Is the Keto diet legit or just more fad bullshit they will say is unhealthy for you in 7 years

Is the Keto diet legit or just more fad bullshit they will say is unhealthy for you in 7 years...

I’m thinking of trying to to lose weight.

Keto fags, let me know what’s up...

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It will make you lean and muscular but it will destroy your heart and arteries in the process.

It's legit and fad. It's a thing the body does but it's not really natural entirely.

Keto Logic
>carrots are basically candy
>beans? you are just as well off eating a snickers bar
>fresh fruit? drinking paint thinner would be healthier

Also it gives you kidney stones. Just learn to control your blood sugar - this will control your cravings.

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Ketosis is a natural weight loss stage that your body enters. The ketogenic diet is all about entering ketosis. It doesnt remove anything from your diet that the body needs, and helps improve blood sugar, energy levels, and overall health. Highly reccomended.

Ketofags have strange complexions in their after pics. Shit probably causes all sorts of unintended consequences.

isn't that cutting out complex sugars (wheat rice grain products) like pre agricultural era

it's just like low carb
- hard to follow
- unhealthy
- needs to be done forever
just change your intake and workout and have discipline and you will lose you fat ass
staying low is what's hard

That's neolithic diet but not really, that's part of a lifestlye.

I have to admit all the serious keto guys I have seen... yeah they are lean but they look kinda ill with it too.
I’m worried about long term effects on the body.

Keto diets works but just about any diet will work as long as your smart about it.

Americans tend to eat a lot of carbs and can stand to cut back a great deal. Unless you are a really active for a long period of time you probably don’t need as much carbs as you are eating on a daily basis.

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Don't do keto if you aren't fat and just want a healthy diet. You're a fat fuck? Sure do keto it will work wonders when done right, but don't live like that for the rest of your life.

>relying solely on diet
>not exercising

Yeah I’m fat pig at the moment.
I will go gym 3x a week also.

mediterranean diet is the correct diet TC. coincidentally also a good practice to eat like a diabetic (type 1), multiple smaller meals spread over the day instead of 2 or 3 big meals.

I don't think you're gonna like Keto if you're going to the gym 3x a week. Just cut down on your calories and keep track of them. Better yet try something like OMAD or intermittent fasting. You're already going to the gym so that's very good, I think combining that with Keto is gonna make you feel like shit.

Is Keto not good if you go to the gym then? Why is that, I thought all that protein would give you energy and help build muscle.

it's legit. i've lost 40 lbs from being an unemployed fag over 3 months. i wasn't fat exactly but skinny fat from vidya all day. the first few weeks are rough cause your body has to accustom to switching energy sources (ketosis).

you'll get flu like symptoms starting out if your electrolytes are fucked up but once u get those dialed in it's pretty dope. i have less brain fog & fatigue is way lower than it was a few months ago. it actually gave me the energy to start doing gym fag shit.

it's a good diet to start doing weight training with cause your diet is so high in protein, you can curb the muscle loss you'd normally get with other diets. it's legit, give it a try. i was skeptical of it too

be prepared for your breath to reek of ammonia in the mornings & your piss will fucking reek as well.

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To me, it's the Atkins Diet, rebranded. Atkins died of heart disease. That was a bad day for the brand, that's for sure ...

I forgot to mention take my advice on keto with a grain of salt, from my understanding keto isn't the best combination with exercising. Could be wrong though

I've done keto, and the first thing I noticed was how addicted to carbs I was. It was immediately all I could think about. Now a good deal of this could have been your standard levels of autism/ fixation on what you can't have etc. But it was astounding how much food was suddenly not ok to eat and how carbs are shoved at us in advertising all day every day.

We did a "quick and dirty" version of keto too where we still got shit like sugar free energy drinks, and mostly ate meat and cheese not nearly enough veggies. Poorfags in a state that generally doesn't have good produce so all we could find was pretty high in carb.

Anyway, keto flu is real. You feel like shit the first few days as you go into ketosis. It was harder for me to see results right away because of how hard it was for me to stay strict (worked in a kitchen. Always around junk. Plus liquor kicks you out of ketosis for a day or two) but after like two months I'd dropped a good 20 pounds or so.

Tl;Dr yes it works if you do it right, but is hard fucking work. If you love junk food, eat pork rinds. Carb free.

I have now 78 KG, lost 11 KG in 7 weeks already but without any diets. (my highest weight was 103 KG and I am only 1.62 cm)
Just eat less and move more.

Thanks OP for the thread.
I Really want to try a 2 weeks keto or low carb.
Just for the motivation, it's something new for me and I think it's fun.
I start tomorrow

Good luck to you and have fun, stay strong mate

It works, it definitely does, and having strict rules about what you can and cannot eat works well if you're too weak-willed for any other diets.

The worst thing about keto are:
- the fucking keto evangelists who treat is as panacea and deny all the negatives, it's like a cult, avoid at all costs
- the subreddits filled with recipes for keto versions of normal foods - screw that, just accept you'll be eating meat and veg and stop trying to shape parmesan into chocolate cakes

Just eat less calories (veggies fill you up and can be almost calorie-free when eaten raw)
Don't be afraid of fat.
Eat less carbs (but don't cut them entirely)
Ketosis is really only good for diabetics. Normies like it because they think they can just live off meat and cheese

It's not the best, it's not the worst, I mean it could've been ULCHF but that's just me actually knowing about how these things work on a biological level...


I hear it works, but stop and all the weight comes back

Lies, Veggies are bad for you... Trust me, sure you need to get some veggies, but we're not built for veggies, Meat, Fat and 2-3 Almonds per day, citric fruit once a week... Done. Best diet ever it's called Ultra Low Carbs High Fat.

another side effect is the smell that some people start to emit when they're on keto. eugh.

>Normies like it because they think they can just live off meat and cheese
to be fair dried sausage + cheese sandwice (with whole grain bread, don't be stupid and buy that processed pearl white crap) is pretty based

Hell yeah, it's delicious, but you can't eat it every day and expect to be healthy. (Unless you take supplements and work out everyday)

>Veggies are bad
>Trust me

Have less autism, please. Autism is a choice...

It works. But, try coupling Keto with Intermittent Fasting. Only eat from 11am-7pm, everyday. Outside the window you can have water or straight black coffee. I went from 248lbs to 215 in 3 months. Exercise too of course.

not really, i usually live on that (plus the whole "family feast" thing every two weekend or so) and i haven't gained much weight despites doing the bare minimum of sports

still, grabbing an apple/carrot/mushroom once in a while really doesn't hurt

keto diet is literally just eating zero carbs and zero sugar, that's it. it's not bad for you and it's not gonna give you health issues or make you smell weird or make your organs fail or whatever stupid shit the morons on Yea Forums will try to tell you.

ketosis is the name for the natural state the human body enters when it is burning fat for energy. normally you would burn carbs for energy. your body cannibalises what is has the most of for fuel. if you eat no carbs and no sugar (and ideally high protein) your body won't be able to burn off carbs for energy and if you're eating enough protein your body shouldn't start to cannibalise muscle, it will burn fat instead, especially if you have more fat than muscle. that's when keto works best.

You mean GOMAD? Why would drinking a gallon of milk a day help him lose weight? That's literally a gaining method.

Stop listening to that user, he is actually going to confuse you more. Do your own research and consult /fit/. Yea Forums is clearly not the place

I’m about 250 right now... so this is good to hear! Well done!!

>it gives you kidney stones
If you eat too much protein, it might. Eat more fat.

You're not supposed to have too much protien on keto diet. You're body breaks it down to glucose

I would rather get it from /fit/ and Yea Forums than reddit lol so...

It's legit. I used it to lose 50 pounds and several of my friends have lost a lot of weight using it.

What you should be aware of is that keto isn't sustainable long term, but it is a great kick start to better eating habits. I used it for the first 20 pounds and then added a few things back into my diet but continued to lose weight. I don't think it's safe to be on keto long term just because it is a pretty extreme change for your body and we don't really know all the long term effects.

Ultimately, keto helped me break my sugar addiction and learn to watch carbs a lot better. That's really all I needed to drop weight

>Only eat from 11am-7pm

My eating window is six hours. Motivation for that was a D'Agostino interview (on JRE) mentioning that the last two hours make a noticeable difference in transitioning fully into the fasted state.

I've been on it for about a year and a half now. Don't feel any reason to go back. It's greatly improved my ability to metabolize fat as fuel. Lots of days my eating window is only four hours long, sometimes less, just because I can eat bigger meal with any trouble.

Other benefits from IF
-- increased testosterone production. I got way hornier all the time; still the case. Not complaining.
-- increased carb tolerance. Before IF, I was at an average < 50 g carb per day. Doing fine, but sensitive to carb (holidays with family, certain group social occasions). Now I occasionally have dessert when out (maybe once every week or two) and don't feel a thing.
-- another burst of lower body fat percentage. I was already pretty lean, but probably lost another 3-5% body fat without any other changes.

Absolute false about the heart and arteries

I'll try it and start tomorrow.
1 month is good?
Your favorite meals?

Just take meth. Never seen a fat meth head.

Yeah, cuz eating a shit ton of saturated fats is super healthy for your arteries

Thanks for the information!
Great motivation

don't do it because of 1 and 2. have to stay on the diet is probably unhealthy to stay on the diet. (because we evolved from carn eating ancestors. carbs serve a function)

Ease in. Not the kind of thing to treat as a fad. Keto isn't easy to sustain until your body is adapted to fat as fuel. Eat more fat. Stop drinking sugar. Do that for a few weeks and then ask for more advice. (... which is to start reducing starches.)

>we evolved from carn eating ancestors

Uh, not so much. Agriculture and consequent high starch diets is only about 12K years old, barely a blip evolutionary.

>eating a shit ton of saturated fats is super healthy for your arteries

That's not what the science says; it's what the medical literature says. Read _Good Calories, Bad Calories_ to learn the difference.

It's fine but I personally think eating meat and dairy is wrong, so it's really hard for me to do it. I have my own low-carb, high-fat diet, but I also eat a fuckton of greens.

Thank you :)

Imagine, pretending to know things, this hard

>Forcing the body to enter a stage it uses to fuel the brain during starvation is a good idea.

Glucose is the fuel your brain needs. Ketones are the fuel your brain can survive on if necessary. Long term ketosis is not good for your brain. It is a valid short term strategy for weight loss.

My favorite are keto pancakes with sugar free syrup, baked hot wings or garlic parmesan wings, eggs poached in spicy marinara, eggs in general, steak, baked chicken breast stuffed with feta and spinach, cauliflower crust pizza, bulletproof coffee, baked salmon, tuna salad with homemade mayo, meatballs, stuff like that. There's a lot of options!

>Long term ketosis is not good for your brain.
Astrocytes perform gluconeogenesis in the brain and provide neuron fuel. Paper from 2017.

I've went from 235lbs to 175lbs since the beginning of the year by using one simple trick.
Eat less, move more.

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Gluconeogenisis occurs from glycerol (body fat) and amino acids. The difference ia the body regulates it, instead of ha ing to do damage control with insulin so you don't die from over abundance of sugar (toxin)

Brothers been on it for 9 years. He has no problem being a PA


I followed the keto diet for about 3 months. It's probably the quickest way to loose weight. You basically deprive your body of carbs and force it to convert fat into energy.
You will loose weight fast but it's not just fat. It's also water and muscle. You can feel tired and dizzy because of low blood sugar while your body adepts to new energy source. There are two things that make this diet hard.
1) it makes you smell like a fucking garbage truck that drove trough a mile of shit. The energy conversion releases chemicals in your stomach that will make you stink like a thousand burning tires.
2) It is hard to maintain this diet. As soon as you fall back into old eating habits you'll add fat in notime.

"Sugar free" spikes insulin worse than sugar. Stop eating sweets. Even zero calorie substitution causes hormonal releases of insulin because they excite neurotransmitters in the brain to do so. They're lknked to metabolic syndrome. That's the meme with "diet" soda. It isn't diet food at all. It hurts more than helps.
There you go, read up before you try your newest dumbfuck diet.

It's literal math and biology you retard. You burn more than you take in = you lose weight.

Its not muscle. Its intermuscular fat. Your Fatceps are just turning to biceps. You don't have ad much muscle as you think. You're just fat.

Stop being such a fucking faggot. That's what worked for me. It's not unrealistic to have sweet things occasionally, especially if they are sugar free and you control yourself. Was like the only thing in the list. There is such a thing as self control.

Toxins get stored in fat cells. As soon as your body starts to burn the fat stores, you detox. That's the smell youre getting. Its a byproduct of healing.

Whatever makes you feel better, fat ass.

Know what's legit? Eating healthy and exercising.

Woah nice!
Thaaank you

Do you really have that little will power? That's really sad

Not true. Starvation studies of calorie restriction and high meal frequency has lead to muscle wasting and reduced metabolism, hence the rebounding effect. Its hormones. Fasting + no carb is the only way to do it healthy. Irs feast and famine. Eating all the time isn't famine.

I'm not the one eating sugar free substitutes, moron.

Astrocytes themselves are damaged by the process. Long term effects are expected to be exceptionally detrimental. Studies have shown that astrocytic cells are grow fewer in number, smaller and more malformed the more they are subjected to a no-glucose fuel source.

Not. Good. For. Your. Brain.

Seriously you fucking cultists find one good thing about a diet and start arbitrarily ignoring every negative thing about it because heaven forfend there should be a valid criticism of your miracle diet.

It has pluses, nobody is denying this. Forcing the brain onto a less efficient fuel which actually forces additional processes can help with epilepsy and Alzheimer's symptoms. But in the long term ketosis literally kills the astrocytes you are so quick to try and use as an excuse to ignore the negatives of the diet.

Body fat (glycerol) is glucose you fucking idiot.

Threads like this are funny when you never had to follow any specific diet. For the past 20 years I've been working out 3 days a week and i can basically eat anything i want to. 193cm and 78kg atm suck it fat fucks.

Full ketosis gives the brain ketone bodies, not glucose. In full ketosis in the long term the body relies entirely on acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. These eventually damage the cells that process them.

>Studies have shown that astrocytic cells are grow fewer in number
[citation needed]

Probably because being a PA doesn't take much brainpower.

What's not true? I didn't say anything about starving yourself did I? You having a conversation with yourself in your head or what?
Eat less, don't starve yourself, and be active. Go to /fit/ and read the first thread.

Wrong. The brain needs glucose to function. That's why it converts body fat to glucose and can with aminos betree in the needed quantities, which are minimal and regulated by the liver. You are a shill or a parrot. Indoctrinated NPC.

No, that is not what ketosis delivers to the brain, ketosis does not break down body fat into glucose. Go read more. Your brain gets BHB, acetone and acetoacetate in full ketosis.

Not him, but it's true, you're just being a moron. You're right that those things you listed in exactly the same way Keto doesn't work because it's starving yourself and the body will consume muscle mass before it consumes fat, that is correct, the part where you're wrong is in assuming he said this when all he said is "Eat less, move more"

That is pretty much literally what experts recommend you do, just not to extremes of consuming only 500 calories like you seem to believe he's doing. All he needs to do is eat a little less than he needs to stay even and you'll slowly lose weight at the rate of a pound or two per week.

Starvation doesnt occur until sub 3% body fat. Try again and stop parroting your brainwashing like an npc.

i know a few people who have done it and lost some weight.. I tried it, but I didn't enjoy it in the long term. I don't know about the long term consequences of it.. I think sugar from ripe fruit and honey and boiled starches are fundamentally human foods. I think keto is good because it gets people to pay attention to the crappy modern fats we consume and they start eating ancestrally appropriate fats that we've been eating for hundreds of thousands of years.. So much bullshit propaganda about animal fats being bad for you. Yea, if you feed them awful corn and soybean meals rich in linoleic acid of course their fat will be toxic just like the fats in the livestock feed.

Because you said so? Its basic human biology. Youre wrong. Deal with it.

Except that's not what happens. Yes the brain needs glucose, but in a pinch it gets ketone bodies (WHICH ARE NOT GLUCOSE) and has to process them.

And guys I know it's a stupid question..

But how much calories can I eat?
I am 1.62 cm and 78 KG weight.
I walk daily 25.000 - 30.000 steps (2-4 hours workout a day, 15 km way minimum)

I tried different calories calculators and I am fucking confused. Always different results..

It says i need 3050 calories
I burn 1780 calories
1270 calories

I need to reduce 500 calories to lose weight yes?
So I can eat only fucking 800 calories a day?..

The body doesnt eat its own muscle. If it did we would be alive today. Bears can go all winter without eating and they don't turn into skinny soybois and neither do we. Body doeant eat functional tissue before fat. That's utter nonsense.


Don't bpther tryign any of these weird Facebook diets. Honestly, I'm dissapointed that you even considered going on this. If you're gonna diet, talk to an actual specialist instead of following some sketchy guide off of the internet.

So you've solved the entire Keto debate?! Wow! You should publish a paper so that the world can know. Oh wait...
You're wrong. Insufficient glucose. Ketone bodies instead. Literally every bit of ketosis literature says the same.

I have been doing keto since April 27, 2018.

Starting weight 320 lbs
Current weight 235 lbs

I also go to the gym 2x weekly.

I don't count calories. I simply do not eat carbs. No sugar. No fruit. No vegetables like carrots and potatoes.

I'm not gonna talk about the science. I'm not a doctor. There is literature and podcasts about the physiological processes involved with ketosis.

All I know is that it is working for me, and it works for many people. If you are thinking of dieting, give it a try. It can't hurt.

Are you actually retarded?

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Go look at starving africans and tell me the body doesn't eat it's own muscles. I'll wait.

I'm doing low-carb right now, went from maybe 250g of carbs a day to around 50-60. I ditched microwave dinners and soda and went with lunchmeat on rye and coffee. I've lost about six pounds in two weeks, and about an inch off of my waist

Triglycerides account for 90% of Gluconeogenisis in ths body. You're dumb :o)

Not during ketosis. Go read.

Will make you leaner, but avoid too much sodium and fat. Just eliminate net carbs. You will lose weight without doing shit

You mean the people sub 3% body fat who haven't had meat in months? Lol youve made zero point.

I have. You need to take your own advice.

>using npc unironically
Go back to red dit.

You're the one stupid enough to believe the body doesn't eat up it's own muscle mass when it needs to, I just highlighted an easy example.

Precisely. Good to hear it works for you. The best diet is a sustainable diet.

To read mens health magazine. I'm sure their supplements work, fat ads. No wonder we have obesity problems. YOU exist.

cholesterin is not about calories stupid

OK. The abstract was enough to comment.

This is an _in vitro_ study, not an _in vivo_ one. One of the things about getting fat-adapted is that it takes some time. This is from personal experience and from family and friends who've been doing HFLC and IF. What I expect is happening is upregulation of mechanisms for ketone body catabolism over time. This study, not mentioning any kind of prior adaptation, is almost certainly using carb-diet-adapted cells. I'm not surprised that they did this, nor am I worried about it.

The _in vitro_ experiment to do is to raise rats on two different isocaloric diets (HF vs. HC), and two different feeding schedules (ad lib vs. once every other day). Then extract astrocytes and do the experiment. I expect there's a difference in astrocyte behavior.

Clearly you don't read well. Either you are dumb or just a troll trying to get a rise out of me.

Ketone bodies fuel the brain during ketosis. That's it. That's all there is to it. You're a moron or a troll.

You compared obese Americans to starving Africans and want to act like its a logical argument. Fucking lol.

there's a difference in astrocyte behavior when ur mom cums from my dick

Your own source proved you wrong. 0/10. I hope you're trolling. For your sake. Don't breed.

You can eat literal pounds of dog shit and you would look like a greek god if you worked out 10 hours a day.

These diets are retarded, just count your calories and actually work out. Don't be a lazy cunt.

You expect, yes. But you're still trying very hard to disregard what is without further study a valid criticism of the diet by inventing an elaborate circumstance under which it may be different. This is the same tactic flat Earthers use to ignore evidence in their own experiments.

Evidence suggests that ketone body processing damages the cells. Unless the cells RADICALLY change their function in a way unheard of in the human body the chances are this study will remain valid.

The issue is far larger than a single substance.

it turns you into a makeshift diabetic lmao, your body needs carbs to regulate hormones and digestion
just exercise you fat fuck

No it doesn't, troll.

>The conversion leads to the synthesis of three ketone bodies in particular: β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone. Although fatty acids cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, these three ketone bodies can enter the brain and serve as an energy source.
No it didn't.

I lost 80 pounds in 6 months. Not bad just remember to lift and jump rope you fat fuck no more bread

If losing weight fast is the goal, simply go full Carnivore.

If health is the number one concern, go full Carnivore.

KETO is for fags who wanna impress the vegan girl that put them in the friendzone.

I've been full Carnivore since January and have lost 50lbs without doing a single exercise except fapping. All of my allergies disappeared, my teeth and gums are in perfect health, and I'm putting on muscle with out even trying.

What fucks you up with Keto, is the number of high oxalate foods like spinach and kale that you're allowed to eat. It's these fucking plant foods that are killing people not the animal foods.

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The research is incomplete on this subject. The study you cited isn't an _in vivo_ study and thus does not bear directly on what effects a keto diet would have. You and I have different ideas about what will fill in that ignorance over time. Either of us would be making a fundamental error of science to insist on a truth that has not yet been backed up by experiment.

The triglyceride is broken down into the glycerol backbone and the 3 fatty acids. The fatty acids are used directly by the body. The glycerol goes to the liver and is turned into glucose by the process of gluconeogenesis. Therefore, fat is able to provide the necessary small amount of glucose for the brain, red blood cells and renal medulla. You do not need to break down muscle for this.

So, fasting does not really ‘starve’ the muscles of fuel. Instead, scarcely available glucose is replaced with widely available fats as the fuel of choice. That’s good, because the body is able to store virtually unlimited amounts of fat, but only a small amount of glucose. Mother Nature, again, has proven herself far, far smarter than us.

The brain, red blood cells, and renal medulla can't function without glucose. They can adapt to use the majority ketones, but that doesn't mean they ONLY use ketones. You are WRONG. Deal with it.

It's really shit. Just do CICO and lift nigger.

No. I'm saying that current science suggests something, which is accurate, because it does. You're saying 'well I think it's fine until more science is done' which is reckless. Erring on the side of caution would be the sensible choice, and not suggesting a diet to people which, with current knowledge, may be injurious.

Other benefits of Carnivore are:
1. waking up with massive boner
2. teeth brushing not necessary everyday
3. taking a shit every 4 to 5 Days instead of 4 to 5 Times a Day.
4. Blowing huge loads
5. Sleeping deeper.

The Downside is KETO Rash. Keto rash isn't an allergic reaction, it's your body flushing the plant oxalates you've accumulated over the years out through the skin. this happens to me in 6 week cycles lasting about 2 days.

It's totally worth it.

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This. Its basic human physiology.

>with current knowledge
Current knowledge is that most people do fine on it. If you know of any 20 year longitudinal studies, in other words, anything that would justify a claim of long-term injury, please speak up.

I don't claim to be an expert on the science or side effects but I've been doing keto for 2 months and have lost 40 pounds.

You don't need any fad diet. Use your common sense dude. Eat less calories than you burn. Cut down on sugar and carbs and processed food. Don't eat late. Avoid sugar in the morning. Drink lots of water. Excersize. That's about all their is to it.

And exactly how much glucose enters the brain during full ketosis? Do you have a source? Because my source says that the body uses ketone bodies for adequate fuel in the absence of glucose. You've demanded sources and incorrectly claimed that I am wrong a number of times but presented zero sources of your own.

Fucking keto cultists.

Keto is the shit. As soon as you get fat adapted and feel like a million bucks all the time, you'll realize that this is the way we're meant to eat. I wasn't even that heavy and I lost 30 lb in 2 months in the middle of the winter without doing any exercise

Expert here.

If you're serious about losing weight, do this:

1. weight yourself every morning after peepee poopoo, and write it down on your calendar
2. during the day, write down every calorie you consume (this is where people fuck up a lot)
3. after a while, you can estimate what your cap is (the caloric need per day)
4. eat less than that

That's all it is. Everything is a fad and bullshit. Obviously, try to have protein every day, a decent amount, eat a bit of everything, avoid processed foods but don't exclude them completely if you like a few things.

A diet based on protein is pretty good, since your body will rely on your stored fat for energy. Eggs are a good source of protein: also cheap, very healthy.

Keto is all about swapping out one energy source (carbs) for another (fat). It all depends on how often you exert yourself (are you always at the gym or do you only go a few times a week?) once your busy is in ketosis you will have normal amounts of energy, but if you're extremely physically active then you would have to consume pretty gross amounts of fat daily to sustain the same level of energy. Being physically active on an average level isn't difficult but if you're a serious athlete/bodybuilder whatever it's gonna be a difficult diet to work with.

I have a study right there that you ignored because it was in vitro, invalidly. There are no 20 year longitudinal studies yet but in their absence the study I cited is more evidence than you have presented.

On one hand, some dietary cultists say things are going great on this diet.

On the other scientists have tested its effects on astrocytic cells and found it damages them.

And finally we have you saying 'will that might not mean anything' but providing no evidence to the contrary besides supposition.

One of these three things is current knowledge. The other two are cultists and hearsay.

Stop suggesting ketosis unless you are a medical professional, people. You're potentially doing the same kind of invisible long term damage that people saying they felt like smoking did them winners were doing to those they shared that opinion with in the 70s and 80s.

You're not erring on the side of caution, you're just going with fucking anecdotal bullshit like every other moron.

>Did them wonders

Seriously. Err. On. The. Side. Of. Caution.

Did keto for 5-6 months last year and went down from 220 lbs to 165 lbs. Its a difficult diet to stick to because it cuts out almost half of all foods, things like fresh meats and cheeses/avocado are a lot more expensive than high carb food, and it can be really difficult to have good keto meals to eat without doing meal prep. It would also have some annoying side effects. Dropping carbs can cause your body to dehydrate pretty easily is you arent getting enough electrolytes. That said i would highly recommend it for overweight people looking to drop down to a healthy weight. It absolutely works if you watch your carb/calorie intake.

>comparing humans to bears

Holy shit how fucking stupid are you? And yes, it's well-documented that if you aren't using your muscles regularly your body will prioritize urning through muscle tissue instead of fat, although with a keto diet you're usually increasing your protein intake so that offsets muscle loss somewhat. If you just make a habit of exercising frequently then your muscles will be and you will burn fat primarily.

This. But a serious athlete/body builder shouldn't need keto anyway. Keto is a great diet to lose weight on, but people that are already in shape dont need it and wouldnt benefit from it. In fact some of the nutrient deficiencies would make it detrimental that have a high activity level.

>that you ignored
I didn't ignore it, I responded to it. You don't want to continue a conversation, so I'm done with you.

To everyone else: Eat high fat. Fast intermittently. Pay attention and adjust to your own body. Ridicule the cowards.

First source in google. Harvard Medical School. You're a fucking moron and you cited a inept government study. Literal cancer.

Most professional basketball players are on Keto Diets.

Oh fuck off. People cutting down on sugar for a while and dropping to a healthy weight from obesity has more positive long term health effects than you want to admit for some reason.

I did keto for 6 months to kickstart my weight loss. I lost 20 lbs in those 6 months. It was extremely difficult - you can't have cheat days because it throws your body out of ketosis which takes a week of hellish shits while your body adjusts. In all, totally worth it for me - I'm not doing it anymore and I'm still losing weight. I'd say don't do it long term though, as the side effects aren't super well known.

>I didn't ignore it, I just incorrectly said because it was an in vitro study it means nothing and can be ignored.
I was happy to continue the conversation but you chose to EFFECTIVELY ignore evidence because it doesn't meet a standard you haven't held your own claims to.

Everyone, if you want advice on diet, see a medical specialist and don't seek advice on Yea Forums, or you will encounter people who ignore science and pretend that they are being intellectual about jt. Like the above user, who outright ignores in vitro studies while ignoring the fact that there are no studies extant which offer contrary evidence.

Don't get sucked into dietary cultism by phrases like 'ridicule the cowards', folks.


The shits are the bacteria you starved and killed off being expelled out of your gut because they don't have any fermentable fiber/sugars to eat. Those same bacteria are attributed to obesity and depression if they're allowed to flourish.

Ketosis is not mentioned in the article. Try again.

Did I ever deny it has positive effects when used short term? Or did I quite specifically qualify my valid criticism of its long term potential problems by saying
>It is a valid short term strategy for weight loss.

Fuck off yourself. Don't try to pretend my argument is something it isn't. I'm not the one ignoring shit.

Your first source from the government study already said the brain is dependent on glucose. The harvard article states it can not function without it. I think you are talking in circles.

I tried it twice.
First time I forget when or why I stopped. the 2nd time I did it i was more successful.

I was 250 and I went on keto and didn't go to the gym. I seemed to have dropped to about 240 really quickly, it must have been water weight. After that I lost a pound everyday and I did it for maybe a month and a half or so. I know weighing yourself everyday isn't too accurate because weight fluctuates, but at the same time each day it really was a pound a day so i got to 223.
I was trying to lsoe weight before a trip with friends at a cabin with a lake and I wanted a shirt to fit. You're supposed to get 'the keto flu' when you start but i dont remember any bad headaches or off feeling. I was feeling pretty good.
Anyway when I went for the trip I read an article that said that doing Keto puts you at risk for type 2 diabetes and I got a family history so I stopped doing it basically right away. I was like cool I can have bread and whatnot. On this trip I was so constipated dude. had to buy some shit to help me out.
And it's been a year and I def let myself go on skip teh dishes and I'm almost 260 and I didn't notice until I weighed myself recently. So im looking at my options again and might go on it if I see the diabetes thing was bullshit. Might not go as low carb as last time, and just focus on better foods.

If you wanna know foods to eat, It was a lot of googling recipes and I felt like I was grocery shopping x3 which sucks. Lots of eggs and whatnot. I tried making keto bread, i didnt have everythnig to make it rise so it was more lie ka cake, it's kind of good, I used that for bead and made sandwhiches. And i tracked my food on an app that /fit. stickied. like myfitness pal.

and I stayed under my allowed calories.

Bacon and eggs for breakfast, with avocado on the keto bread. and then id work afternoons, have basically a gradeschool tier lunchbag lunch be done at midnight or 1. and have like a keto snack and go to bed.

LeBron James has been interviewed many times about it. You saying he is weak? LOL

>Your first source from the government study already said the brain is dependent on glucose
No, it didn't. I've read it through. It does not once state that the brain must have glucose to function.
>In normal metabolism, carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is the body’s preferred substrate for energy production
is a far cry from 'the brain is dependent on glucose'.

You are either genuinely ignorant or a troll.
>good if you have seizures
>weight loss is purely calorie in

>Not one. Not two. Not three...

LeBron is not a reliable source of information...

YouTube snake juice

I got into it inadvertently this winter as my system hardly can’t take too much sweet without feeling disgusted while having barely any of it

I was strictly eating meat, cheese, hemp and chia seeds
With of course OJ

Now, i’ve been eating this smoothie for atleast a whole 2 months everyday when i wake up:
>orange juice
>1-2 bananas
>hemp seeds
>chia seeds
>pumpkin seeds
>flax seeds
>goji berries
>frozen kale
>some other frozen bag of a mix of 3 greens(kale, spinach and some other kind of kale)
>frozen sweet cherries
>frozen pineapple
>frozen mix of strawberries/kiwi/bananas
>frozen mix of black currants/dark cherries/sour cherries/blueberries/blackberries
>cherry yogurt
I choose frozen fruits cause i live with roommates and most of the fridge is packed all the times

Also, later during the day i eat either a homemade cheeseburger that i season and spice and add chia and hemp seeds
Eat chicken with a side of buckwheat and vegetables

Honestly, you fill up pretty much your daily nutritional intake without taking into account the health benefits