Image being poor for so long that you start enjoying spoiled food

Image being poor for so long that you start enjoying spoiled food.

I feel for you, yurop frens.

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you americans really have shit taste in everything, don't you?

They have no genuine cheese to speak of, so yes.

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you can’t spell “imagine” or “Europe” correctly.

Haha nice b8 m8. Enjoy your chicken tendies.

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We have a cheese called AMERICAN. Is there a cheese called EUROPE or UNITED KINGDOM?

shit b8

>Not having diced cheese on a wooden tablet along with rustic bread and red wine
Go buy some more wonderbread, burgerboy!

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no but we have plenty of cheeses named after different cities


delicacy in yurop

delicacy in muttland

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Don't forget you free drink with that.

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At least our cheese isn't an aerosol

What even is that

A tube of dough filled with butter, which is turned liquid by throwing the whole thing in the frier.

the foods desperate people make

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>Americans in charge of cheese.

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german here
never heard of blood tongue sausage

Dutch here, we have tongenworst (which does contain blood and tongue), you sure you don't have this?

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it's similar to Blutwurst and actually pretty good

It's obviously blood- OR tongue-sausage.
You can get those at every butcher's in Germany

As an American I can say I have never encountered this. Must be a southern thing

>It's obviously blood- OR tongue-sausage.
Tongue sausage has both.

is it true the colour of cheddar cheese in america is orange?

you friesian are crazy lol

Depends on the age of the cheddar, doesn't it?
Yound cheddar is quite light, aged cheddar has a much more darker/orange tone.

Cheddar has annatto in it in the original recipe (a food dye), which turns it yellow, add a shitload and it turns orange.

t. hobby cheese maker

As a southerner, I have also never heard of this.

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you started this shit burgercuck

UwU that b8

Cheeseburgers are half your culture, amerifag.

I just visited the us for three weeks... they are so fucking dumb over there... no goals... no purpose... everything is "drive-through"... most stupid lazy people on the planet. the world could easily exist without them.

1/10 bait, but imagine naming a cheese after your country because you have nothing else noteworthy to attribute to it.

Isn't all cheese just spoiled food? I consume absolute asstons of cheese. It's fuckin delicious.

its not called blood pudding its called Black pudding in the UK, blood, fats and grains.

Attached: 1024px-Stornoway_Black_Pudding.jpg (1024x1024, 287K)

>deep fried pizza
Put me on a plane to fuckin Ireland

not Ireland/10

yeah cheese is essentially milk left to rot in a very special way

that's scotland you stupid american

hows that bait tasting

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Eh, same thing. You try pointing out Minnesota on a map without googling it you fuckin tryhards.

wasn't very good, hence not Ireland/10

We buy our cheese in a can to put on crackers. Or we get the plastic cheese that tastes like shit.

funny thing is I actually know where Minnesota is on a map.....

50 states hurr its the same thing

cant point out a place in a 1/5 chance.

>it's bait
>you try doing what i failed to do!
something doesn't add up

And we put food coloring in it to make it yellow. Many stupid Americans hate white American cheese, same shit without coloring idiots

>50 states hurr the same thing
>You have to know where my countries are but I only have to know your continent exist hurr

The absolute state of eurotrash.

>implying thats what I meant
>not using basic math and probability to discern difficulty

knowing your continent exists is already bad enough, please spare us the 50 different flavors of overweight retardation

its only relevant to know about places that produce anything significant culturally or otherwise
so florida maybe..

>Viking history isnt significant culturally..

That's because you only have one cheese.

and that cheese tastes like nothing

you silly americans and your cultural appropriation

Dirty swarthy europoors got btfo

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its from the midwest smh

Who cut the cheese?

i doesnt come sliced?

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honestly feel like brie is the only good one of the fancy cheeses, too many of the other taste exactly like what goat shit smells like

Except you couldn't because your economy and security is backed by us.

Please go back to plebbit

Except the military that keeps you safe and an economy that half the civilized world is dependent upon.

>Seething europoor
Is Mohammed fucking your daughter right now?

>Implying Europe will be white in 20 years

is tyrone fucking yours?

Yes and cider is apples with a yeast infection and honey, well that's flower cum after a bee vomited it back up.

It's realy best not to think to deep about what food actually is.

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Technically it tastes of candle wax and high fructose corn syrup.

also, you can only live because the bacteria in your gut eat what you ate, shit it back out and that shit can be used by your body

>Black pudding in the UK
That, some bread and a pint of a decent ale and you have a lunch fit for a king

>you try pointing out Minnesota on a map
at the top; in the middle

>uk's "culinary horror" isn't marmite
really? REALLY?

just barfed thinking about it
fuck you for reminding me

I like Marmite.

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It's made from brewing yeast, do you also hate beer?

nO iT Is VeRy ExPenSiVe AnD gOuRmEt FoOd

yes actually, if i wanna get drunk i don't wanna drink 30 liters of beer and have to go take a piss every 5 minutes

Imagine being so poor you have to buy fake cheese

Attached: Cheese.jpg (1000x750, 358K)

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Worst thing I had living in Sweden was Lung mash

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that is delicious when served with mashed potatos
i miss my grandma :(

>tripe soup
>salted pig fat
>squid ink risotto
>horse meat
All of those are pretty fucking delicious. They might sound nasty to someone who never tried it tho.

Cheese is delightful, you neanderthal mongo nigger.

i think the problem americans have with it is that we european name it like it is when its weird
i mean ambrosia salad sounds devine but wait till you see what it is
i fell for it

>i fell for it
me too user, have the PTSS to show for it.

why don't people even try to b8 anymore? all the b8 threads are retarded fucking bullshit like this. it's not clever or funny, it just makes OP look like a dipshit with an IQ of 4.

show us how

sad to hear that

good thing ive seen friends and enemys go slush, i guess
otherwise american cuisine would have seriously damaged me

when you put antifreeze in your food but actual natural cheese is disgusting

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