So another mass shooting.
11 this time.
Angry white guy.
What is the solution?
So another mass shooting.
11 this time.
Angry white guy.
What is the solution?
Other urls found in this thread:
stop pissing off white guys.
Concentration camps
Surely this will work
You're always pissed off though.
Did you just call me Shirley?
>(((another))) white guy
Last two were a faggot and a tranny but ok retard
>Angry white guy
Where's the name and pic?
Stop reporting it in the how fast the numbers drop
Mental health promoted as a serious problem for men too
There is no doable solution.
11 people die in a country of 330 million people
people are going to die
shit is going to happen
there is no solution
banning guns is not a solution
Ban mass shootings.
White guys gonna white
People have been killing other people since humans first existed and suddenly it's shocking to people if a gun is involved.
Make mass shootings illegal again!
oy vey election is coming. better start rolling in the fake shootings
suns out, guns out
Why are you posting this shit with only 11 killed. That's a slow Tuesday in Chicago. Some dumb motherfucker pissed the wrong dude off and got served.
>What is the solution?
Close down the CIA
Start here. Anger is a symptom of childhood sexual abuse
still whites
Ban masturbation
Yeah, but he killed them with a gun and it was all in one place by the same guy.
>liberal logic
I'll start caring when trained ex-military white guys get pissed off and shoot something up
Just another white cuck who couldn't find a black cock to suck in frustration
so what. Hitler killed 6 million. Shit happens. Deal with it.
How many would he have got without a gun?
Who gives a fuck?
imagine if everyone in their was strapped
if people would just get smart they'd buy a gun
Great argument.
Rednek with no point but 'muh guns'
>go outside
>get shot
what beautiful hellhole we created for ourselves
Ban angry white guys
Great society to have when everyone is holstered and ready to dispense death 27/7
This would be okay as long as killings are spread out over time and not done by the same person.
american poor people: have smart phones
poor people anywhere else: dying
I've lived in America for 50 years now and I've never seen anyone get shot nor have I ever worried about getting shot.
it's called being american, this is what happens when liberals control the education system
you never learned about american traditions/culture
it's just sad
u wot m8
because you can't read
american traditions and culture, like genocide? cool story bro
Yeah, I don't care how many people get shot we will never ban guns in the US. Get over it.
greatest country on earth
>What is the solution?
thoughts and prayers, of course.
woah.. powerful
Daily mass shooting is the best bit of American culture. And gun collecting
>nigger goes apeshit and kills people
om niggers are so savage and wild wat dooo
>white guy goes apeshit and kills people
/pol/cels gonna /pol/
This is the solution:
>if the jews did it then it proves jews are evil
>if white people did it then it proves jews did it and are evil
>im a totally sane person
god you're retarded
how about the great expansion, fighting oppression
remember when american CITIZENS fought the number one super power in the world
and won
people die, war happens, get over it pussy
tinfoil, the post.
Have they said he is white yet?
I mean the odds are pretty good, but have they said yet?
Stop blowing your liberal logic up every ones ass, might be a good starting point
You can't take my guns, how will I masturbate without my guns?
american poor people: get shot
poor people everywhere else: doesn't get shot
I seriously couldn't give a fuck that 11 people were killed over 1000 miles from where I live. And I didn't know a single one of them.
I feel like you get an office of miserable poorly educated poorly paid Americans. They bully the fuck out of the weird guy. The weird guy kills a bunch of them. And the remainders will never admit that they caused it.
So do nothing and ignore the mass shootings?
>alt-right logic
you should've put
>get stabbed
>acid attacks
>get bombed
>gets raped
yes, we ignore them
why do americans need guns?
because fuck you, that's why
Because tough guys
>doesn't even understand what news are
If you're worried about saving lives, ban cars and cigarettes. Mass shootings are barely a drop in the bucket.
Assuming he used fertilizer, gasoline or any other number of readily available substances: many, many more. Guns are just more convenient.
More guns!
Even better, more fully automatic guns!!
And grenade launchers!!!
Live the American dream, Think Big and turn the 11 easily into an 111.
It's not a question of need. We want them and will fight to keep them.
I think if a white Trump supporter did it then we should talk about it for months. But if a nigger did it then the story should be dead within 2 days.
Bitches dont know about my 27hr. days
modern americans are so weak it's embarrasing
americans are so fucking spoiled, we don't get what true suffering is
america is one of the greatest countries and you people think that cause 11 people die it's going to shit
blinded from reality
teach men not to mass shoot
How many multiple homicides did cigarettes cause?
Self harm is different to shooting up tour office faggot.
Try a different line from the NRA handbook
Well obviously. Niggers kill people all the time, so niggers killing people barely counts as news.
but muh gun ban user
For self defense, in case someone tries to shoot you.
>shall not be infringed
Case closed
So the inanimate object caused the human to do it? Ban humans.
>Angry white guy.
We should respect his culture.
you do realize that "americans" are just the result of european cross and in breeding, do you?
Yes because when someone shoots at you you have about 1/3 of a second to react and 'self defence' with your own gun. I can see your logic user. Good point
kill white men, rape their females
"amendment" - can be amended
why focus on race? it's so much more than that
nothing is as simple as, cause black, cause white
won't be amended
These so-called mass shootings only happen because there aren't enough guns, not too many. If there were more guns people wouldn't use them so much.
You hope
True, but unless it is amended, stop trying to circumvent it with unconstitutional laws.
Dumbest belief imaginable.
you carry?
It's 2 am, I'm drunk, downed a bottle of gin, didn't take my meds and go to bed at 8pm as usual and somehow ended up in this fucking thread
now let me say just one thing
you all are taking your opinions and yourself way to serious, lighten up a little, relax, the jews are in control anyway, there nothing you could do, just breathe, yeah user, breathe, ok
Amusing to think we can't do better than some guys more than 200 years ago.
wonder if this is still your opinion when next time your mother/father/brother/sister is one of the victims
Why? If there are lots of speed traps do you speed? If you are at a boxing club do you pick a fight? No, superior strength by firepower, that's what it is, that's what we need.
takes more 1/3 of a second to shoot 11 people... dumb argument.
people are going to die
amusing to see that some guy from more than 200 years ago created one of the most powerful countries on earth
Ban angry white guys.
$20 says it was a gun free zone.
oh and listen to this song ,is good
Sounds like 11 people weren't carrying a gun.
Right, so no one had a gun to protect themselves. What a great idea!
>Greatest country on Earth
>People still die
go to sleep grandpa
dumb faggot, unless you greet everyone that enters a room by pulling your gun and training it on their head how do you think you're going to stop a guy from walking into a room and blasting away before you can pull your gun?
So he only gets 4 or 5 people before "Colin from accounts" steps into the line of fire to be a hero with his revolver?
Good logic user.
who the fuck are you talking about? russia? you didnt fucking 'win' the cold war. it ended. you guys couldnt even beat Vietnamese militia.
god forbid you mean the nazis lmao, if thats the case then read a fucking book.
oy, the stupidity of this argument...
cars and cigarettes have a purpose beyond taking life. guns don't. are they a bargaining tool now? just wave it around?
Oh, so your argument is that he insta-killed everyone with hax simultaneously? Bold move going full retard right out of the gate friend.
shhh, he is re-tar-ded
Was it in America? If not then nobody will care about it.
Is that jesus?
Kek. Chillest antisemite in the world
11 is barely a shooting.
fucking scrub
Of course it was America. No where else in the world has daily mass shootings
Ban asshats like you
britain? are you guys actually braindead?
This shit didn't happen as much until orange fuck yard got in the office. I bet the mouth breathers at pol are having a field day. There is no reason why assault rifles should be fucking a valuable to any one in this country. Fuck the racist republicans and fucktard that support this.
>everybody's racist except me
wtf thats 11 educated humans for no reason cuz some cunt was pissed off. thats like killing everyone you are personally close with, plus a few extra people, and then just saying "well fuck, people die man. thats just how it is".
americans get get stabbed, bombed, raped and acid attacked too.. what's your jolly fucking point, faggot?
>orange fuck yard
you mean the ''''''''''republican''''''''''who is super anti gun?
Who gives a fuck, this kinda shit happens every other week or so.
Yeah but not right wing or conservative
>well fuck, people die man. thats just how it is
And that is just how it is so get over it.
You faggots need to shoot up a place that needs a good purge, like the ghetto.
It can be like a safari hunt.
if a white Trump supporter did it then he was obviously a mentally ill lone wolf. If a nigger did it then he was obviously a nigger. If a muslim did it then he was obviously a terrorist.
Honestly, what do you mean? Do you mean Collin has zero chance of killing the guy?
but niggers have guns
kek, ikr
wait wait wait wait are you serious? britain wasnt at its strongest until the 1900s. britain hadnt even colonized australia until 20 years after the declaration of independance. The east india company has just started to rule over India about 40 years before that and didnt end until almost 100 years after. The 'british legacy' was just beginning. youve been fed horseshit.
Why did he do it, kkk obviusly. He was madebad people werent kkk and didnt like the kkk ban. So he killed people. They wont report it but he was kkk.
>If a muslim did it then he was obviously a terrorist.
We should respect his culture user. He was just misunderstood.
Not that they dont need purged, but they are really secondary to the jews.
as I said
Make thoughts and prayers mandatory for every American. Make it illegal to not pray 27/7
If enough people pray, maybe god will listen to us again.
>believing /pol/ shoops
>muslim did it then he was obviously a terrorist
No user. He was just a confused refugee. He wouldn't know thats wrong. He was just mad his racist neighbor wouldnt let him culturally enrich his wife.
>I'm drunk, downed a bottle of gin, didn't take my meds
>I'm ranting about teh jooz
>I post nazi propaganda on a mongolian bamboo knitting boars in middle of the night
colour me fucking surprised.
It's still true and you are in denial
Duh, quit pissing off the white guy. Is this hard for you?
nice strawman
cry harder faggot
as I said
you guys take this shit waaaay to serious
but I guess it's as they say
>the internet is serious business
Lmao most of the victims are white
This is him i think... probably not but fuck it
what a faget
We kill everone on earth with a nuke! If theres no one to kill, no one can kill. °~°
>reddit spacing
pls go
>runs out of arguments
>has to call others faggot to cope
“Gee, I sure hope the msm doesn’t make this a racial thing.”
Yo most people don't just whip out a gun and blast a hoe. They use it as intimidation. Most people don't have the pluck to kill someone in cold blood.
that's a gay homoqueer, user.
>banning guns is not a solution
but it is though
the solution is ez breed white males out of existence only keep white females
>believes that "it's true" is an argument
lol k
Why would i fucking care?
there are no tiddies itt
just sayin
pls post your tits
If majority black, then yup.
Just the usual crew. All the lads are here.
yup nup
Because one day it will be your son that gets shot
>All the lads are here
I think at least one of these posters is an actual giraffe.
you're into hairy man boobs?
y-yes... desu
freedom ain't free
This isn't hard to understand.
>Guy walks into small store
>Guy pulls gun out
>Other armed citizens also pull gun out
>Attempted robber now has 6+ guns pointed at them
>GG m8
This guys a badass lets make him famous
White people < any other race
And now we're species-ist? Not on my Yea Forums.
why does your mum love bbc tho?
50 years ago niggers had a dream so when that came true they need another dream
poggers more pics pls
What did he do?
>This guys a badass lets make him famous
Why? He hid in a toilet stall during the shootings.
if you're gonna bait try harder fag
Did he bring down the shooter or was his fatburger interrupted? Lotta ketchup there.
and what is this other dream?
>Angry white guy
It was a Nigger... you are a poor shill
your bitch ass would have shit yourself pussy
proof? lying trump fag
I stand by this religiously
you got mogged into oblivion by pro-white eurasians Tenda!
HIMR has 88k subs on YouTube and Keanu has a networth of $300m+ while you are universally hated!
Daniel is going back to Japan while you're just a cuck!
wealthy normies commit more crime than poor whites
but they aren't black or brown either
how so?
yes they are
if he went to iraq and killed ISIS muslims he'd have been applauded. But he was a fucking pussy and gunned down unarmed women in the street.
Lmao none of this is even real.
Just another stunt to try an drum up support for taking our freedoms away.
uuu ee uu ah ah jing jang walla walla bing bang
uuu ee uu ah ah jing jang walla walla bing bang
>Dewayne Craddock
>black man
>gun grabbing Democrat.
Apart from taking the opportunity to take a cheap shot at you amerifats, I do want to know what he did and why the claret.
amusing to think that taking away one of our last remaining rights as citizens is "doing better"
I hate republicans but they're right on this issue. They don't know why they're right, but even a broken clock...
quality post
I r8 it 8/8
Yeah! False flag! False flag! 9/11 was an inside job! Chemtrails!
speak english you dumb nigger
Another day another CIS White male gun shooting. White men need bred out of existence. The females are fine to keep.
Also ban all guns, with the exception of a handful of heavily vetoed hunters.
Has tRump even said anything about this?
and then everybody shoots everybody
great success
No they're not
how did the armed ropper get a gun?
see read and then kys
do you enjoy sharing your partner?
yeah, sharting is an American tradition.
Irony is, despite being a commie faggot myself, as a britbong I would concealed carry in the cities here if I could. The isis shit which has gone down over here makes me rage.
It is time for Tenda Spencer to renounce his "masculinity", transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of his life, content as a cock sleeve
Yahoo execs: “Bump it up to 12 dead.”
>cuz money
We should kill all whiteys. Imagine a US of nothing but niggers and illegal spics. Total peace.
>all those poor people enjoying a day at the beach
sounds rough...
more guns and less abortion seems to be working well
I thought it was a black guy?
"Please fucking fetishize Asian males and Hapa males."
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas
Claret is English slang for blood. As used by old East End gangster types, probably mostly just in the movies.
yes I enjoy sharing your partner
Oh come on, you can bait better than that.
thousands with a fertilizer pipe bomb that can be assembled with common parts from any hardware store
who dis ? Looks like triple G
green txt is facts now lmao kys nigger
quit talking like a euro fag then dumbass
>sounds rough...
It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
and replace the word shooting with stabbing for the UK and raping for sweden. garbage argument
lmao might as well be him after that loss to canelo
This advert was brought to you by the firearm industry.
Why aren't there any tits in this thread?
it takes a village to raise an idiot
it is a great society. it means that there is enough trust within the community to have faith in everyone that haves a firearm. which in this case is everyone. if you cant trust someone with a weapon then what CAN you trust them with?
Exactly, except unironically.
Just how gullible are you?
u post em
look up the word genocide buddy cuz youre just flinging it around like a monkey throwing shit at the zoo
Do you smoke a lot of skunk?
The solution is to realize if you live in a free society bad shit sometimes happens, that's the price. Only a fool would give up his rights for a little more (false) sense of security. Taking people's guns away doesn't make you safer, just more vulnerable. What other tool gives women, weaklings, or old people any chance against some violent dude who wants to fuck them up?
no one in the usa that isnt in the military or has a special license that costs $20000 to acquire among other ridiculous criteria legally owns an assault rifle. you clearly dont know what the fuck an assault rifle is.
god damn when was this picture taken pre recession?
oh so you just sent the indigenous people of america to a magical island where there is nothing but sunflowers and butterflies?
I am in favor of allowing anyone who is dumb enough to own guns. The people most likely to be killed by a gun is its owner and family members.Natural selection at work. Get rid of the assault weapons, though.
LOL it's some lib nignog that snapped.
wypipo evol
yes. its one of the worst solutions possible. fuck off.
"Amendment"- was already amended dumb fuck.
this was the shooter?
Give everyone training, a licence like driving.
Or like the Swiss give everyone military training, give everyone a gun, but control amunition.
That way the lib tards are happy and the fuckwits with guns are happy.
And the people who couldn't give to shits (the majority of people) have learnt a new skills.
Thinks an amendment can't be amended...
Who cares it was a government building
>things that dont happen
what's going on now, they don't even put this stuff on the news anymore??
It was likely a muslim.
>control amunition.
>the fuckwits with guns are happy.
Oh noo, they won't. They think it's a faggot commie Muslim Obama-led attack on muh freedoms if the price of ammo goes up.
>pipe bomb
Yeah coz everyone has one of them lying around for that snap moment when they are depressed. It takes days to assemble one. That is something that the gun removes - premeditation. You can just grab a gun and go.
I promise that If the only weapon available is IED then the state on mass homicide will plummet.
Guns are a convenient vector to mass murder that is proven by weekly shooting incidents in the US and a surprising lack of pipe bomb attacks in the rest of the world
assault weapons are banned in USA and have been for many years. read a book.
How about 4 day work week? More free time for hobbies, parents spending an extra day with their kids, more rest .. I think I’m on to something
>killed by a gun
>Natural selection
Is there some kind of "gun tree"? What the fuck is natural about a gun?
solution is simple:
1) outlaw liberalism, especially homo/tranny/gender fluid bullshit
2) cut taxes in half for everyone earning less than $400,000 including cutting SSI/FICA down to 2.5% instead of the 7.6% it currently is (but eliminate earnings cap on it)
3) eliminate most regulation
4) less snowflakes + less govt control + working people keeping a shit ton more of their money = more happiness
5) more happy = less frustrated white guys with guns = far fewer mass shootings
Obvious bait is obvious. Unless you mean automatic weapons
>yfw obama was actually using the department of homeland security to attempt to start an anti gun state by buying literally all of the ammo in the country
What a nigger
look up assault rifle on google. the word automatic is in the fucking definition you dumb fucking idiot
In america the terrorists in these mass shootings are usually white incels on antidepressant
>cut taxes in half for everyone earning less than $400,000
Fuck that. Tax everyone below $40k at 80% who's over the age of 25. We've had carrots for far too long, time for the stick.
Yes. Yes it was.
do you know what a nigger is?
See what I mean?
Are you even American?
Nah. Much simpler. Population control.
how did that work out for him?
see what you mean? you mean that the thing you think can only happen in fairy tale books actually happened? yes i do see what you mean.
lived in illinois my entire life
not well. no more ammo shortage lmao
> What is the solution?
> 11 this time.
Hm... make something like sarin or zyclon-b legal. 11 is definitely not enough. We need millions. At least. Ideally - all of them.
> Angry white guy.
Anger is not a good mood for a real mass destruction. It leads to mistakes. So advise mass-killers to be calm and think carefully, think about every detail of a plan, no emotions, just be effective.
>equating the rocks, clubs, and spears of the first men to ars
I skoke a lot of munk
sold record number of ar15's while in office. greatest firearms sales promoter in American history.
Oh shit, it's fixed!
> Nah. Much simpler. Population control.
Too complicated. Just use sarin. This planet doesn't need people. Really.
We should talk. I'll be in touch.
Then I feel like you should know that you can still buy ar-15s. Which is an assault rifle.
The vitamin supplement?