What is Yea Forums's opinion on FTMs?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on FTMs?
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rare, invisible, irrelevant
Not really
my opinion is that i don't care even to the point of wanting to look up whatever the fuck an FTM might be on urbandictionary.
Female to male
Trans guys
Just as i said.
They practically don't exist, given their numbers. Not a relevant concept to think about. Doesn't pop up on the radar, ever.
Fair enough
Good for them for being who they want to be
And if they're more boyish than manish, Id fucking love to screw them
Fuck The Mags
Same dude ngl
How do their pps look like
Here you go user ;)
I'm gay and I've dated a trans guy. I don't really have much on an opinion on it, he was pretty much like any other guy, a but more insecure about his body image but that's because of the disphorea. Sex was interesting, he had top surgery and that look just like any other guy except the scars, we would keep the covers on during sex because he didn't want to see but my god was sex so much more convenient than anal. Probaby the thing I miss the most it didn't feel too different but I never got shit on my dick.
Sounds pretty dang cool
Better than the Male to Female creeps.
It's a lot easier to be a feminine guy than a masculine woman. And a lot easier to transition that way too. Except for genital surgery.
the presence of facial hair and the absence of tits is literally all that is required for ftm to pass
Would love to breed an ftm, sounds like it would be fun. As another user said less prep is useful.
I'm sure you're cute honey.
they are funny. I was getting food one morning and a FTM was working the register. Now this matters I am jacked and she right away deepened her voice trying to pass then a black dude walked in and in the fakest deep "man" voice she said hold on bro. The black guy and I looked at each other and laughed out loud at her. when she handed me my food I told her thanks bro and she smiled thinking she fooled me.
That's not nice
FTM or MTF have mental issues rhat should be addressed instead of being allowed to transition.
No thx
Is that you
Are you trans