I've been drinking Mountain Dew every day for the last month, tell me something that will make me fucking stop, please I don't want diabetes
I've been drinking Mountain Dew every day for the last month, tell me something that will make me fucking stop...
Read the ingredient label.
You'll get diabetes.
But seriously.. switch to club soda with lime juice to control your cravings. It's not insanely addictive, replacement therapy is easy to accomplish and will be very effective.
Shall I post the ingredients of an apple? Always a dumb argument.
realize niggers do the same thing
>Shall I post the ingredients of an apple?
Lots of big scary words. Chemicals don't tell you much if you aren't a chemist.
it literally kills your sperm
Did you know that apple seeds break down into a basic form of arsenic? That means that they should be deemed illegal and are not safe for children. All part of big pharm man
wtf I love mountain dew now
nope, cyanide