Anybody got a Venmo or a cash app and wants to buy a few pics from a hot college girl...

Anybody got a Venmo or a cash app and wants to buy a few pics from a hot college girl? Drop kik names and I’ll give you the info and then you can share with the world

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show butthole


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Sharpie in pooper with time stamp or it didn't happen

Shut up. You can’t be this dumb

Is the hot college girl free of tattoos and piercings?

>paying for nudes
Dumb fucks

One small stud in her nose

get a job you dumb whore.

just think, the sum of all of your experiences -- everything your parents have taught you, all of the guidance you've received in your life, whatever education you may have -- have led you to selling nude pictures of your body. i can't even comprehend it, how unfathomably stupid and debased you must be. a worthless whore in the truest sense.

Not a lack of money situation so gargle my balls bitch

Level of stupidity is astounding

say that to my face and i'll slash your throat and leave you face down a ditch with a mutilated cunt.

I’m not scared of edgelords.
I’ll dip each one of my nuts into your eye sockets after I gouge your eyes out of your neckbeard skull

It seems shameful yeah, but its quick and easy money. Woman get pass the shame part real quick once they see that $$$

irony of the finest quality

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That's a camwhore called cortanablue

Someone got bullied as a child

Obviously cockfag

puritanical sperglord

there's better for free. why pay?

That’s not her fag

>depsite the veritable cornucopia of free porn accessible at my fingertips I need to see THIS particular thot naked enough that I'm willing to part with my hard earned money

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>buy a few pics from a hot college girl
Nigger, are you high?

Fucking jews always trying to make a sheckle.

It’s a girl I know irl doe

I know a bunch of highschool girls who sell pics. How much are you asking?

>anyone wanna buy pics from a guy pretending to be a college girl?

I’m not the girl. It’s a girl I know irl, the I used a fake insta to talk her into selling. Didn’t think I’d get this far but I can’t use my Venmo or cash app because she knows my stuff

This is the first time in all of history of Yea Forums where that’s not the case. I can give you her personal insta, she’s sending the pics via her personal snap also so

Isn't she from the Okanagan in Canada?

That’s not the girl, fuck people are dumb.

You can change your cash app id and user name

Changed my cashapp Id twice already. I’m indecisive as fuck

This is the girl damn it lol

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Then why do you need someone else to use their cash app? She won’t know your id.

Reading comprehension is difficult I understand.
You only get two changes for the life of your cashapp. I’ve had it since it came out, over time I’ve used up my Two changes.

Reading comprehension isn’t the issue because you didn’t say that there was a two change limit on your cash id until just now. Try not to be an arrogant little prick next time. Especially when you’re wrong.

But I wasn’t wrong? Sorry didn’t realize I speaking to an old man

You are wrong because I understood exactly what you said and you didn’t.

Doesn’t make me wrong?
You were just uninformed. Doesn’t make you right and it doesn’t make me wrong

lol i went to high school with this girl

Jesus it’s cortanablue


You said reading comprehension fucktard. You said nothing about being uninformed. I read what you wrote and comprehended it completely. You’re the one who is uninformed.

Gargle my balls old man.

And before you say that you are not uninformed I’ll point out that it’s clear that you don’t know what reading comprehension means. Comprende?

Since when do you have balls?

>buying pics of a flat nobody
Do not want

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And why do you keep calling me old?

But it’s a girl that I know irl extremely well. You’ve never wanted to see a girl you know naked??

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What’s with these virgins lately?

I can tell you’re fucking old that’s why

I would pay 1 wooden shek.... er nickel to see this shiksa naked.

I vouldn’t pay 1 wooden shek.... er nickel to see this shiksa naked.

Because I called you on your bullshit? That doesn’t make me old.

Fuck off Mr NSA. They’ve probably fixed Nulka by now.

You’re fucking old. I can tell sorry if I’m the first to tell ya but you’re old as fuck

How old do you think I am? Give me a number and I’ll tell you high or low.

You’re at least 38 bare minimum

You’re very close. Good guess.

Get a job thot

God you’re really that dumb aren’t you?

Like I said, I KNOW YOU

Of course you do. You work for the FBI, CIA, NSA or another government TLA and are responsible for monitoring my activities. So do you think I should send Alexsa money or doesn’t it matter anymore?


Obviously send her the money, you know she deserves it

She hasn’t fucked me or sucked me. Not sure what she really deserves without doing that.

Bro come on bro, it’s the NSA you know that I know. But sometimes you gotta play the long game

You know that I’ve sent her money then and she has sent me nudes. I haven’t fucked her so what’s the point? Don’t need any more 17 year old pussy. I’ve had my fill.