>Be me. >25 at the time. >Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him. >Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me. >Have a younger sister, 13 at the time. >My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist. >Announces that she's "seeing him". >Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard. >Few days later, brings the dude home. >Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead. >Visible shrimp dick. >My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom". >Discuss for a few minutes. >They go out. >Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny". >Sis comes home. >Announces it was "fun". >Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl. >She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back. >About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother. >"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious". >Tryingtoholdbacklaughter.jpg. >Tell my father this. >Laughs uncontrollably. >MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.
I fucking HATE the rayposter, he exposed me for being a pedophile, why dont you cunts become my personal army and tell him that CP should be made legal
What was the last time we had a regular here that was as truly autistic as the ray pist moron? This kid really does need some serious meds, unironically. You're unhealthy dude.
i never met a nigger that was dealing drugs in school only on the street
David Smith
Why are you a faggot?
Parker Richardson
Cool story bro, needs more faggots
Dylan Nelson
What you really missing ray pist, true story in bound, banna and pol crap that much?
John Martin
Are you proud of yourself OP? Are you proud of what this thread has become?
You've created yet another vehicle for "le funny banana maymay" to be posted. That's all you've done by creating this YLYL thread. I know what you were thinking. "I'll share some laughs with my fellow anons by creating a YLYL thread on Yea Forums! That will help me pass some time." But look what happened. Your entire thread is filled with pictures of that fucking banana.
And honestly, what were you expecting to happen? If you've been in any YLYL thread, any one AT ALL in the past year, then you've witnessed this happening. Every thread is the same. Sure, every once in a while something funny gets posted. But then the inevitable: the banana. We all know it's going to happen. It's happened here. It's going to happen in the next thread, and the next one after that. You should know better by now.
Sure, it's not your fault that these faggots keeping posting pictures of a naked banana. It's not your fault that the users here are too fucking stupid to post original content instead of regurgitating the same 9gag-level images day in and day out. But you know what? You're an enabler. By creating YLYL threads, you're inviting people to come in and post mundane, idiotic garbage. We all know that every YLYL is shit, so what makes you think yours is going to be any different? If you know that this banana shit is going to happen and then ignore it and create a thread anyway, you're part of the problem. You are exactly what people are referring to when they use the phrase "the cancer that's killing Yea Forums." You should be ashamed of yourself.
Thomas Gonzalez
jesus christ how horrifying
Zachary Lopez
no wait i have a story it was in 5 class a nigger selled weed but he ripped the guy off so he stabed him almost to death
Leo Kelly
Only ~3% of men are homosexuals, yet they commit 30-40% of the child abuse.
Joseph Johnson
total bullshit. everyone knows negros don't go past 4 class
Owen Barnes
Ebola-chan Skii-desu!!!
Carter Johnson
Henry Robinson
It’s actually Suki desu
Ryder Bailey
I love you ebola chan , please commit sudoku
Grayson Green
Is this true? Do you have a link, genuinely want to know.