Anyone here an ex alcoholic ? Do I really need to see a doctor? What will is he supposed to do ?

Anyone here an ex alcoholic ? Do I really need to see a doctor? What will is he supposed to do ?

I am sober for almost a week now and the withdrawl symptons get worse and worse. I feel like.. I dont know. I am getting crazy. My head is spinning, I have way to lucid dreams at night and I am craving alcohol so much.

Attached: Alcohol-Withdrawal-Timeline.png (635x400, 20K)

Also as you guys can probably tell I am losing the ability to speak/type.

You need assistance, going cold turkey on alcohol can get you shaking. The doctors will prescribe you benzos which will help you sleep/function. DO NOT drink after you've been sober for a week or you will get worse than ever

Friends older brother was an alcoholic. Tried quitting but he was in it bad. Took him like 3 weeks, and even then he kept sneaking a binge here and there. In the end it wasn't worth it for he had a seizure from the alcohol while he was hiding.
Idk. Everyone's chemical composition of different so that graph is just an average for average alcoholics. Good luck.

see a doc bro

Go see a Dr ASAP, whatever you do DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING. Your body will crave alcohol but it WILL NOT HELP once you are in stage 3

If you've been sober for a week then the part where a doctor would be useful has already passed. They are just there to babysit and watch for seizure/ heart attack during the forst 72 hours, although they will often keep you longer because they can keep billing your insurance. The peak physical withdrawal is over, congrats. Now the hard part begins, you need to get to an aa meeting and start working the program if you Are going to stand a chance of staying sober. Best luck, alchie cuck

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Dude drink like a shot of vodka or anything in a tall glass of water over like an hour. Your body hates cold Turkey but if you can keep yourself from slipping, weening yourself off the stuff is the best way to go.

I was drinking 30 oz of vodka a day and didn't have too many troubles. I had slight shakes for a few days and strange dreams, sweat a lot while sleeping even if it was cold in the house. But all in all nothing worse than a mild flu

He's already through the dangerous part if he's been sober a week dumb fuck
The last thing an addict needs is a script for xanax you absolute brainlet

Thanks. Its hell. I was drinking atleast 3/4 litres of vodka a day the last.. 7 - 10 years. Of course I had like a weekend where I was sober, but beeing sober for so long is so fucking hard. Depression, hallicunations, panic etc. everything is coming together right now.

No such thing as an ex alcoholic. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I would advise you see a doctor and look in to inpatient treatment. Just a suggestion. It's your life buddy

Ex alcoholic here. Just drink. who is to say what is right and wrong for you

Why? I wont drink. I dont want to start this hell all over again. I just want it to be over.
Thats what I thought. There arent any programs etc. close to me, but my shedule is busy enough that I always have to do something to keep my mind from drinking. I am just a bit worried about the weekends because I already cleaned my apartment 8 times and its spotless
I think this will just start the whole withdrawl all over again and I am going to through this again. I am 100% sure I wont do this again, if I drink again I will kill myself.
Yeah - but could you drive/work ? I couldnt right now because of the dizziness.

I do. I am in charge of myself - If I drunk for 10 years I could atleast be sober for 1 year. Just to see if its better or worse.
What would the doctor do ? light sedation/medication ? thats it right ?

>that drink glass drawing
this is a stimulus to get alcoholicfags to drink one more
they know what they're doing

It's worse. Being sober means you have to deal with the mental illness you were covering up by drinking

nature doesnt erase, it replaces
find a healthy replacement

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Or the other way around. I know I have a mental illness and I am ready to face it. If I make it - probably not. But I have to try. Right now its feels like I am anorexic and havent eaten in a month - my body screams "eat" but my head says "no". I am getting kinda high - but more confused every hour. I probably sound like a maniac.

Do what your body tell you

Smoke weed, my guy. It helps so much. Still need a drink here and there but its better than drowning yourself everyday. Buy a couple beers. Smoke some herb. You'll be fine. Hang in there.

I do already have plans for the time "after the alcohol" or whatever you would call it. I want to experience some normie shit - not with people but by myself. I want to travel a bit in some months, go swimming again (was a hobby as a kid) and get back into work without having to call sick every other day. I want to get my shit together and it feels like I am on the right track in the long term.. but right now it feels like hell.

I combined vodka with weed for years. It doesnt help - its just another addiction. Well for me it was.

Op said he wants to expose his mental illness and deal with it. Not keep covering it up.

Get some kratom. Its mild and will help with the withdrawal symptoms

Well, don't combine just smoke without drinking. Wish you could get a prescription for it because it helps so much for withdrawal on its own. Not saying replace one with another. Just that it'll make withdrawal a little bearable.

You get it. Weed and alcohol are both horrible if you compare the addiction. When you stop smoking weed friends tell you to "just take a break and start again its so good for you". When you stop drinking you see alcohol everywhere in tv, movies or the supermarket. But this isnt about weed - stoners always try to make everything about weed.

Smoke weed or hash. It will calm you down and make u feel good

Well - probably wasnt a good Idea to ask Yea Forums. Thats like asking high school kids with no live experience. Didnt know what I expected. Thanks for the serious replies.

Is there any other board where I could ask this question? /soc/ maybe ? Or a website someone would recommend where I can talk about it ?

Go to some AA meetings - it'll help to share.
Hang in there user, you've managed a week, you're going to be fine, just don't be alone with this.

There sadly arent any AA meetings in my area - I live in a small town. Or I dont know how to find them in germany

You need to taper, if you're like that you need to have one beer. Benzo's will help because it's hitting the GABA in your brain too, but then you have that dependency to deal with and in my experience they made alcohol use a lot harder to resist in the long run.

Basically, you need to taper on something weak like beer. I've been where you are, seeing things and going mental, and now I'm here sober so there is an end. Good luck user hope you feel better soon.

Also, OP /ck/ used to have a thread for alcoholics, the shithead mods culled it but if you make a thread there and loosely relate it to food and cooking you'll probably get some old anons to come out of the woodworks.

Google is your friend.
"Alcoholics Anonymous" and your town.
Best of luck

That's the most idiotic advice ever.
Once an alcoholic has stopped, it's permanent.
No more booze every, for the rest of his/her life.

Already tried that - nothing. Maybe because we have one of the most well known mental health clinics here. Tried "addiction help group" and other stuff too.
I think this is better advice then
I hope this shit will be over in 1 - 2 weeks.

I've gone cold turkey, that didn't work, and I tapered and that worked for me without any of the stuff OP is describing. He's obviously gone from drinking a lot, probably hard spirits to nothing at all and his brain chemistry is firing all crazy from the sudden shift.

The only time i had a seizure was 2 days in.
At least i am pretty sure i did i do not remember anything. Last i knew i was kinda shaky and had not slept much so i went to try and kill some time playing a computer game. next i knew i was on the coutch and everything was all messed up. Unless you are a real bad drunk worst that will happen is some sweats and not sleeping for a few days.

Get a script for naltrexone, helped me 100% quit, haven't had any I'll effects for over a year

Talk to your doctor about such groups?
I'm sure he/she will know.

This is what is happening right now. But I can deal with it - except that I am going kinda crazy. Like I know I am somewhat loosing my mind but it isnt too bad.
The first 2 nights I took a quetiapin (25mg) to sleep - probably why I didnt have any seizues.

Get off that, it's not a sleeping pill it's an anti psychotic with terrible side effects. It's a crime that doctors prescribe it.

thats a really good idea. thanks for the advice. kinda stupid that I havent thought about it.
over a year ?! if you stop taking it do you get withdrawl from it ? or did you take it for a small time and now you are sober for over a year ?

I dont want to get hooked on medication before I really get sober. As I said I kinda want to face my mental problems and want to be 100% clean for that.

I just took it for 2 days - no problems. I felt really sleepy and thats it. I dont want to take it again because I can sleep whenever I want right now because I am always exhausted. Doing lots of sport, cleaning and stuff. Like everything that normal people can do indoors is what I am doing right now. Tv, pc games.. etc.