gore n shiet
show me what you got
gore n shiet
show me what you got
fucking africa.
so overpopulated they couldn't care less for each other.
always wondered the story here
people typically don't get their heads blown off and advertised to the world for zero reason offered whatsoever
911 that's all I'll post got more but fuck you
Did he die?
He became Elasticgirl
was safe, but decided to continue stealing the car that was on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
clear case of suicide
no problem sir
fuuuck he should've taken his clothes off even took me a sec to think abt it
Oh you’re right because ISIS totally didn’t do that for 5 straight years
How sad. Jamal hadn’t even stolen his first bike yet
is he kill?
Fucking hell... don’t even look real.
fucking kek
Late term abortions in Harlem are getting out of control. Fucking liberals.
It's supper real. There's other ones just like it I've seen posted, hopefully they'll post again so I can save them.
Fucking savages, for what?
My 98th rewatch. Can't help it. Never seen this before in video besides for four other times.
No waay! Then what if everyone sees your penis lol
This is a good loop. I thought he jumped back off to get his friends back and try again
It’s like that Nicholas Cage movie.
I whistled for my horse in dynasty warriors
top kek
was that tar or sand?
what a whore. sure, guy might have said something unprofessional, but "connecting with strangers" is literally what networking is. you don't network to become friends, you network to gain access to the right people.