"eVeRyOne gEtS A TrOpHy!!!"

"eVeRyOne gEtS A TrOpHy!!!"

We can confirm that the zoomer population is the worst in history, correct?

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we are literally breeding mediocrity in our youth, it's fucking disappointing.

ItS oKaY kIdS, eVeRyOnE gEtS a TrOpHy, YoU'rE aLl WiNnErS!!!!!!!!!

Seven shit skins and a human...sad...

How? 8 kids all went through al of the difficult words without a mistake. They were running out of challenging words to give them. That’s the opposite of mediocrity. That’s 8 kids who didn’t make a mistake.

and not a single white male was seen


No bobs or vagene?

You keep going user. You keep going until the kids get bored/fatigued or just plain don't give a fuck anymore.

They're too stupid

>being this non-retarded
>on Yea Forums

The white one looks the least normal, faglet.

Ummm.... Nahhhh...

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That might well take days.

With names like that they had better know how to spell

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Fourth-degree burn.

This generation is fucked

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Did they give themselves the trophy, or was it some dumass boomer?

>lê cringe
Yeah nobody does that anymore. Have fun and don't be negative and insecure.

No I just read the article about them running out of words. What would you have them do instead? Hand to hand combat?

So 8 kids excel and they run out of words and that is a bad thing?

They ran out of words. Read the article.

So every word in the dictionary? I feel like it had a time limit, and it ran out.

I don't understand how this counts as a "participation trophy" thing. Spelling bees are designed to be impossibly long with obscure words near the end, but they don't have an unlimited source of words. Usually, all of the kids fuck up eventually until one or two remain.
This time, there were literally 8 kids who stuck around until the judges ran out of words. They all reached the bottom of the bank without making a mistake. They all ran through the course without fucking up. That's pretty good.

Why is everyone mad at kids for doing better than ever before?

They ran out of all of the difficult words. They would have had to start giving them easier words which wouldn’t make sense


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The solution here is not to make them all winners, but to make them all losers. Proclaim there is no winner this year, and they are all in an eight way tie for eighth place.

>eight people do exceptionally well and get nothing
why even bother at that point?
just say, "welp, we ran out of words. fuck off, kids."

so punish them for winning?

Good preparation for their future as capitalist servants.

>Boomer gives participation trophy to zoomer
>"Fucking loser I can't believe they got a participation award."

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indians... everywhere.

A bunch of fucking losers on Yea Forums lamenting over millennials. Yeah okay.

>Yeah nobody does that anymore

Spend literally 5 minutes on any social media

Keep in mind they'd been going for over 6 hours by that point and couldn't think of more words to get them to spell

>Spend literally 5 minutes on any social media
LOL nah.

Just goes to show you they're smarter than whites.

>shitting in the streets and dying of ecoli
we are so smart guys!!

nobody cares, the PaRtIcIpAtIoN tRoPhY narrative is much more attention grabbing

facts are for faggots. i'm here to be mad.

So...counting from left to right:
1 skeletor
1 unknown
6 street shitters

I guess lavatory was not a word in this contest...

but apu, can you spell poo in loo?

>spending your childhood memorizing the dictionary
We have a retarded perception of intelligence in the west.

who said anything about the spelling bee being a display of intelligence?

I just did in the comment you're replying to, retard.

We spent a long time winning, if others are working harder now and winning, they deserve to. That's evolution.

Can't decide if Shruthika is a dude or what.

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You can literally see tits emerging, are you fucking serious?

Are you paying for that retard? Ate you rescheduling the reserved space a fee months later and flying everyone back out? You fucking faggots gets triggered by everything anymore

Because a spelling b isn't putting out more money and reorganizing he event. Yeah they're fucking doomed because retards like you

It's not a participation trophy, they all won local, regional, and state events and scored equally at the national level. Everyone itt is a butthurt zoomer who has never won a school event or employment award

because they're fat incel losers

Those are too young to be millennials. But yeah they are losers

The white girl is from my home town. Good for her that she won, bummer that she's gotta share. I hope they give her a scholarship or something.

>that's not what's going on
Too bad we have brainlets like you in the west. Lose weight and get a job

you have a retarded perception of the what's going on

you're a dumbass nobody. so who said anything about spelling being a measure of intelligence

>because I'm a fucking retard I'm automatically right
Nice Yea Forums participation trophy faggot.

Okay, thanks for sharing.
I did, and if I am a "dumbass nobody" that makes the fact that you're about it extremely confusing.

Fuck, maybe I am a moron.

That's not what that says. Thanks for trying.

sure makes sense, fatigue is going to make it harder until only one stands

Also its the harder words that they would have studied to death so the technically easier words might have ultimately prove trickier. Don't see the point of spelling bees anymore. Thy always seem to be won by dictionary memorizing pakis who can't actually use in an understandable manner most of the words they've memorized.

Not all, just the white kid.

>Dreamgasm Gnome Thread
Last night I had summoned a gnome that helped complete my orgasm.
>hard af
>just started falling asleep
>feel something gripping the base of my shlong
>I use my fingers to feel
>its two small leathery hands
>starts sucking my finger
I wanted to freak out but it felt so good I let it continue. Afterwards it left as mysteriously as it appeared. Should I continue summoning this entity? Please don't ban me, this actually happened to me last night and I am trying to come to terms with it.

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