Who's the faggot now Yea Forums ?
Who's the faggot now Yea Forums ?
nice you got a gf. happy for you user.
Look just like you're mom
Still you
Your mom doesn't count fatty.
You. You are the biggest faggot on the fucking planet, and you suck nigger dicks on a daily basis just because you like it so much. Why you're posting pictures of some ugly fat bitch and some faggot from facebook is beyond me though. That obviously isn't you, so why are you bragging about how much dick you suck?
That is a long haired man, user. You are still a faggot
That's not you. Answer the previous questions you fucking faggot nigger bitch.
>Why you're posting pictures of some ugly fat bitch and some faggot from facebook
Why are you doing this?
This nigga real
nigga even if you have a girlfriend that doesn't mean your not a faggot
What do you wear?
OP looks like a Chad huh?
the fuck is with this
shit if your gonna bother replying at least make it worth reading OP
also lobster is for rich fags just eat some dick
No u!
Waiting to see if babe is gonna wait so we can get some food it's almost 8 am I been up since 6 am
>No u!
is that really the best you can do? I was trying to get a real response out of you but it seems you are to much of a retared beta fag to say anything of value. I hope that landwhale of a wife you have rolls onto you in "her" sleep and crushes you to death
I'm outta here nigger see you in hell
Who is who?
anyone can pull a butterfaced landwahle
>posts picture with landwhale
>Looks like a chimp
The answer is you op. You're a faggot.
>she said YES!!!
Whats the combined weight of this photo?
but the ring said no
Hooking up with a fat bitch is not an achievement. For normies that's a side bitch that'll do anything for you. It's the bitch you call at 3am for a blowjob and throw her out 30 minutes later. Go fuck yourself.
Why does that fat guy have such long hair?
This user speaks the truth. I use landwhales all the time for throat or rough anal. Thats all they are good for. Good job snagging a walrus user.. real alpha
How often do you eat, i eat like once every 8 hours maybe.
Got some bad news for you, OP.
can we track him down? kek
Dog if you guys ever consider having children please loose the weight. It has huge effects on the childrens genetics.