Whats up you pathetic sad losers?;)) hehe

Whats up you pathetic sad losers?;)) hehe

Look what i just got and you cant get ;)

Yep its the american express platinum card ;)))
I earn a lot of money so i can get Nice things

You pathetic losers waste time on fucking shit and shitcoins

Jesus fuck you guys are fucking pathetic
I hate you guys so fucking much

Meet me in the centurion lounge and i can buy you a life

Oh.. I forgot
Fucking losers like you cant get access

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Oh look, it's this thread again.

What's in there? The same stale sandwiches and limp salads they serve in every other first class lounge in the world? If that's worth the few percent you get over my mastercard and it's worth hunting around to find people who actually take Amex, go on with your awesome life.

>this thread

"I travel constantly for work"

Member since 18... n00b
Also paying 450/yr for a stupid card..

First thing first, FUCK YOU...

I got an offer to upgrade my AMX card, but decline it. Why would I spend $550 a year to use a card if I don't fly or stay at hotel"s?

Also it's easy to get a Platinum AMX Card, if you know how to mange your spending.

>hunting around to find people who actually take Amex
Not OP, but almost everyone takes Amex.

Kieth is the worst name in the English language

Not outside North America my guy.

Why would you want to go outside North America?


Lol not even a black card. What a shitty brag.

Because I'm not sad or pathetic and I travel for fun. 8^)

Travel isn't fun though.

Sure it is, user, you're just poor.

Nope. I've been traveling, and it isn't fun.

Congrats, you pay $550/ year so you can post pictures on Yea Forums bragging about a piece of plastic, lul

What's your credit score op? Mine is 841

Imagine having such a superiority complex and need for validation and attention that you brag about your credit card to Yea Forums.

I know this'll be a bomb to drop on you, but literally nobody gives a fuck. Why don't you go brag on fucking Insta, you know, where your identity actually matters?

Wait are you fucking serious? There's an annual fee? I love rich poor people!

Imagine claiming that you're rich, yet spending that much money just so you can take pictures and brag on fucking Yea Forums where neckbeards come to jerk off to traps. lul

That's a pretty shiny debt card.
How's it feel to be a good goy?

The fee provides insurance and other benefits that poor people wouldn't see value in. It also enables you to get more rewards.. so if you spend enough you make more than the annual fee back and then some. Generally you need to spend $60k or more to make it worth it... Also you need to make enough to qualify so your argument is flawed. Not op. Just observing retardation in this thread.

Yes for the Amex Plat it's 450 or 550 a year
Amex gold is 250 /yr
Amex black is 10k /yr and you have to make 250k a year in charges

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Lol buddy I have loads of insurance but it's not through a credit card. The argument isn't flawed if you know that for less than that card's annual fee, you can get better protection than it gives you. Unless you spend enough to make it back, get a points or miles card and get your consumer protections somewhere else.
Amex black I can see, if you're into super high end shit and you don't want to fuck around with limits or a bunch of bills.

Jew try to hard

Having "loads of insurance" is a flawed statement. There are hundreds of types of insurance policies. You might have a lot of life insurance or travel insurance but not all is created the same. For instance travel insurance doesn't include trip interruption by default. Or if it has the limits can vary significantly. So get your shit together.

If you make 125% or more of the points versus non fee cards and spend enough you will make more than the fee back with that 25% or more deviation. So if you are rich the fee covers itself.

I have a cash back card that costs me $250 a year but my current cash back is at $1200. If I got the free version my cash back would be less than $500. This is the reason the rich get richer and the poor get poorer... Lack of financial literacy. Sad.

I like in the airports that I can get a drink at the private bar and not have to deal with the lowlifes
thats the only place I use my platinum

It's literally a sham so you can brag about your "amex platinum" card lol

I guess if that's worth $550 to you because it makes you feel good then go ahead, I traveled for a long, long time before I retired and internationally after and I've seen the cost breakdowns of these cards. Unless you like showing them off to everyone and that's worth it to you, it's bad math.

It's a status symbol. Just like a nice engagement band or clothing. It's human nature to show off and show how much better you are than others. Yea Forums is just full of faceless cowards that stir the pot for fun. Jealously is not healthy, use it as a motivation to better yourself not try to bring people to your level because you won't succeed.

wow what do we have here, a fag?

Unless you are spending a lot for a business or something similar it's not worth it for the average person. That's why the average person doesn't have one.

I love cock but no homo

>Being this triggered

> Wasting time on this website

I googled who you are. I’m gonna steal your identity and ruin your life. Fuckin nerd.

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Ill call the fbi

No man. Even if you're spending a lot it's a bad deal. That's why the average rich person doesn't have one.

And any illigal Mexican can go to bank of America and get a card that scans just the same.
If the lounge means that much to you, by all means keep scheduling long layovers and wasting your time at the airport.

You must be new here

I disagree. My info is backed by science and Alex Trebek. You're nowledge is backed by a beer belly and going on cheap vacations

credit cards without fees also have insurance and those other benefits. Some even have roadside assistance

Yeah they pass those benefits to you for free lmao

Some.benefits but Theresa tradeoff. A travel insurance policy that is annual is typiclly half the cost of the card fee.

Well I guess. If what you say we're true though, a lot more rich people would have one.

1% of AMEX card uptake is platinum. That's the same 1% that's rich. So 100% of the 1% have them

This is true. I'm the 1% and I have one card

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Op here. I'm just jk you all. Lighten up. I found this pic online it's not mine. I have a discover card

Only 450/yr?
Then why this faggot is bragging about so much?
Any mid-class poorfag can take this gay ass card.

The only pathetic loser here is your faggett ass... That card is crap and just a waste of hard earned cash...

The only purpose for a card like that, is to give it to poor people that don't have the full amount up front... You poor poor misguided blind sheep...

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Timestamp, faggot. With your pathetic excuse for a cock in the pic.


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Checking in, like I do at hotels and airports.

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Oh look, it’s this thread again...


Yeah, I don’t have any credit but honestly, I don’t really give a fuck. Enjoy your debt.

Way to go, too bad the only place you can use it is at a Ferrari dealership. Most places tell me that they don’t take it because vendor fees are too damn high.

Lol okay...

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That’s the titanium card. No limit. Gotta laugh at poor fags


is this like the top of the line? I thought the black card was like THE card.

Read the thread

how miserable and pathetic must you be to not find fun in traveling. you must be going to South Sudan or Burundi cus otherwise you're such a sad fuck

>>having never been outside of the US
>>everyone accepts AMX

I just have a lot of money. Do I really need mass produced level-up cards? Why? I know I'm wealthy, I don't need anyone else to know. And no, you don't know me.
You are very needy, aren't you?

lolling at cheap quartz countertop

What a fucking ugly card! Is the design like twenty years old? I'd be embarrassed to pull that out.

“Awesome life” this guy is a miserable jew


Wait, you fags are so goddamn poor you actually have to carry around your own credit cards? And you brag about this?

Cool story bro :DDDD

You know whats cool? I could get that. Ive had credit that good since my early 20s. But im not such a retard that im going to pay an absurd yearly fee to have a subpar card made of metal