Why do liberals use kids to support their ideas? Do kids genuinely care about any of this?

Why do liberals use kids to support their ideas? Do kids genuinely care about any of this?

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liberals are the most despicable people on earth.

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I bet a thousand bucks that alteast one person in this picture is using a smart phone.
So their argument is completely devoid of any value whatsoever.

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>why do liberals allow their children to participate in society?

You're pretty slow OP lol

you think Trump's a good idea user
you don't exactly get to judge others lol

do conservatives or any other group not do this? lol

>We're tomorrow, you're yesterday
Problem with that of course is that yesterday got there first, and as the Jonny come lately on the block tomorrow has to be yesterday's bitch. Forever, or at least until yesterday gets dementia, by which point it won't matter anyway, and tomorrow will be left to clean yesterday's shitted old ass.
I'm glad I'm yesterday.

Conservatives are the ones who do it. They get kids to hold their stupid ignorant racist signs.

OP is projecting like the little bitch he is.

>participate in society
No. They participate in second-hand reason peddling.
None of those fruitcakes act the way they ought to if they actually understood the situation - which they don't, they think they do, they wish they do but they simply don't.

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4 white bois trying to save future for their classmates kids jamal, abdul, jose...

Your opinion. If it were my kids, they'd know exactly what they're protesting.
You just don't want the young questioning your unsustainable paradigm, this is what it really is.

That makes literally no sense.
Plenty of young people support both liberals and conservatives, and just because someone's parents are one or the other doesnt mean their kids will automatically follow that lead.
OP, youre pretty arrogant to think sweeping generalizations can describe an entire generation of human beings.

This boggles my mind in ways i thought impossible. Your stupidity knows no bounds.

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kids are easy to brainwash and manipulate, all you need is a couple of semi good arguments and a motivation to convince them to do almost anything in public, you can have them screaming with no filter and no shame and they're hard to hit if they get out of control because it's socially unacceptable to get violent with them so they're quite good foot soldiers

>Do kids genuinely care about any of this?
No, they get a day off from school which is why they protest so much

>You just don't want the young questioning yada yada
Wrong. I don't care.
What I protest is shitbags who protest without acting accordingly.

Like I said, there is a high chance atleast one of those kids is using a smartphone. Already you have no fucking point to make because you are what you hate. Maybe you don't even realize it.
I'm just here to inform you of that stupidity.

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If my kids are being "brainwashed" to accept people as equals and adopt the Green New Deal, good. I'm ok with this.

>I don't care
then why the fuck are you posting faggot?

>Why do liberals use kids to support their ideas?
because thats the next generation that gets fucked by politics
>Do kids genuinely care about any of this?

You're here because you're a control freak and you found something you can't control.

So what, they want to voice they're opinions in a protest. Wow the horror. Go back to your Facebook groups boomer

yeah, kids are normally attracted to fictional stuff, that's why they like cartoons, comics and other stuff

News flash shitforbrains, most europeans, and americans thought so too. Hence why he WON the election, and you STILL cant accept the outcome.

What a pathetic fucking faggot loser you must be, aka, a Liberal. Wow, the most entitled crying babies of the planet have their own party in the united states.

Pretty amazing.

Btw, most ppl that voted for obama voted for Trump. How does that make you feel?

Very angry I suppose ;)

It's not like conservatives do the exact same thing or anything.

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I can't control anything besides what I am.

The fact that you make a statement like this tells me that there is probably not much more coming from you that will be of any value to any sane thinking human being.
Thanks for trying.

Why are you posting?
I stated my reason already, you should learn to read and maybe also control your flamboyant emotions soyboy.

They have no opinion. It's second hand opinion.

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Im going to assume youre OP,

Are you seriously treating children and teens like theyre husks of human beings being manipulated by everything? Theyre not certifiably stupid until the day they hit 21. They have thier own opinions and make thier own decisions. Its not like they just folliw the pied piper everywhere. If they did, we would have a much, much, bigger problem then them being liberals.

This is seriously the stupidest thing ive seen in a while.

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>Why do liberals use kids to support their ideas?

'Cause we've never seen children at a conservative "pro-life" rally.

Why do Conservatives try to transfer their values to their kids by making them go to church and Sunday school? Do kids genuinely care about any of that?

>This is seriously the stupidest thing ive seen in a while.
Then you're not looking hard enough.
People who wish to save the planet while ruining it along with everyone else is just as pathetic.

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>everyone that disagrees with me cant possibly have an original opinion it's just parroted
I'm sure every idea you have is purely original and not based from others

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>Why do liberals use kids to support their ideas?
because adults know better, and are generally less gullible

You do not even understand what the word original means so what are we arguing about here?
You're already admiting defeat by backpeddaling like this.
You got nothing, fucking empty.

Stop posting, get rid of your electronic devises and do not concern yourself with offspring. Problem solved.

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Yeah didnt you know flat earth was an idea formed by middle schoolers

So liberals are retarded? I mean if adults know better, then why should I give a flying fuck if some retarded child is protesting something. After all, adults know better.

>Do kids genuinely care
Do you live in a fucking cave?
>pic very much related.

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>at least one of those kids has a smartphone

In this day and age, smartphones are basically mandatory. I hate them, but as society is right now, i pretty much have to have one. So does basically everyone else who exists in a populated city. Are you saying that millions of people are brainwashed because they need to be able to check their email when theyre not at home?

How the fuck does having a smartphone make a teenager a fucking soldier for liberals?

My brain hurts right now.

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Kids don't care. They are easy to influence into thinking they should care. And seeing as most media promotes Liberal values. And children consume the most media.. Its easy.

The frontal cortex isnt developed until youre 25. Thats the age your opinion matters. Thats the same reason that should be the age to vote, buy liquor, drive... Etc. Why the fuck should we listen to someone who isnt working with a fully developed brain? This should be a sign to liberals that they are fucking stupid because people with under developed brains overwhelmingly agree with their political beliefs. Why do you thing libtards always want to lower the voting age? Because children are stupid and they know they will vote left.

I found your hat.

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Kids care about getting icecream afterwards, or taking a day off from school. I don't think most kids turn down an opportunity like that.

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>already admitted defeat
>stop posting
Wow I bet you win every discussion with tactics like this. Why even post an opinion at all if you wont even elaborate on it boomer

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Your heads bigger, so heres the next size up.

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well, i didn't say they were stupid, i said they were easy to manipulate, and by that i meant easier than the normal, average american adult. They can have their own opinions as we all know cause we were all teens once, those opinions are very easy to change.
also, there are a lot of other problems outside of kids following the fad of being extremely liberal, like teen pregnancy, drugs, crime and a lot of other things, and all this cause teens are actually easy to convince to do stupid stuff

Taking your favorite buzz word of carbon footprint.
The production of the phone and all its parts.
The delivery of the phone to the shops.
When you recharge it you require electricity, go figure where that comes from.

It's not, you just have grown increasingly incompetent and lazy.

I elaborated on it. Again stop your emotional banter and learn to comprehend written text.
You're just here to throw shit around and circle jerk with your fellow braindead supporters.

You got no point besides posting pointless shit like this, asking even more retarded questions unrelated to the topic and in general trying to pick off anything you can leech off.

I'd clap but I'm not american enough.

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>teens are easy to brainwash and convince to do stupid shit

What? Have you ever interacted with a teenager? They couldnt give any fucks about anything but themselves. If you tried to convice a teenager to do meth and they didnt want to, they would tell you to fuck off. Some teenagers are stupider tgen others and can get convinced to do shit, but i guarentee thats a small majority of these little shits.

Mate they fell for the b8 you can stop now

I stop when I say I stop.

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That's not aluminum foil. Looks like maybe 4140 steel roundbar.

>my favorite buzzword
You seriously think you can get inside my head?
>smartphones are not mandatory
Uh, i dont know where you live but so much is connected to these little fucks that i cant even check my account balance on the phone anymore, i have to check on the internet. My schedule for my job? Smartphone. My job applications? Smartphone. Say hi to friends? Smartphone. Check my diet? Smartphone. If i want to listen to music i pretty much have to use my phone because all the music stores have none of my shit on CD.

>I’m going to take a year off because people complained about my previous travels so now I’m forced to slower travels by ships btw this is your fault
Someone tell her ships are emission monsters? Or is alcy fetal gonna row herself lul

Its thicker that way this guys head isnt so brittle.

Life sucks scum fucks.

Well at your level perhaps you don't have access to anything else, but I certainly don't need to use my smartphone for all that.

>implying "think about the children!" isn't the oldest trick in the book of manipulative tactics to ensure the votes of whiny conservative Facebook boomers
*siip* yep. they just don't make retards like they used to.

Aslong as you are not crying around how bad everyone else is and that everyone else ought to change I have no fucking problem with your smartphone use.
Use it for all it's worth. I use it too. I have a computer from which I am posting right now.
I don't give a fuck. If anything I would accelerate this shit.

My point is counteracting this backwards ass second-hand reasoning that most of these pro eco faggots peddle like there is no tomorrow while acting exactly the one way that perpetuates the very problem they complain about.

True idiots to the bone.

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This is quite possibly the stupidest comment I've seen in 10+ years of visiting this shithole!

I like the sound of having no arguments so I just ad hominem the fuck outa the post

You seem to be quite knowledgeable about stupid comments.
Go figure what this one spends most of his time on.

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Dude's quoting GG Allin, and posting pics of him. That means he's a complete bad ass and totally hardcore. Not many people realize this but GG was totally into arguing with people on the internet. He loved computers and shit, because he was gay and loved gay stuff.

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>lol dis guey lieks to be on ienternewt.
So do you, faggot. Youre here. Where did you think that insult was gonna go?

Youre an idiotic waste of space. Bye.

Basically this.

I dunno OP. Go ask your classmates


>that person uses the most common piece of technology in existence today
>How could they possibly have anything worthwhile to say?

>european support trump

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says the trumptard

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>it's about saying anything
You need help that cannot be gotten anywhere on this planet.

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people who voted for obama did not vote for trump.you dont understand how politics work,democrats wouldnt vote for a republican regardless who he was

Rare and saved

>Isn't an Anarchist or Marxist
real embarrassing OP

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Maybe. "Saving the world" is kind of cool, I guess.

Actually studies have shown that around six to nine percent of people who previously voted for Obama, voted for Trump.

Yeah, kids genuinely care about this shit. As they should. Anyone raised to be mindful should.

>ln case of complete lack of argumentation: laugh in caps

Liberals are not really different than a moody teenager.
This is why no one takes you guys seriously.

>Ad hominem

Disregarding the tantrum started yet again by liberals, I have to say OP.
I support Trump, but I also support kids fighting for a cleaner planet for all of us.

Look at everyone here in this fucked up boars with their misplaced sense of morals. And look at what out generations have done to our only home.

Our best bet is to hope future generations will be smarter and less aelf centered.

And besides, remember you were a kid too, and you had opinions too.
Brainwashing a kid might not be so different than brainwshing an adult.
Just take a look at worldwide politics

>not being gay


>uses an ad hominem then says "Ad hominem" as a defense in same post

>Complains about "their argument"
>Says "it's not about saying anything"
Pick one, fag

>donny is not really different than a moody teenager

Lets the little assholes feel that they're important, just like asshole adult protesters. They can all die in a fire.

Have you even considered that maybe you’re the one being brainwashed? Where do you think the money comes from for all those prager U videos? Who do you think actually benefits from reliance on fossil fuels? You know even if the environment isn’t being destroyed by human emissions, people’s minds are. Several studies have shown that when CO2 levels get higher than like 400 ppm there’s a measured drop in cognitive function. Even if the rise in atmospheric and oceanic CO2 isnt caused by humans it’s our responsibility to do something about it because it is a health hazard for future generations.

Study at
There’s been a couple replications of these results but I like the tables in this one the best.
Also for reference current ambient CO2 is about 411 PPM and at this point data suggests we’re heading towards 600 no matter what and even higher concentrations if we don’t do anything about it. A lot of office spaces with shitty ventilation can get concentrations up to 1000 ppm which I think is pretty funny and sad and it definitely explains a lot.

Anarchists don't tend to be fans of marxism, or marxists. It was that whole counterrevolution thing that Lenin staged once he was in power, as well as Stalin's reign of terror. Mikhail Bakunin was also the biggest critic of Marx within the entire socialist movement.

Personally though I think the Nihilists were the most correct. Politics and economics themselves are tools. Wielded in capable, hands they can be used for good. In incompetent or tyrannical hands they can be used to oppress and stagnate. Monarchs or democratically elected representatives, we need capable and hopefully decent men and women in power. The only way we're likely to get that is to set the world on fire first.

Are you even old enough to visit this website?

so all these teens doing meth had a genuine interest for hard drugs that ruin their lives easily? or did a friend of a friend convinced them of doing it just this once in a party because it's so cool?
also, all these teen girls preggo, did they wanted to get preggo, only to have an abortion later? or were they convinced of opening their legs and be fucked without a rubber by somebody else?
all you need is an internet fad, like being overly sensitive to some "important" issue, a good public speaker in a high school and the motivation of being "agents of change" or something like that and you get a couple hundred kids doing what you want

Most Americans voted for Hilary. (I did not)
He did NOT win the popular vote,
Trump lost that by over 3 million votes.

He won the electoral college. AND THAT WE NEED TO PUT A STOP TO IT IS THE SECOND TIME IN THE MODERN ERA this has happened.

(Fuck, learn to count, and then look up gerrymandering.)

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future /pol/ lurkers

I don't care about anyone's "stop liking things I don't like" tantrums, I'm just here for the GG Allin pictures

i dislike trump as much as the next person.but the popular vote is meaningless,why do libtards want the us presidential election to be a popularity contest?

It's the scumbag teachers setting up these kids and promising them a day off if they hold up signs. My little sister genuinely believes she's going to die in 12 years because of some vague kind of climate change and it freaks her out so bad it gives her panic attacks. I'm wondering if I can sue the school for fucking her up like that but I'd probably get smeared and some kind of ultra conservative nut.

Are you asking why each vote should be counted equally?

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Does anybody else feel an urge to throw a few large buckets full of pigs blood?

>we demand climate education

if they wanted education,they'd be in a classroom.not holding up a sign because their liberal teachers told them to

no,im asking why people care about the popular vote.being popular doesnt make you a good president,just look at obama

Simmer down игop

>Most Americans voted for Hilary.
Most Americans don't vote, dumbfuck.

or wait,let me guess.you thought barack obama was a good president and everything was bush's fault?

>most americans

well,most educated americans voted for somebody who wasnt hillary.the only people who voted for hillary were welfare abusing parasites and feminists

Because America is a democratic republic not a true democracy you retard

what are liberal values? I don't pay attention to politics or labels, maybe it's time I should learn what I am

To make conservative traditional adults feel guilty because they actually care about kids

Yeah, conservatives would never do that.

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>liberal values

hating america,supporting gay people,being anti gun

what great values they have(sarcasm)

Ohhh I'm sorry, like conservative hick ass yellow-vesters in AB don't do the same? Op's a bitch ass nazi

Am 16, can confirm nobody gives a flying fuck

user they’re underaged

I think it teaches the kids an important lesson.

If they do nothing but stand there and hold a sign that supports the approved narrative, the media will fawn all over them. We're showing the new generation of attention whores how we want them to shake their asses.

what if I'm anti gun and anti-faggot

168000000 Voted for Clinton
165000000 Voted for Trump

Why do I have to explain this to Yea Forumstards?

>we are tomorrow , you are yesterday
No. Everyone alive is today. I'm saying that and I'm even young. White people can be retards.


We need to fix that.

People care because of gerrymandering

>Yet you participate in society, curious

Oh switch that to fuck and kill for all of them then.

In part, it's indoctrination to raise good little obedient communists. See, the path to Socialism and Communism is not about making swift changes now, or in the next four years if a Democratic Socialist is elected.

No. It's a game of generations. They've been working for many decades to turn the US into an ever more Socialist state. If they don't succeed in 2020? That's actually fine. They'll make a lot of noise about it, though, because complaints get more attention, and young people being raised in Socialist mind-camps such as public schools and universities, will be further indoctrinated to despise anything which is not Socialism. This is all deliberate, as now they see the change in mindset compared to 50 years ago, as an opportunity to accelerate the process.

gerrymandering isnt something exclusive to the 2016 election,so how come you only whine about it when your beloved women president lost

maybe you shouldnt of fucked over bernie sanders.that would of helped your stupid feminist trash president out

>Pick one, fag
that's pretty homophobic desu, user

All people who are fanatic about their beliefs do this. It's unrealistoc stupid and plain wrong to assume only liberals do this shit.

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besides,you retards have whined about the election for almost 4 years straight.its time to get over it and move on with your lives

It's a common bad faith argument used against socialism, less often against consevation or global warming efforts, but trolls gunna troll. It's been debunked plenty on both fronts, so don't waste your time taking the b8, m8.

This is true, no lies would ever be spread about the Golden Goat Allahn

Troll farm algorithms include ice cream, circumcised elephant beetles and NSA spook bait CIA mustard dick.


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>Emission monsters
Relatively speaking, they are not.

Transport the maximum tonnage of a ship by ship.

Transport the same amount by planes.

One of these produces more pollutants (it isn't the ship).

We are complaining now because this is the second time in slightly over a decade that a less popular candidate has won.

It is time we were an actual democracy.

>Socialist mind camps
You don't understand how university works if you think rote learning is how it works.

and like i said before,the us presidental election is not a popularity contest

So many bad assumptions. Duh gerrymandering isnt new, Hillary specifically has nothing to do with it and personally glad she didnt win because I have a problem with families running our country. And I like how you are saying get over it already, which people who are crying should focus on the next elections but it's not like the other side doesnt do the same shit. Being an angry mouth breather doesnt change anything so calm down the butthurt rage

It's the same kind of bad faith argument used against conservatives all the time, as well. Both sides are shit.

Expect if every vote has equally weight, then it would be

It's fairly close to being a popularity contest.

>it is time we were an actual democracy

oh really? so 8 years after "my way or the executive order"you libtards pretend like you support democracy.take your communist ass to the gulag comrad

can you point to things that Trump has done that have been detrimental to the country at this point, or are you still reeling from 2 years ago?

the difference between Repubs and Dems are when Obama won, Reps bitched about it for 6 months, "hrr drr where is birth certificate", then realized he is doing a decent job and he stayed in office for 8 years. Dems are still crying collusion 2 years later

hate to break it to you, but besides nuclear weapons, president holds very little power and is just a puppet

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it is not,maybe you retards shouldnt vote until you understand how the us goverment and elections work.since you obviously dont

You seem fixated on the term popular.
The Majority of voting Americans, voted for Clinton.

Hope that helps.

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Every vote does have equal weight, all 535 of them.

Why do conservatives do the same?

>hope that helps

nope,the majority of americans did not vote for hillary.the majority of americans didnt want 4 more years of left wing failure like we got with your beloved black president

Look cumbubble.

I have been saying do away with the Electoral vote since Regan was in office so fuck off.

Underage b&


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oh right,because you know.democrats blaming bush for the past 8 years are just so much better(sarcasm)

We know how to use capital letters, apostrophes in contractions, and can actually make points instead of throwing around insults, so your lack of an argument is invalid.

There's that good old "us vs them" attitude!

>since regan was in office

you wernt even alive when regan was president kid

>people don't share my beliefs but they don't want to fight me on it either fucking moderates REEEEEEEEEEEE

Asking the USA to pay for a wall he said Mexico would pay for.
Filling that swamp with more swamp rats.

He is a trademarked liar from the word go.

We do not need a Trump Memorial wall on the Southern Border until Trump has earned it.

>throwing around insults

meanwhile,next week


how's that not throwing around insults working out for you libtard?

Obama was just as bad as Bush. This is what happens when you have corporatists on both sides running things who don't give a fuck about anything but the true ruling class, which happens to profit off warmongering.

Complex hydrocarbon click bait catch all twenty two of those motherfuckers.

Do you even understand shipping complex logistical plans secured en route to the interminable destination port of call?

You probably have professional ear wax clones ready for an eternity of white noise, not to mention light pollution.

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>implying centrists actually have beliefs

>oh no,a politician has lied

why didnt you treat obama the same way when he said if you liked your healthcare you can keep it? maybe because you wernt paying the taxes for obamacare like the rest of the parasites on the left

Oh so only 535 people voted last election? Or would you say that clearly people purely voted for dems only in blue states with absolutely no rep votes?

except bush wasnt bad.we all know you loved obama,democrats couldnt get enough of their black president

I think we should gas you.

If you think that's a moderate position, well hey the world might be a better place than I suspected.

Leftists did treat Obummer the same way, libs didn't.

I think you deserve the wall.

Damn, horseshoe theory proven.

yeah - wanting equality is horrible.

Yes, only 535 people voted last election. That's the point, retard. Learn how presidential elections work.

>no you!!!!!

holy fuck please neck yourself faggot

Leftists don't want equality. They want equity at the expense of human rights.

"Obummer" is the lamest faggotry possible. I just can't fathom how people can use that and not feel absolutely retarded.
Shillary is solid. Obummer? Weak af.

I did not vote for Obama.
I assure you I have complained about all mandatory retail insurance products health and auto.

As an engineer and scientist who works for the government, sadly, yes, I have considered it.
Things are a lot different than what you think they are.
And my position stands.

I didn’t use ad hominem. If you feel offended by someone telling you that you’re not being taken seriously, that’s up to you.
I’d consider it criticism and try to improve on my argumentation skills.

I have been alive since LBJ was in office my dear little catamite.

Left, right, center and especially you all deserve the wall.

The political spectrum isn't a horseshoe, it's a lump of shit laced with evil.

>m-m-muh nicknames are more betterer

What's your apolitical solution to all society's woes then, cupcake?


Gridlock. The less they do the better.

>turn the US into an ever more Socialist state

Pure economies do not work. No one with a brain wants a purely socialist or a purely capitalist economy.

Liberals are degenerates.

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Is that the new welcome to Yea Forums pic?

Logfiles are gay

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Welcome to 4chains.

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That isn't a solution at all, coward.

65,853,514 voted for Clinton
62,984,828 voted for Trump

Trumps number of votes is 2 million less than for other candidates. See how simple math can be?

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yah, and that counts for not libtards and cuntservatives.

You think this is a liberal thing? Are you just blind or blind and retarded? The anti abortion movement is using kids EVERYWHERE in their protests and media to try to illicit sympathy. Chruches especially radically anti gay ones have been using kids for decades to support their decisions. There are many more examples. I am just saying thats not some strike on liberals. Both sides do it in excess. Don't be blind to your own sides folly while attacking the others for same.

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>Do kids genuinely care about any of this?


Everything government does is force, through the threat of violence against the People. Therefore cronyism is force. Socialism is force. Communism is force. Remove force from the system, and you're left with voluntarism. True capitalism is based in voluntarism. Demand-side economics dictates supply, and people's willingness to meet demand creates jobs.

Socialism, guaranteeing an income, even to people who do not want to work, is a failure from the start.

Fuck authoritarianism.

Do you understand that transporting 1000 tons by a single 1000 ton ship doesn't produce as many pollutants as transporting 1000 tons by multiple aircraft?

Do you?

True. Although I always thought it was peculiar how one lot want to outlaw abortions while not wanting to do anything
to protect the world these children will inherit.

i'd ask some for you, but i have to stay 50 yards away from kids

Ancaps may be the most retraded posters on Yea Forums.

Sorry I believe one PERSON, one vote.
Not a Farmer with 10 Acres of land is worth more than one person living in an apartment.

I would like to try DEMOCRACY in the Country that lays claim to it.

I don't think many people under 60 would use Obummer. That was more of a teabagger nickname than an altright one.

Schools are indoctrination camps.

>Do kids genuinely care about any of this?
well - u dont, some1 has to. Leave it to those, who r smarter than u
get it? Children r smarter than u

He already said Shillary is solid (it is, flows well, actual partial rhyme). Obumma is just objectively a less well formed nickname than Shillary. He didn't mention any left nicknames (Drumpf is pretty good linguistically speaking, by the way, but still nowhere near as good as Shillary, and Trumpanzee is from a poetic standpoint pretty spectacular as a portmanteau)

It's better than all the alternatives. "They should do something" is the source of all evil.

Again, pure economies do not work. This is econimics 101.

Not true, 304 voted for Trump, 227 voted for Clinton. Learn how presidential elections work.

liberals does not want equality, liberals want special privilege for people of color.

Attached: affirmativeActionHarvard.jpg (670x683, 306K)

Nope. Anarcho-capitalism will only drive exploitation because there is an overabundance of people (labor, a product, supply) compared to the demand (jobs to fill).

You're literally Hitler, except worse.

>most retraded posters on Yea Forums.

Anywhere actually.

The U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a republic. You should learn the basic forms of government before reeeing about what doesn't work.

so the only solution is bigotry?

It's the final solution.

solve for x again, brainlet

It's not as simple as that.
e.g. Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives. As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.

Nice non-argument.

"I disagree, therefore you're stupid." < (you)

You know what I really just want to watch you die now. Please take a vitamin 9mm ASAP.

To be clear I hope your very arrogant and ignorant ass dies from very swift lead poisoning.


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It's a gas gas gas

Actually, it balances the market. There are currently plenty of jobs which are over-paid. Eliminating the minimum wage means people can demand the wage they want, but also must exhibit skill to do a job worth that wage.

When people have to pay for their own children's education, they will have to re-think having children in the first place.

When you're responsibly for your own retirement, you carefully consider how much you're able to put aside, whether you're willing to work for an employer who does not offer a pension, or whether to start your own business. If your business fails, you decide whether to start a new one, or become someone else's employee.

None of these things require government force.

Government is force. Everything government does is a threat of violence, holding you in duress of your life, liberty, and property. Fuck government.

Kid on the right is holding a smug ass sign. Makes me want to punch him.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about the Motherland, you little pidar? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the FSB Alfa Group, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Ukraine, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gaining fire superiority and I’m the top machine gunner in the entire Russian armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another Islamist. I will wipe you the fuck out with suppression the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Rossija over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of GRU agents across the West and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Katjusha storm, suka. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call NATO. You’re fucking dead, fascist. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Kalashnikov. Not only am I extensively trained in small arms weapons, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the VDV and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of my country, you little huj. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn djebil. I will piss vodka all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, American.

No more of this electoral bullshit.
We could provide a laptop to every American and just vote the bills ourselves. (For about a third of the cost of congress and its support staff.


Am I being clear that we want to change things that the current system does not reflect the desires of the majority that this will change now or violence will ensue.

Yea, they do. They are fucking tired of your 2A bullshit bleeding into psychos easily acquiring guns and shooting at them in their schools. Also, OP is a faggot.

What about the People's Republic of China?

Naming a country something doesn't mean shit. It's what's done with that.

The US is no longer a Republic; it was meant to be, but that has since changed. To quote G. W. Bush, "The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper." If you want to return to Constitutionalism, the government must be abolished in its current form, and re-made under the ideals of Liberty.

Fine. Make it a democracy, and let three cities decide for the nation.

Go fuck yourself.

Ignoring things that no longer happen like the New England town hall meetings, the only real decisions in the U.S. that are made via direct democracy are ballot initiatives, and ironically they're one of the least democratic ways of making decisions, because they're often written by a very small group and most people don't actually know what they're voting for. It's also why the nomination or primary process can make republican representation a shame, because a choice between two pre-approved choices isn't a real choice.

But the U.S. is still largely a republic. Though the constitutional qualifier is a valid addition, though it's largely meaningless today since it's effectively a universal standard today. Even totalitarian states have a Constitution of some kind.

>Go fuck yourself.
Oh no I am a librul.
I wanna fuck your son. Post nudes nao!

We have the electoral college for a reason. Direct democracy is the WORST idea ever. It encourages mob rule and suppression of minorities. The masses are dumb, deaf, and blind.

Attached: 121.png (342x465, 284K)

You you're just randomly segueing from topic to unrelated topic. The PRC is just a name, there's no real voting except by the oligarchy. The U.S. is a republic, and you can't disprove that by arguing against constitutional originality because a Constitution is orthogonal to republicanism.

No. Let individuals decide for themselves. Provide everyone with a political education as standard. Have every vote preceded by a short test to demonstrate that you have read the proposal being voted on (essentially test whether you actually know what the proposal is, bullet points, easymode multi choice) and lock people who don't fucking understand the vote out.

I have heard that claim.
I still want to try it.

The majority will always be better than the elite.

And yet still pure economies do not work. Do you actually realize politics and economics aren't the same things per se? Intertwined yes, the same things no.

You are a fucking commie idiot.
>The majority will always be better than the elite.
Minority =/= elite. What about fag, niggers, and trannies? Saying you care about minority groups and being against representative democracy is hypocritical
Military Junta is the only good system kiss my ass

Why? It's a big change, what's the value?

Because that's the problem. There are a number of practical benefits to the electoral college, like simplifying recounts, it historically has a pretty good track record of reflecting the popular sentiment. There's no strong, compelling reason to change it other than muh democracy, which is one of those abstract theoretical pie in the sky things that's unrelated to any concrete benefits.

And pure direct electronic democracy is not only vulnerable to hacking, but requires an impossible level of engagement. Congressmen don't have time to read every bill they have to vote for, and it's their full time job and they have a staff to assist them. Regular citizens would ignore most bills, and vote based on first impressions.

That is not communist.
It is True Democracy.

Attached: eagles.jpg (259x194, 9K)

Which would hand the legislative process to special interests, even more than the current system.

Fuck what you said tl;dr
That fucking gif though. Fucking shit that's gold

Lets try it anyway.

The best idea is to try new things until they work rather than to beat the dead fucking horse.

you are being anti-Semitic now

Attached: jew1p.jpg (1275x1650, 314K)

No, it would hand it to the people. Individually. Provided they actually pay attention and use their voice. If you don't understand a vote you have no business casting it, that's just policy through ignorance.

Revelations 2:9.

I did not say anything about the "liars that claim to be Jews" but since you brought it up....

No True Jews left. Hitler killed them off.

But what if there are three candidates? Can I switch my vote from A to B, if it turns out A has no chance of winning? Because if I can't, then we can end up with a split vote, where 65% of people prefer A or B and despise C, but lose because they split their vote equally between A and B, and the remaining 35% voted in a block for C.

One person one vote isn't that simple.

That's what we have states for. They're supposed to experiment with different methods, so we can see what works.

One = 1.
And yep if A and B split C wins.
That would be perfectly OK.

But why should a cityslicker decide what laws rural people follow? Their votes would essentially mean nothing.
Direct Democracy is mob rule. If everyone voted to jump off a bridge and the majority said yes would you jump off that bridge? Direct democracy would ruin the country.

>Do kids care about massive political and economical crisis in their lifetimes?
Yeah. They do user.

You don't understand the problem. It's simple attention, a feeling of irrelevance, but more than anything information overload. There are currently 5580 bills in front of Congress (govtrack.us/), you can't expect 330 million people to read them all. So what happens is the people who are deeply invested are the only people who get to vote on the things that matter to them, i.e. special interests.

OK I have wasted enough time on the Russian trolls and bots here.

America needs to switch to a pure democracy.


It's not democracy if 65% of the people would have voted for anyone except the person who won.

Because. DEMOCRACY...

Simple aint it.

As I said before.

Oh you sweet summer child

all of scientific experts support their ideas. 97% consensus.

There's only a 90% consensus that cigarettes causes lung cancer. Science is more sure about climate change than smoking.

Not a child an adult who is sick of the status quo.

I love democracy.
Convince 51% of the people that they'd be better off with the money of the 49%. Take their money, kill them all.

A child who doesn't understand the status quo, or how to make things better


Well fuck then.

Logans run bitches.

Blow up the old when they hit 35.

Democracy is supposed to be fair. Equal is not fair. To each according to his needs.
Direct Democracy would cause so many civil wars. Yanks voted to end slavery, they didn't need it because they were almost completely industrialized. However, the South's economy RELIED on slavery. Which caused a civil war because the South had basically no say in the matter

That's actually not a terrible idea. Will never play, since the old vote and the young don't so the old get everything and the young get everything taken from them. But it would solve quite a number of problems.

because kids, like women and brown people, are easy to manipulate and control
there was a reason why our ancestors knew that only white men should be allowed to vote.

150 years ago.
Let's try something new and different.
Besides war is very profitable.

I knew you would like it.
Which is exactly why you need to die.

>Which is exactly why you need to die.

Weird. Didn’t see him say anything about Trump. Guess it’s only trump lovers and people that sniff Hillary’s asshole in your tiny brain.

You never considered that maybe the old things are like that for a reason. Our current system has brought America to be the current sole superpower in the world. Are you saying that we should destroy america by doing something thats unreliable, especially in America?
Direct democracy requires philia, which America doesn't have. Races would vote against each other, creating more racial tension and then big ugly dumb mobs would rule the state.

We could make it 1 vote = 1 death
You can make a decision, but you won't be around to see it happen

Kids are selfish and stupid just like liberals.
You do the math.

your only chance at a decent life is to live with white people
anything you build will collapse
You exist only as long as whites tolerate you ( and as long as the left need your vote)
you're fucked either way

You are a hateful, bitter faggot. You will die alone and nothing of value will be lost.

It isn't war you should fear.
It is peace.

Don't you ever read your Bible?
It is full of traditions, like slavery.

Trying new methods is something that has always been resisted.
And it is time to fix that.

Even if it means war.

Looking forward to the continued deaths of many many little brown children.

Which is exactly why you need to die.

Which is exactly why you need to die.

Which is exactly why you need to die.

Which is exactly why you need to die.

You won't survive the racewar, you profligate mutt.

>So what happens is the people who are deeply invested are the only people who get to vote on the things that matter to them, i.e. special interests.
That is not what special interests are. You're talking about people who are interested, not special interests. Special interests are political groups that attempt to influence particular subjects. Those groups would have no more power under the public vote democracy. Each individual would have one vote, and the public, even only those who would pay attention, would VASTLY outnumber them.

NPCs in training

Not, they're still special interests. It's a slightly different definition, but not massively so. The basic problem is those who most care about a problem aren't necessarily the ones who should be making all the decisions about a problem. The most obvious reason is the loss of any cost controls -- if you really care about something, then who cares what it costs? But if everyone else has to pay for that, and everybody's else pet projects, it adds up to more money than exists. When collective resources have be allocated, we need to make those decisions collectively.,

It scares extremists. Left or right, extremists fear popular sentiment, because it tends towards moderation over the long term, which is bad for their agenda.

Short term yea, popular sentiment can be very extremist. The dipshit you were responding to brought up trannies. While it's not a new thing, it is to most people. All of a sudden they have transgendered people in their faces screaming about rights and acceptance, and people against them screaming about how the sky will fall if trannies get any of what they want. 20, 30 years ago it was the gays. Homophobes did a good job slowing the gay rights movement down, but eventually it got to the point where almost everyone knows gay people, and that put a human face on the movement, and today most people have no problem with them. It'll be the same with trannies. People will eventually accept them into broader society, and the extremists who hate them will be the ones pushed into closets, or face ostracism themselves.

Which is exactly why you need to die.

Then print more money.

Before you object and try to explain economics..

Credit and Debit have allowed us to exceed the actual currency for years. Print more money.

>We need to make those decisions collectively
Yes. But we need to do so in an informed way. Those who can stay informed will still outnumber them. Vastly. Those who know nothing about it other than 'I just don't want them to spend this money' have no place in the process. If they all voted it would just always result in a negative.

I mean this is pretty easy to work out, my man.

Also, no, they are not special interests. Special interests in politics is pretty well defined. The AMA is a special interest group. It is vastly outnumbered by members of the public who care about the outcome of medical law who are interested in the subject (not special interests. Interested individuals. Different kettle of fish).

Why does OP post cancerous bait threads? Does he think anyone genuinely cares about this?

No, they won't. You don't realize the volume fo pages in the federal register, much less all the proposed bills. And if we open that to the general citzenry, it'll be even worse.

Just an addenda: This can work, but only a very local level. Which is actually a very good reason for pushing as many decision as possible down to the local level.

270+ replies from 84 posters would seem to prove that folks care.

Because they use feels and emotions over reason and facts.

But you know that already, didn't you?

You ask that as if liberals are the only ones that do this. I've seen children "protesting" with their parents in front Planned Parenthood on multiple occasions. I've seen kids used in Christian and conservative propaganda videos. I've even seen pictures of kids dressed as Klansmen during KKK rallies. I'm not denying that liberals have done similar things. But it seems to be kind of a universal thing, regardless of the ideology. And yes, it's wrong. Kids should be encouraged to learn and to think so that they can form their own opinions/beliefs as they grow up. Indoctrination is a form of abuse in my opinion.

They will though. Members of the public in political action organisations that debate the actions of special interest groups outnumber the members of those special interest groups. Vastly.

>Yanks voted to end slavery,

Ending slavery wasn't the issue. Stopping it's expansion into new territories, that were eventually likely to become states was.

Slavery was abolished on the state, or territorial level in some states/territories, but it wasn't abolished on the Federal level until the ratification of the 13th amendment, in 1865. After the war ended. Contrary to popular belief the emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves that lived in Confederate states, and only if they were willing to serve in the Union Army. Also after the war ended it was still unclear whether the Proclamation was actually enforceable. Interestingly enough, Maryland was a Union state, as well as a slave state, and slavery was only abolished there after the ratification of the 13th Amendment, making it the last state where slavery was permitted unhindered or unchallenged.

Another thing often overlooked is that abolitionism was gaining traction in the South even before the war. The South wasn't as industrialized as the North but it was already trying to catch up. No one really doubted that slavery would ultimately be abolished there in time. Frontier territories on the other hand were another matter, hence the reason the legality of slavery in them was such a hot button issue.

>people with under developed brains overwhelmingly agree with their(left) political beliefs.
>Because children are stupid and they know they will vote left

Yeah they are easier to manipulat but
I'd say its more because of the increased exposure to left media rather than just beeing dumb.

Conservatives do it too.

Attached: screen-shot-2012-07-31-at-4-16-28-pm.png (492x324, 227K)

Yea Forums is a cesspool of uneducated arguments and tunnel vision

The local level is really what matters most. I don't care what your personal politics are, think of a federal level politician you think sucks and is detrimental to the country. Chances are they got their start in local politics somewhere. If people actually took an interest in their local elections then Washington, and the state capitals probably wouldn't be quite so full of such absolute garbage politicians.

And it's disgusting in both cases.

We can look on the positive side though. At least American liberals and conservatives aren't strapping bombs to their children. Having them hold up posters in the streets is rather benign compared to what politically and religiously minded people make children do in much of the world.

Maybe it is time to join a third party and put an end to both DNC and GOP for good?

OK that is true.

Kids dont know jack shit you dumb cunt. They shouldnt be picketing down a street, they should be having fun killing frogs or something