Women are not actually attracted to men. There is a vague idea of what a man is physically...

Women are not actually attracted to men. There is a vague idea of what a man is physically, and some are better than others aesthetically speaking, but the purely physical appearance of a man is almost inconsequential unless he is horribly ugly or outrageously attractive.

Women are attracted to status, money, how much a man smiles and laughs, how many friends and resources a man has, how full a man's life is--how many "cool," "exciting" and prestigious things he is doing or connected to.

They are interested in how other people view him--how many people want to be around him, how other people interact with him and whether their interactions convey that he is special and amazing. They want him to be extremely outgoing and aggressive, they want him to demonstrate his status over other people by dominating them in various non-violent ways.

A woman's attraction to a man is a function of her jealousy at the thought of another woman having that man. She doesn't care who he actually is or EXACTLY what he looks like physically, she only cares about the VALUE of the life he has constructed around himself.

A woman basically is a greedy materialistic prostitute. Although that sounds vulgar, it's true. She trades her physical self to buy into the success a man has created for himself.

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this is why I fucking hate all women

My God shut up faggot

Is this new pasta or did somebody genuinely type this out?

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Things that incels think.

this is unusually lucid for a Yea Forums post. and it's about 99% true

don't be so quick to dismiss this. i've been around for a lot of years, and this is pretty much what i've seen. not just with me, but with friends and just acquaintances i've ran into. intelligence, or arrogance pretending to be intelligence is good. if you go the arrogance route, be sure you are smarter than her. confidence is the best to attract females. always be damn sure of what you are doing, even if you have no idea WTF you are doing. i always found that being the most interesting, smartest, and most confident guy in the bar made the the hero to chicks. the fact i was also married at the time and played what i call "hard to like" drove them over the fucking edge sometimes. combine that with hair down to my waist and i was beating them off with a stick. that's also another part of the trick. don't just go pure man whore, nail them few and far between so you remain an enigma. this was easier for me because i could always go home and fuck the wife. do what i say, you will get laid. oh, and take a bath and groom yourself you fucking neckbeard.

you care about women way too fucking much

She looks like bubble gum.

no, i just observe them like they were a lower species and this is what i've noticed. use it or not, i don't care

any song that uses the word
as a lyric is pure shit

Thats because most men are actually disgusting but nothing feels better than an actual dick. Dont read too deep into man. Women REALLY like dick and if other women had dicks we'd probably get with them wayyyyy quicker than a man. You're just hurt cause you prob. got rejected by the girl in the back of your classroom

For the love of God have sex

I am not sure if this is true of all women, for I had a chance to meet women who are different to this, one of which is my girlfriend atm. Been so for eight years. So, there are exceptions I think.

Of course, there is always the possibility it is all an illusion but it kind of doesn't seem so... idk...


this may not work on all women, but it doesn't have to. it's also more of a long game strategy, don't expect to just walk into a group of strangers and have it work within 15 minutes, though it might. i have worked it then walked into my favorite bar and been dragged out in 10 minutes by a chick that told me she needed some dick. hell, give it a shot, what have you to lose?

Ugly guys has been able to get with girls through all of human history.

You sir, just lack swagger

no, I meant - I doubt ALL women are like this.

THOUGH this does not mean that this strategy would not work.

And also, I do admit that women who will see through this are relatively rare, and also valuable.

Imagine living life and genuinely believing this lol

Kek, must be a virgin because this is exactly how women are.

If you're a woman you're just very very gay, and if you're a man you're a virgin, an idiot, and probably also gay.

I remember when I was 13 and edgy. Faggot.

Op why cry a river for girls when we can have a date with female asian robots and silicon real dolls, even 2d pillow waifus are the future

Sadly, this Is the truth

Even there are vr hentai and porn science out there, incels can't be this blind