Plot: Rambo inherits a ranch near the Mexican border. Ends up taking out Cartel and human traffikers with nothing but bow and arrows.
Democrats BTFO
Plot: Rambo inherits a ranch near the Mexican border. Ends up taking out Cartel and human traffikers with nothing but bow and arrows.
Democrats BTFO
That editor though. How much money you think I got off this picture.
You and all other political and critical horse shit aside; I really hope it is a good send off for the series I have been watching for the past 40 years.
I feel like this movie should not be made. First Blood is a fucking classic, even Rambo 4 was better than expected, but it seems like Stallone is not capable anymore due his age. Let the franchise die in piece.
protip: read the books.
>democrats are against action movies
>republicans would never want to ban violent movies
You and all other Movie buffs aside ; I really hope it is a good send off to the series as well as Democrats btfo.
bumpity dumpity
I agree. It should not be made. As well as IV should not have been made, as III should not have been made. But it is, and all has been. I can only hope that Rambo is given his closure. I personally hope he dies in a very appropriate way, so he can finally be at peace.
I remember in Nam I made a crossbow out of a toothpick
End your one and only life.
NPC liberal cuck detected
haha fellow white GamerGuy I am also very smart and political.
libtards xD am i right??
>kids still getting up early for school and replying to shit they don't understand and won't understand for another 20 years
>democrats btfo
guess it's just payback for black panther then
Referring to anyone who you don't agree with as "kid", always makes me laugh. 10/10 you're no older than 20
Begin yours and we'll talk, kiddo
the real question is who would win between rambo vs chuck norris? bet is on rambo
They would definitely team up to secure the border before any kumite is put together. Priorities, user.
Just assuming, when you use
in such a short sentence, referring to something you would know very little about, so shortly after American school has let out, you seem a bit obviously underaged.
No one is buying tickets to see this shit IMO.
Thats from the one after this film.
*Juan detected*
>it's another gung-ho faggot against cartels movie
*Juans MS-13 handler detected*
I'd watch the fuck outta that. He needs explosives in s scene too though. Maybe he finds their stockpile of explosives and rigs it to blow or something.
IV was really good. At the time it was the best 80s action movie made since the 80s. During the 90s Hollywood turned the action and horror genres into lame jokes. Rambo IV marked a return to actually trying to make watchable action once again. Horror has also made a decent comeback since then too.
This reminds me for whatever reason, Stallone is actually one if the loudest voices for gun control in Hollywood, so effectively the entire US. He's not a Democrat either.
Charles Bronson was also a bit passionate about gun control, and he pretty much was the god of gratuitous on-screen violence. Death Wish 3 was a huge fucking mess because he only agreed to do it if the mindless violence was toned way down. So they filmed the movie, and then refilmed it behind his back to put the violence back in there. What they ended up with was a cartoonishly violent, incoherent horrible yet entertaining piece of shit. Ironically nearly all the gun violence in it was from his character . He literally shoots a guy in the face with a fucking rocket launcher. Goddamn. the 80s were great.'s saturday.
We talking Missing in Action Chuck Norris here, or Sidekicks Chuck Norris, cuz the latter is a real deal breaker.
You will be me some day.
Wait a fucking second.
I meant kids are still getting up at this time even though it is their break. They get to lay their little heads in. Instead they are crying here. Which they normally do. So it doesn't really matter if it is summer or not.
You could show me a man cut his own dick off and i'd still take his word over Trumps on literally any topic.