2012-wallpaper-1920x1200.jpg (1920x1200, 503K)

It's nigger cum.

lili is not for feeling horny you dirty horny animal

She's dating nigger's now.

Basically the same thing, isn't it?

Attached: lily (1).png (1080x1549, 1.54M)

She'll need to open that mouth a lot more to fit in that big ole nigger dick she's dating.

But I like lili and I'm horny ...

Attached: 5774.jpg (2100x3150, 778K)

Attached: 1552833927004 (1).gif (216x284, 946K)

Her boobs are not that nice irl. They look more like flapjacks.

I must be called watsanon from now on.

Honestly touche, I don't know what else I can say.
You've got me.


I must be called watsanon from now on.

If I'm awake and coherent then yes, it probably is

Attached: gg10.jpg (1080x1340, 211K)

I must be called watsanon from now on.

Attached: b4_1556263831050_Emma_30.jpg (1350x2000, 264K)


*means trust me*

Attached: 007 (2).jpg (1402x2000, 166K)

..probably fake

Attached: 1553189464987.png (803x1080, 444K)

That's good to know.

Attached: lily (9).jpg (937x1171, 156K)

Attached: Praise Rang.jpg (466x504, 35K)

Far too many Jews in an industry dominated by Jews.

It's real. I just saw her like half an hour ago.

If this is a lie, then my name isn't Duke Zuur.

Here, eat spam.

The Tower
youtu.be/DWLNYjE9_Vw [Open]

You're not a dude.

digits confirm tbh I no longer have a choice

Attached: gg99.jpg (915x1041, 143K)


Attached: check em faggot.jpg (790x1090, 181K)

The Tower
I'm not a dude

ere we go

Attached: 34.jpg (2500x1663, 1020K)

Attached: Anne Hathaway 12.jpg (2127x2692, 741K)

Attached: Anne Hathaway 32.jpg (1158x1500, 774K)

hey anons :3

Attached: 1544918721754.jpg (1560x1560, 271K)

Attached: 750full-lexee-smith.jpg (750x1334, 78K)

Attached: AB GQ 6.jpg (1536x2048, 278K)

Attached: Alison Brie 15.jpg (1536x2048, 265K)

fuck it, I'm just gonna go jerk off alone

Attached: Alison Brie 70.jpg (3000x1692, 1.02M)


Attached: 5c.jpg (2523x3072, 362K)

Attached: Alison Brie 107.jpg (1000x1500, 308K)

ayyyy chin chin

Attached: gg6.jpg (1080x1171, 123K)

anything for Alison

gobble gobble gobble!

Attached: 1541421407801.jpg (1775x2662, 844K)



Attached: KSsabrinabby.jpg (1080x1080, 152K)

gonna beat my dick to those feet tbh

nice glasses

Attached: 1547239524422.jpg (726x1089, 88K)


Attached: 133.jpg (1200x1800, 157K)

Hı Emma-photo, my name ıs watsanon, how are you?

I've got a friend who's been listening to this song since childhood, but didn't even know that it was about weed. I had to explain it to him. How does that even happen?

You never did, really. That's the secret.

Hey, you.

Attached: lily (19).jpg (1460x2002, 414K)

Hey Emma-photo,checkem, double deckem.


Hı, my name ıs watsanon.


Vıdeo courtesy of watsanon.

Attached: vj-2.jpg (2184x3276, 1.56M)

Attached: Alison Brie 29.jpg (736x990, 313K)

Hello, toothy-butt, my name ıs watsanon. How are you thıs fıne day?


Hng feet


Attached: 11.jpg (3456x4986, 1.36M)

Hello earıng-face, my name ıs watsanon, how are you?


why do her legs look so short in this pic? lolwut

Concealed stance. You are unable to see the coılıng of her body under her dress. She ıs ın a dynamıc state of relaxed tensıon. Called song ın chınese.


İ'm an experıenced martıal-artıst, İ know my stuff.