A white red haired woman I know who had mutt babies with a mexican hog, why? money?
A white red haired woman I know who had mutt babies with a mexican hog, why? money?
they are allowed to still be men user
Could be love user.
I'm a white red haired woman planning to have kids with my Mexican man. He doesnt have a lot of money. I just live him. Simple
How fat are you?
redheads are unfeminine and not that picky
defo fat
It's hard to see but his calves look pretty well formed so he's probably an athlete or at least a runner or something, which makes him in the top %15 of amerifats already.
I wouldn't rule out that love was involved too.
but don't women want to avoid mulatto genes
Women would let a mudman impregnate them as long as he was confident. Literally all they care about. Seen super fat dudes that acted like they were the best thing ever have great wives
You shouldn't really be wondering why the two fittest people in that pic (she's had two children and still looks pretty slim or at least normal which is slim by USA standards) are together instead of with almost any of the amerifats in the background.
I mean there is literally a lardass on a mobility scooter in the background and you're wondering why the fit people are fucking each other instead of finding lardasses with the same skin color as them?
Apparently not, you posted the evidence already. Fit genes > brown genes
The skin color is clearly less important to her than having a husband with the self-discipline to maintain his body in the land of high-fructose corn syrup and the love to still be with her eight-ish years after childbirth and apparently still look happy in family photos, and because he's fit, not end up dying of dabeetus when he's 45.
>mulatto genes
Those girls look adorable.
Are you retarded? The pair are fucking fat. Wetbacks are always fat and lazy
Better then having kids with a black person. Not a popular opinion but, I think whites and hispanics make more kids. Pic related and more to follow.
The husband is fat, please kys. Some women are stupid and would like gross mutt kids. They deserve the chambers.
Should make* typing this on my phone
Why is this a thread again?
Sorry to all the white fags in here, some people actually know about relationships instead of being degens on here, puuutooooos
found the mutt
>The pair are fucking fat
Maybe in Sth Korea, they're just about the slimmest, fittest people in OPs photo though.
The brunette with backpack in the center background might be slimmer maybe, not sure there's anyone else in the photo that is.
Because OP is a stormfag trying to force race-hate on Yea Forums to make themselves feel better about never getting laid.
>They deserve the chambers.
Probably because she is missing a leg
>claims to be a woman
>no tits
>no timestamp
opinion discarded
I'm white and I love my Mexican wife. She's 10x better than any white woman I dated and treats me like a man. Sex when I want. Cooks,cleans, and doesn't bitch. Only thing she wants is my attention and love. You guys need to get a laid and give Latinas a chance. They'll change your motherfucking life.
I'm pretty average. Like 155?
Nah not really. Abut chubby I guess.
Eh oh well
kermit suicide, whore
GamerGuys don't understand the world because they fear it and stay inside
Nah I'm good user :)
Dunno, they're still better than niggers.
Now between niggers and jews, that'd be actually hard to choose.