Why is it so fucking hard for old people to understand technology? Fucking Christ

Why is it so fucking hard for old people to understand technology? Fucking Christ...

Old Person
>Can you copy my stuff from this old computer to this new one?

>Ok, what do you want transferred?

Old Person
>My passwords and...

>Passwords, what passwords?

Old Person
>You know, to login to my computer, and my email and other websites...

>It don't work like that, you have to manually enter them on the new computer

Old Person
>No, I didn't have to with the old one

>Yes, we went through that with the old one. You have to go into your settings to enter your login password manually on the new computer, you can't just drag and drop it or copy it onto a flash drive and move it from one to the other. And you have to use a browser to go to websites you frequent and login to them and enter your username and password

Old Person
>I don't use a browser

>(oh ffs...) Then how do you visit websites?

Old Person
>I just click on the little icon here and say "Website" and it goes

>That's Cortana and Cortana isn't a web browser. It's an assistant and it opens a web browser when you speak to it, which one do you use?

Old Person

Attached: old fuck.gif (498x262, 1.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lastpass + Password Peek Browser Extension will do exactly what your old want you to do.

you dont have to explain how it works, just do what needs to be done. There's a good chance you won't understand technology in 50 years either

MFW newb doesn't know how to copy the browser configuration including cookies but complains about old people

Yeah, lemme just go ahead and copy an Edge config file from an old computer to a new one and make the old person stick with Edge, one of the worst browsers you can use....

That's fucking stupid. Then what's the fucking point of even owning anything if you don't bother learning how it works and just make someone else do everything for you?

youre an idiot and cynical to the point that i dont think you can actually enjoy anybodys company

>Buy a new car
Yeah, can you operate it, and work on it when it needs repair for me? I don't know how.

>Buy a new phone
Yeah, can you call someone on it for me? I don't know how.

>Buy a new washer and dryer
Yeah, can you drop whatever you're doing and come over and wash my clothes for me? I don't know how

You're the idiot here.

literally nobody on this planet has ever said any of those things. stop making up scenarios where youre right

No, but that's literally what you want me to do, just do it for the old person, instead of the old person learning how to do it like everyone else has to.
>Buy a new set of drums and a bass guitar
Yeah, can you come over and play them? I don't know how


The majority just don’t want to learn. I’ve seen a few old people who get it because they take the time to learn. Most are just stubborn.

i never told you to do anything, youre just acting like an asshole because someone doesnt understand something that you do

If you’re getting paid by said old person just do what they requested and you agreed to do.
If you’re doing it as a favour, just stop because you’re a shitty person.
Everything else is irrelevant


You literally wrote "just do what needs to be done". I guess here's the part where you claim that you didn't write that because that wasn't you to save face. Where you dropped on your skull as an infant, or were you born with water on the brain?


you know theres aa "number of posters" at the bottom of the screen? you coulda just looked at that and saw that there was a new poster when i responded to you, do you not get that?

Where you dropped on your skull as an infant, or were you born with water on the brain?
It's 'were' not 'where'.
'on' instead 'in'

Oh no, a typo... how ever will I recover? Holy shit, welcome zoomster!

Yeah you're just retarded

>theres aa "number of posters" at the bottom of the screen?
>theres aa "number of posters"
>at the bottom of the screen?
You don't say?

Attached: ss (2019-05-30 at 01.13.32).png (1084x607, 42K)

You must have no life or career if you do everything yourself. I'm too busy and successful in life to do my own plumbing, lawn mowing and house cleaning. If my car breaks down, I have a mechanic fix it. I have no time for you little people.

Yeah, you're just 12

figure it out

Attached: qwfefewqfewqefwqewf.png (1209x817, 67K)

>I'm too busy and successful in life
>as he lays up on Yea Forums literally all day, every day

>"bottom of the screen"
Do you know what the word bottom means?

Also, replies have nothing to do with the number of posters, newfag

do you not understand what that image is?

>That's fucking stupid. Then what's the fucking point of even owning anything if you don't bother learning how it works and just make someone else do everything for you?

Do you have a car?
I have. I don't know shit about cars. If something breaks I'm at a complete mercy of my mechanics. They could literally tell me anything.

I hate it, but I'm not gonna learn shit about cars just to deal with stupid shit that happens once in three years.


Attached: fqwefewqfqweqwfe.png (119x75, 1K)

>I'm too busy and successful in life to do my own plumbing, lawn mowing and house cleaning. If my car breaks down, I have a mechanic fix it. I have no time for you little people.
Does mommy cook your tendies and wipe your ass for you too?


Attached: ss (2019-05-30 at 01.18.37).png (1082x369, 27K)

>i cant see the thing proving me wrong so im right

>I'm a literal newfag who doesn't know what the word bottom means, because at first I posted an image with circled post/reply numbers, then I figured out what bottom means and posted an image of what I see on my screen thinking everyone else sees the exact same thing
Jesus fucking christ... is plebbit down or something?

Even if youre not OP how do you know no one has ever said any of those things?

my parents are absolutely retarded, they doesnt have the slightest clue kek

these old/retarded people can only use smartphones, you cant present or ask anything too technical, i always use common words and adapt vocab, like for example,"link" i turn that into triangles/circles/squares and so on

It isn't tho

its botnet, fam

You act like you cant copy the config file from edge to another browser

As a tech support phone jockey I've come to the sad realization that as much as we wish the elderly or "technologically illiterate" folks would just get a clue, the hard truth is that they more than likely never will because technology intimidates them. These are machines that in most cases, are only used for very mundane tasks in their lives.

You act like anyone wants to, or should use Edge

please refer to
look at the (you)s and tell me im the one who said "just do it" thats what this is about and youre just changing the argument

Everything is a fucking botnet nowadays. Deal with it.

No im saying youre a lazy peice of shit

Lol that's cute

Friend of mine told me once that when his dad finally bought his first computer a few years ago, he tried to return it because it didn't have internet on it. Then, after discussing the problem with the store clerk he bought it from, they discovered that the problem is he thought the computer had the internet on it, like on the hard drive, and he didn't have internet service in his home...

And I'm saying you're a dick smoking swishmeister

>Everything is a fucking botnet nowadays. Deal with it.
Now very new of you.

user you're clearly a bitter underachiever get a life

You first, peter gazer.

Edge, chrome, Firefox.. it's all the fucking same at this point. Pick one and run with it.

Only one of these things is true and since youre just going "no i wont touch edge its icky poo nasty" its very easy hell to take that config file from edge to opera or chrome waterfox firefox pick a browser ect, then disable edge youre just pissy cause you wanna act superior to people who know nothing

>it's all the fucking same at this point. Pick one and run with it.
So new it's painful.

Prove me wrong, shitstick

ffs, kid... Please utilize some punctuation once in a while. You type like a sped

fucking idiot, why would any sane person waste money on something you can do yourself? Are you disabled or something? Not OP but I got a career + do my own shit around my own house + pay all the bills + clean and cook + fix any shit that I know how to without calling some idiot to fuck it all up + shave and cut my hair by myself as well as pretty much everything else other than going to the doctors / dentist.
It's more efficient and less wasteful resulting in having more money to waste on thing I need and / or enjoy. You are just an idiot.

>cant refute point.
>HAHA let me attack his grammer that will show him!
Junior please ive probably got shoes older than your ass

>complains that old people dont understand how technology works.

>doesnt understand how people work.

nigga, you dumb.

Junior please ive probably got shoes older than your ass
Ok, kid, calm down.

Man, it must be hard being 15. I hope you kicked your grandpa in the balls for being such a stupid cunt as to ask you for help. Nevermind all the shit he put up with just so your waste of sperm could exist. Fucking edgelord babies get so bent out of shape at the smallest things. Tell your grampy to get out of your safe space so you can meme in peace.

>nigga, you dumb.
>you dumb

Attached: ctp.jpg (215x280, 46K)

t.buttblasted entry level tech at a retail store

Why on earth are you seething so hard?

Yeah! He'll understand one day, when he's 13, like us, right EdgyFriend? You tell these oldsters to just die so we can meme and jerk off to traps in peace!

But you can import browser settings...

t.smooth cheeked squeaker LARPing on a Cantonese stamp collecting forum

No need to LARP here and you still have yet to refute my point.
>inb4 hah trolled you!
Being a retard isnt teolling its being a retard

Worked at best buy. This shit happened all the time. Fuck em old fucks. Just make sure you stay up to current tech and fuck the rest

*trolling need to read before posting but meh fuck it

user himself is new to how computers and the internet work

I mean. I use google chrome purely. Because my bookmarks move with me as does my stored usernames/passwords/history.

>what are cookies, cache and password managers etc?

You act like you know tech, but it seems you don't. Even for login you can just use a m$ account and the pass will remain the same.

Jesus, what a retard....

You should have learned how to talk to old people then

Hes a entry level tech at a retail store he knows nothing

But people do get others to fix their cars it called mechanic. I think you not smart.

>refute my point
What point? The fact that you're such a fucking numbskull that all the browsers you know of are the ones you rattled off? I already told you that you're a fucking newfag waterhead. How about fucking off on whatever search engine you fancy and looking up web browsers that aren't the 3 you know of.

Says the seething incel faggot who made this thread.

even those storefags know more. They know about syncing on phones and what now

>get a flat
>have a jack and a spare tire in the trunk
>able bodied

>name-calling intensifies
Holy shit, calm down kid.

>Judging people by your personal standards
And that's why you've been single your whole life. Don't worry, life gets better after high school.

I could have typed others. No the point is its easy to have taken all the passwords from one computer to the other and have the person not use edge

>Says the faggot kid who created this thread

Very true hes probably some neighborhood kid some poor old person thought was good with technology

>I could have typed others
No you couldn't, which is why you didn't in the first place.
>inb4 google "top web browser list"

So when you get a hole in your shirt you sew it up? I'm assuming you know how to perform surgery on your organs also.

>There's a good chance you won't understand technology in 50 years either
No there isn't lol. I spent the first 20 years of my life without technology and learned how to use it fine. Why would I suddenly lose the ability to learn how to use new shit?

>continuous name-calling
Goddamn, you're fucking mad.

Still not refuting my point

Google top web browser list

>Says the faggot who was so mad he made a thread

Woaaah, look at this kid! He thinks you're mad. rofl

I got an idea guys. Just pretend you know nothibg about computers either. It works for me. Ive been coding in java and making edited movies for years. I know a shitload about computers.

My grandparents and other old people have no idea about this. They think they can teach me about computers and i play along.

Works for me.

Attached: 1559171489400.gif (200x200, 494K)

Kek. He's the one who's seething.

Probably cause they didn't grow up with it and haven't used much technology. Amazed you're unfamiliar with the concept of learning.

Again, you're the one who's so butthurt about grandpa not knowing how to compute you made a thread about it...not sure how anyone other than you are the one who's having a kidfit.

Holy fuck, I sincerely hope you're not in any kind of tech support position if that's the best you can do!
I'm 64 fucking years old, built my first computer from a fucking mail-order kit in the 80s, been working in tech field since the early 90s, your generalization is a bit short-sighted...

Some people have a hard time understanding. Not everyone had a computer growing up. Hell some kids still find it hard to believe home computers didnt exist

Shhhhh, OP is just as dumb as his boomer dad.

What about a worn out brake pad? Or a valve leak? What do aaanon?

Nice catch

So ive got to ask and i dont mean to come across as an asshole. Do you miss the old everything through DOS days?

Damn boomer, what are you doing hanging out with the little kids?

>not just saying sure and fixing it up the way you know they want it.
Theyonly have a functional knowledge of operating systems, not a theoretical one.

Why can't you autistics infer meaning and instructions?

You assume autist can do that

Or....you could have just done what the guy needed you to do without him having to spell it out for you like a fuckin toddler. He asked you to copy his shit from the old computer to the new one. Why the fuck did you need to be told what needed to be copied when he said... “can you move my stuff from my old computer to my new one?”

Why is it so fucking hard for young people to just do what they’re asked to do? It’s called customer service. You’re supposed to anticipate the needs of someone who might not know exactly what they need. It’s like you dipshits never learned that, while you’re busy being smartasses on some goddamn image board.

Attached: 2C0C58AC-F553-44EE-BE3A-80841245F6D7.jpg (617x932, 76K)

I sew up my clothes, fix my furniture, tune my car, landscape my yard, paint my house, install tile, fix broken electronics, and im still able to hang out with my friends and go to gatherings. Why the fuck does this matter with old people giving so little shits about learning in general. They could care less about anything new. Im grandpa still asks me why im gay. Why the fuck do you think? Why cant you figure out a phone? No, not a smartphone, A REGULAR PHONE?
>too many buttons
Smart phones have five
>too complicated
I can get you a flip phone
>thats anchient shit
Fine. Have fun being fuel in three million years.

Because if iPads and how easy they are to use, older folks don't know how to operate desktops anymore. They always try to touch the screen at my work

When I get a hole in my clothing, I throw them away. I don't hire someone to come fix it for me, or get someone to buy me more.
>muh surgery
Now you're just trying too hard. What other 'astronomically difficult thing ordinary people can't do' things can you rattle off?

>What about a worn out brake pad?
Holy fuck, that's hard for you? You can't replace brakes on a car? They're literally made so anyone can change them.
>valve leak?
Again, you don't need specialized knowledge to find leaks in valves. Goddamn, are you also going to say that pumping your own gas is too hard? Or changing your own oil? FFS there are 16 year old kids on youtube doing all of that shit.

Eat shit, grandpa. Learn how to do shit yourself

yes, i know dad couldn't just txt me to ask me if they're working on the deck.

Hell when i was 19 doing tech support like that, i just confirmed pics docs passwords browser history. They would then say nah just the pics and docs its called being professional youve gotta confirm now most dont know whats really on there but its about setting the expectation

My aunt barely knows how to use a t.v.
An ipad is out of some of these peoples leagues.

Do you seriously not understand time is a resource? Holy fucking shit to be this stupid.

>it's all the fucking same at this point

no it's not you faglord

>one guy is picking you with a needle
>another one is stabbing you with knife
>another one is slashing you up with a katana

It's all the same guise, they all pierce my skin.

>imagine having to do all this yourself because you live of donations from patrons to the restaurant you work at and can't pay someone else to do.

Nope, not at all. Always try to stay as current as possible. The days of CP/m, 5 1/4
' floppys and punch cards are nothing but a distant memory.

Reading/watching some of the hilarious shit kids post on here is high entertainment! So many people who think they really know what life's all about!

Time is a resource you autistic fuck. Some people want to spend time doing things they enjoy doing. You may enjoy playing MR. FIXIT but most people don't.

When you have the money, you pay people to spend time doing shit you don't want to do so you have the time to do the things that you do want to do. It's very simple to understand.

>imagine being so inept at life that you literally can't do anything yourself and you have to pay people to do the most easiest, straightforward things imaginable.
Mommy cooks your tendies, huh?

>There's a good chance you won't understand technology in 50 years either
The only people who can't understand technology past a certain age are those who are literally mentally retarded and those who are too lazy to put forth the effort, which is unfortunately the majority of boomers.
>Fucking millennials don't want to take responsibility and get an education and learn how to blah blah blah...
And fucking boomers don't want to take responsibility and spend five minutes learning how to connect their fucking camera.
The human brain never..NEVER..loses the ability to keep learning. If Earl and Ethel can remember the names of their newly born grandchildren, they can remember a fucking logon procedure. I'm with OP all the way on this; it's fucking beyond aggravating. It's like selective Alzheimer's.

Yeah, it sure takes fucking ages to replace a brake pad on a car... 10-15 minutes TOPS is too much time for you? How the fuck do you even function if you can't do menial things?

She actually does. I've asked he not to since both my freezers are full, but she keeps brings around food.
I've got a good mum.

>old person learning how to do it like everyone else has to.

Found your issue. This will NEVER happen.

Under 30? What are you doing hanging out on a Mongolian basket weaving cartoon board frequented by refugees from SomethingAwful?

I'm not just talking about brake pads you moron. I'm speaking in general. It adds up. You have finite time. This can't be something new to unless you're IQ is actually 75

>both my freezers are full
You mean her freezers
>but she keeps brings around food.
yo mean brings them down into the basement

>op is not very good at dealing with people

If you had no worries about money, would you either spend time doing shit you didn't want to do? Seriously?

Motherfucker, you ain't got shit to do, you're right now being a shithead queer on Yea Forums. Please don't LARP like you're pressed for fucking time.

>its about setting the expectation
This is IT in a nutshell. If this WASN'T what IT is, then there would effectively be no need for IT.
There's a fine line between being competent IT and being that asshole with the bleached hair and the yellow tinted glasses who installs Linux on every system in the office because in his mind it's best and then just smirks when the employees complain.


>Learned IT support from poking around with his mouse a bit here & there
>Learned interpersonal skills from playing vidya alone in his parents house
>Learned linguistic comprehension never

Success: millennial stereotype reinforced.

I pay the rent, i chose the basement flat because she likes the day light and i work nights.

>Goddamn, are you also going to say that pumping your own gas is too hard? Or changing your own oil? FFS there are 16 year old kids on youtube doing all of that shit
yeah because that the easiest shit to do stupid.
Why do you give easy examples like replacing a flat tire, changing oil, pumping gas?
>Oil or other shit leaking
>Worn out brake pads
Some people don't have the tools nor do they want to fuck there car so they bring it to a professional.

OP is literally the guy from the Apple Store in boondocks


It's not even worth arguing with this guy. He thinks it's some kind of righteous action to do menial shit. Or he's pretending to be retarded. Most people don't want to spend time doing shit they don't want to do, so they pay someone else to do it. It's pretty obvious.

Why the fuck would I want to waste money on something that is painfully easy to do? You can watch a 5 minute tutorial on youtube and change your own brakes on your car. They're made to be easy to do. You don't need years of practice or degrees to change brake pads.

>Why do you give easy examples like replacing a flat tire, changing oil, pumping gas?
Because I was given easy examples of fixing brakes and valve leaks. You have to be a complete numbskull to not be able to figure that shit out yourself.
>Some people don't have the tools nor do they want to fuck there car so they bring it to a professional.
and those people are fucking shitheads who deserve to be gouged the fuck out by kike repairmen who prey on the inexperienced

>The human brain never..NEVER..loses the ability to keep learning.
How do you explain alzheimers?

>The only people who can't understand technology past a certain age are those who are literally mentally retarded
Don't forget, user, the old geezers didn't grow up around tech. I was well into adulthood before anyone ever even dreamed of having a computer in their home, let alone had heard of the internet. Personally, I've always embraced it, but for many people in my age group, it's totally alien to anything from their formative years.
For people under 30 or so, growing up with computers/internet/.etc., is as commonplace as growing up with a telephone was for their parents.


Because when they were your age the microprocessor was just the feeble dream of a madman and all but the most advanced computers had less computing power than the electronics in your mouse.

Pretty difficult to go from electronics being valve based and the size of a building to single processors being as fast as multimillion dollar supercomputers from a decade ago all within a single lifetime.

Do you prey on the inexperience computer user user?

Fuck technology, I don't understand shit about it and I don't care. 30 years old

It's because technology used to be vocationalized more. Now it's common place. It used to be that one person new how to run a printing press, while another knew how to run a bottling line. Now that many tasks and functions have been consolidated into one machine, they just assume there is a person for that vocation. Though we all know how to use it, in their old minds, it's for a specialized trained individual.

Why is it so fucking hard for millennials to understand work ethic. Work for what you want, don't expect things to be given to you. I bet you think healthcare is a right and should be free.

Thanks lol. I literally read his post in that guys voice. He is given a single simple instruction, and instead of asking normal ass questions to get what the person wants, he acts confused to demonstrate the person’s lack of knowledge to feel better about himself. I did the help desk grind when I first started in tech, and only assholes who know they don’t know any real shit do this.

Nice trips btw

Oh, you're a fag. No wonder you're such an insufferable, entitled, whiny little cunt.

I said if you didn't have to worry about money. As in you had enough money where you wouldn't think "I'm wasting money"

You pretty obviously don't know what that's like.

You very obviously enjoy doing that shit. Some people hate it. Is this hard to understand? It's like you're trying to be thickheaded.

Ok retard

>Why is it so fucking hard for old people to understand technology?

You can avoid this problem yourself by dying young.

I hope you do, asshole.


>the old geezers didn't grow up around tech
This has nothing to do with anything. There are old people who can use computers just fine. I didn't have a computer until I was an adult, and here I am, browsing Yea Forums just fine.

>I said if you didn't have to worry about money.
No one in their right mind is going to blow money on shit that takes literally minutes to do unless they're fucking retarded.
>light bulb burned out

Same to you nigger. Hope the most aggressive form of cancer attacks your asshole.


>I bet you think healthcare is a right and should be free.
The only people who don't think this are boomer Americans. Even boomers in other countries think healthcare should be free.

Cope, boomer. Finish you're Ensure and mashed up banana and take a nap

Yeah you're very obviously being disingenuous here. Pretending that only the MOST SILLY fucking examples exist prove your stupid point. I'm so obviously not talking about shit that takes seconds or a few minutes you fucking joke.

Ok riddle me this batman. Who will pay the doctors or manufacture medicine free of charge. People talk about other countries alot but dont take into account those countries have about 1/20th of the population we do. Money makes things move you dumb nigger

Thanks user stupid people be stupid

Old people need to die and stop driving in the fast lane going 17 under and causing traffic jams. Fuck you

It fucking blows my mind that people unironically don't believe in healthcare that is paid for by tax.

No, that's precisely what you're saying. Why do something easy when you can just hire someone to do it?
>I'm so obviously not talking about shit that takes seconds or a few minutes you fucking joke.
You think doing something like changing brake pads takes longer than a few minutes? Holy shit.

What do you mean they "don't believe" in it?

It's not actually free you obsolute FUCKING RETARD. It's paid for by taxes. I seriously hope you're joking.

But then you bitch about trumps tax cuts
.. however you want to raise taxes higher. Liberals blow my fucking mind.

When ever a ightbulb goes out i ring the landlord to replace them

What I said? Don't believe in as in someone would say, "I believe in free healthcare." As in "I think healthcare should be free." It's an expression I guess.

You sound like someone who has never even scraped the cover of a macroeconomics book you retard. Learn tax infrastructure and how paying 528 million on average for health care would cost.

LOL "all taxes are the same"

>universal health care costs everyone tax money
>Americans think this will cost them more money than they spend now
>actually costs each individual less money than individual Americans spend on healthcare throughout their lives

Actually work a job that isnt flipping burgers and you'll have half decent health care you turbonigger

Lol I live in a country that has free healthcare and it works just fine. Everyone is better for it. My country scores better in nearly every way.

Yeah I have a great job, I don't need to have heath insurance because I live in a country with free healthcare. I don't have to worry about it, or have a to live in a shitty country where millions of people go bankrupt a year because they can't afford to keep themselves alive.

Again literally no idea how tax infrastructure works. I thought taxation is theft? How about nobody pays a single dime in taxes and we see how long the country runs lmao. Cut everyone's welfare and SS, food stamps and affordable housing.

And like I said if you could actually read you have significantly less people in your country.

I don't think taxation is theft? Who the fuck do you think you're taking to here?

Then why are you putting your two cents in where nobody wants it?

I have a slight feeling you're either a bong or a down under thunder poster.

The EU is 500 million people

Have some fucking respect kid.

I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about dude. Enjoy your third world country.

>citing a disease to try and prove a blanket point
I bet you tell yourself your erectile dysfunction is something everyone has, too.

>formative years
I'm sorry, but to respectfully disagree, "formative years" is too overused as an excuse these days. It's about as bad as the overusage of "muh social anxiety." Shirtless inbreds in Florida probably don't learn much past their formative years but a regular human being very much can. We as a society have enforced the idea that you can't more & more as a general cop-out though. It's excuse making.
If Ward cared enough, and could be bothered enough, he could learn how to install and use Windows on his own. The trouble is it'd take away from his daily reading of fishing magazines and listening to talk radio to do so; it'd require he actually do something other than coast through the day mentally to do so. Ward isn't retarded, doesn't suffer from Alzheimer's and his formative years were 50 years ago but Ward is still capable of learning things if he cared enough to be bothered...

Tech incel.

because they have no desire to explore and see what the possibilities of what can be done are. even most young people aren't even curious enough to look at the various menus and options let alone to expand their horizons

uninquisitive fucks are the reason why consumer technology is so dumbed down

Not him but you cant say, "it never losses its ability to learn." Then get mad when one scenario presents itself.

>Why is it so fucking hard for millennials to understand work ethic. Work for what you want, don't expect things to be given to you. I bet you think healthcare is a right and should be free.
Why is it so fucking hard for boomers to understand work ethic and the need to learn new things instead of relying on your grandchildren to set up your PC and then snapping at them. Work for what you want, don't expect to coast through the latter half of your life like a mental midget and things to be done for you. I bet you think setting a DVR is impossible and that a younger person doing it for you is a right and should be free of any responsibility of your own.
See? It works both ways...

You literally live in a third world country you fucking brit donkey teeth retard. Your royalty fucked within their own family for generations

>Old people need to die and stop driving in the fast lane going 17 under and causing traffic jams
Where I live it's the 30-something short fat hispanic moms because they think they're the only people in the world.
They also act like top tier code developer IT gods when they complete their fucking direct-path Python certification. I fucking hate this city.

FUCKING LOL I don't live in Britain.
Most of USA is a literal third world country. There's a reason your country's score in almost everything that matters makes it a joke to the rest of the word. Your politics have ruined your country and it makes everyone else laugh.

Seriously just looking at this makes me smile.


And look where you fall on here, what a surprise!


"Study IT user. IT is always in demand."
Yes, as long as the pre-PC boomer generation is still alive, there will always be a demand for us to show them how to make the text on the screen bigger. We'll still be working at Walmart and Home Depot because the actual IT job market is a complete bust and those who manage to get into it are out within 5 years, but there will always be a demand for us.....

Funny how the UK ranks better than US in science/math/reading education and better in healthcare but it's a "third world country" Hm I wonder what that makes the US then?

You're a retard.

this thread is packed autism. i like it

Hey OP why don't you try to figure out how some of their old technology works and see how much patience they have with your faggot ass.

Because they're fucking old. At some point there will be shit that you have difficulty adjusting to. That's how time and aging works

You are thick as fuck if you think old age wont catch up with you.

That's not what anyone said.

you really are a cunt

old age has very little to do with someone's ability to learn to do basic shit on a computer like managing passwords. it's literally just that boomers are lazy as fuck.

I'm 32. I can tell I'm going to be a cranky old fuck

Like when computer updates, and nothing is any good damn better just different. I know some shit I can't see has probably improved but I would rather just not even know about it.