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I want 8.0

1 child per couple, and eat meat reasonably

just because you can't get laid dosen't mean the rest of the world are pathetic losers like yourself

This guy knows.

>the rest of the world

Not going to happen. Humans are so fucking stupid that they're more than happy to bring children onto a dying planet. No thought as to what the child will have to endure, just make a kid to show grandma and grandpa what you made. Most children are accidents anyway, then the morons decide to do the 'right thing' and have a kid they can't afford to care for properly. It's not going to change anytime soon, if ever.

Just sterilize everybody over 14 and cure cancer and overpopulation at the same time!

This is what you say today. Tomorrow, nobody will be able to pay for your pension or support your country's public sector, so you will have to import 3rd world trash (which BTW make way more kids) to offset this demographic decline.

I pull out

This is why faggots exist, nature trying to balance out. But it's not working.. so the plagues will be next.

tell that to the shitskins

Good luck with your first accidental child, idiot.

Im black and have 12 bois AMA

The planet isn’t dying. It’s just slowly running out of resources that we want. After we all die out it’ll just reset and the next intelligent species will make the same mistake

These guys know.


Just find a nice femboi fox smh

You can’t get her pregnant if she is a he

we need to have a global IQ test, and accomplishes test, to quality to not be euthanized by the world government or shot if you don't follow through.

only solution. white people will require less requirements. the women before being shot will be given to incels temporarily to rid them of their wizardry first.

the 4th reich.

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Just wipe out the people in Asia, Africa, the middle east and south America. Population issue resolved.

>A frustrated virgin who feels as if the world owes them sex. A self-described 'incel' is highly likely to blame their virginity on the other people on the planet rather than consider that maybe the problem lies inward.
Keep using random words you hear on the internet, kid. I think people should still have children, but not irresponsibly.

These guys know...

Nah we better wipeout the white race since whites are the root of all evil and all misery in this world. Asians are superior and should live since they do everything better

They walk in single file, to hide their numbers.

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>needing reaction images to retort

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go tell the pajeets and their 47 kids then

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I will make it my mission to have as many kids as I can.

Okay, good luck getting having a lot of sex with your wife.

Tell that to the shitskins and chinks. do we start a plague?

convince people vaccines are bad for you.

another way to thin out the population would be to completely destabilize the climate and render the earth inhospitable

>Asians are superior
>The chinese, the biggest population in the world got their entire Han Chinese race raped and bred out by mongrels

Incel is like cuck. Once the retards got ahold of it, all it means is "u a meanie!"

Buhbuhbuhbuh i wanna have unprotected sex and my stupid 20-something year old GF has no idea what contraception is. Buhbuhbuhbuh user, dont you want me to have a happy life as youth????? All i wanna do is fuck. Im just a retarded college kid trying to have a good time!!!!!! Surely there arent any repercussions!!!!!!!
This is why im getting a vasectomy before i hit 30. Im 100% i dont want kids. Ever. Its a good thing i wasnt born a complete fucking retard or id have have at least 2-3 kids by the time i hit 20. Some of these idiots really baffle me with their lack of self-awareness. The world is becoming an oversaturated mess and they havent the slightest clue.