Best place go find a whore?
I'm lost anons. Where do I go?
I offer GF tits as tribute
Best place go find a whore?
I'm lost anons. Where do I go?
I offer GF tits as tribute
Straight to hell you fucking scum
Why you need a whore with a gf who has those titties? Show the bitch’s face.
She just lays there and doesn't do anything. Only get head if I ask, never offers.
Don't be a fucking beta fag and make her your whore. You're gonna end up being a cuckfag.
Man up, bitch. The grass is always greener on the other side. Make her your whore. Women, like her, will do whatever you want if you lead them properly. Be lucky you have a decent woman instead of some skank. Maybe you are the problem????
I want some Asian pussy.
You guys are being a bunch of fucking niggers
This is what I did with my wife. She was very inexperienced, and I just started to make her do everything I wanted her to. She started getting into it, and now she's my personal whore.
I'll fuck your bitch properly. Maybe that's all she's needing, and you're not fucking her like she wants to be.
goth club
No, faggot. You are the nigger here. Dump her if you don’t like her. Don’t go fuck some whore and bring back a disease to your unsuspecting gf. I bet you are a two minute wonder in bed. Grow up, you little bitch.
Lol What is this fuckin nonsense?
>huuurrr I want pussy, but not this pussy
>duuur she does whatever I want
>*sucks up drool* Waaah, I want rice vag! WAAAAH!! ITCHY PENIS! ITCHY PENIS!
Stop being such a faggot and give that bitch some dick. God forbid you should give her a reason to feel sexy or wanted. She might actually blow you because it makes HER feel good.
What a fuckin mong.
This is right.
I smell samefagging.
I feel like most of this thread hasn't been in a relationship very long.
I posted the one he quoted. Not samefagging, bitch. I’m an internet tough guy.
I hope you bleed out your dick hole.
Your mom's house.
Kek. Sorry, internet tough guy.
Alright then. That’s what I thought.
Wow chan is fucking white Knight Central. Check out rub maps for some happy ending massage or bed page it it looks like spam it is..
No. It’s called being a man. Cheating isn’t cool. Be man enough to change your situation or leave it. Trust and your word is all you really have.