Please help me medfag bros

Please help me medfag bros

My mom pissed me off so I hit myself with my fist right in my left temple

Now it's swollen and thumping its been 6 hours please I don't wanna die is this serious Yea Forumsros?

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you are one dumb cunt

I tend to do that when I get angry

>My mom pissed me off so I hit myself with my fist right in my left temple
What sort of fucking retard are you?

I don't even know, I wanted to punish myself

>My mom pissed me off
>so I hit myself

Autism kek

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“UGH MOM GIVE ME BACK MY FLESHLIGHT!!!!!”* punches legs and breaks wrist*”huh guess i’m getting too strong”

Best advice i can give is to fully insert it into your anus

why the fuck did I laugh so hard at this.

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No, she claimed I was going out to walk the dog looking not good since my shoes have holes in them and I had different socks and my sweatpants were dirty and had a hole in the middle

She yelled at me so when she went upstairs I started madly swinging my fists at my head as usual

Man, fuck this site.

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Well thanks guys I needed some medical advice not to be made fun of and called a retard

It's lupus.

God she was so hot

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Here's my advice;

Stop being an autistic retard and move out of your parent's house.

My younger self would had adviced for you to seek help but since psychologist today is in favor of the gender shenanigans; Fuck them and their bullshit.

Okay, 90% of this thread will make fun of you. Im gonna give yiu sone real advice.
I have high functioning aspergers. Yeah, im autistic, for real. I also have bipolar, adhd, and chronic depression.
The one thing ive learned through having for mental illnesses is that one thing is goid for you, mental illness or not.
Yeah, i know. Its ridiculous and can be really stupid at times, but it helps. Im on a cocktail of meds, but i wouldnt suggest going down that road unless you absolutely have to. Ive failed suiced four times and been admitted to a mental facility five.
Talking is helpful, user. And a therapist isnt there to tell you what you want to hear or make you feel better about yourself, theyre there to help.
You sound like youre having trouble in your life. I dont really care if you live with your parents or not. I do. I pay rent and utilities, buy my own groceries, pay for my car, buy all my toiletries, etc. And i have my own space and can leave whenever. I know people whos parents beat them, raped them, and psychology tortured them. Parents are hit and miss. But talking to someone about your situation, even if its an embarrassing one like mine, is a great help to living a life with porpose.
Regarding your head, i wouldnt freak out. Ive hit my head multiple times, and a bullet grazed it, and went around my skull. Your head is a hard thing and hitting yourself is just gonna give you a headache. Brain trauma requires much more force, like jumping in front of a car and hitting your head on the hood. Thats a great way to get a concussion.
I think youll be fine, user.

>I also have bipolar, adhd, and chronic depression
>I have high functioning aspergers

Serious question, why haven't you swallowed a 12's shot yet?

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Thank you for the answer. This has been a lesson for me not to do it again, and I thank you for the reassurance anyways. Thank you and good luck, you're awesome

fucking lol

But its funny

I was just kidding, friend

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>She yelled at me so when she went upstairs I started madly swinging my fists at my head as usual

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Kill yourself faggot

Go to the emergency room dumbass

Honestly, i dont know. Its a struggle. Im not retarded by any means, im quite normal in most regards, i just have trouble communicating with others and understanding things like subtlety and body language. Ive gotten by though. I have friends and can strike up conversation anywhere. Its just the little details about communication that i struggle with.

And yes, i know youre being a dick. I just dont care

No problem user.
Im on discord, its PatchesTheBard #5127
I talk about tabletop games a lot, but im also a good listener. I dont mind talking if you ever need to.

How old are you?

Thanks I will add you!


Why don't you, like, move out so you won't have to sperg out and punch yourself when your mom tells you to do something?

Its the summer holiday so I have no choice pretty much, otherwise I study in a different city

And also I love my mom, I need to be with her as much as I can

Keep it up, fren

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Bless you kind people

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Call the police and say your mother hit you. When they show up, show them the lump. Feel triumphant as they take her away in handcuffs.

Dr. Yea Forums here. No, head injuries are not serious. Swelling's probably a subdural hematoma that will go down within a few days. Any nausea/vomiting? If so indicates your brain is rapidly swelling and you could be dead at any moment.