According to NOAA the average temperature has gone up 1 degree over the last 100 years. Global

According to NOAA the average temperature has gone up 1 degree over the last 100 years. Global
Warming is a false flag.

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However, we actually have bigger problems

NOAA is controlled by the US Government to the point that its considered to be a uniformed service. I wouldn't trust them.

It’s a natural warming cycle that the planet has been doing for eons.

Are you aware that the difference between a "warm age" and "ice age" is about ten degrees average temperature?

We're in the cooling phase, temperature is supposed to be slowly sinking not rapidly rising

Or they were wrong.

>According to NOAA the average temperature has gone up 1 degree over the last 100 years. Global
>Warming is a false flag.

So, what you're saying is, that the global temperature has warmed by 1 degree, therefore global warming doesn't exist?

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

What do you think a global warming of 1 degree is, if it isn't global warming?

Yeah, let’s bet our future on all of the world’s climate scientists being wrong about the exact same thing at the same time.

All these celebs virtue signaling for change while flying private jets and living in mansions, and all the other shills can suck my very average penis. The entire US could go renewable and it wouldn’t make fuck all of a difference because you have places like China, and third world shitholes fucking the place up.
If humans really are making the climate change we’re already fucked.
And fuck all this “but much future generation” shit. Fuck em. This place is too crowded anyway, we need a good culling

>The entire US could go renewable and it wouldn’t make fuck all of a difference because you have places like China, and third world shitholes fucking the place up.

the entire US has, as of a survey carried out in 2018, exactly 300 electric buses operating across the united states.

China has over 400,000 electric buses.

China is a signatory to the Paris agreements on climate change. The US has announced its withdrawal from the Paris agreement.

China is not the problem here. the US is - because however much shit China produces, they are at least acknowledging there's a threat, and are trying to change it.

Seeing how none of them were alive to witness the last climate change I’d say they’re all going by best guess and do have a chance of being wrong. Just look at today’s weather reports, what’s their forecast accuracy at?

1 degree C but 1.6 degrees F. May rise another 1 degree F in the next few years. In the last 40 years, the rate is even higher 3.2 degree F per century. DO some basic research before posting dumbfuck

Yet China still produces 30% of the world’s pollution.
Get China, US, India, Russia and Japan on a deal together and we’d actually make some progress
I mean look a this live map. They’re making soooooo much progress right ?

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They have the solution but they’d rather dump trillions into military to fight non existent wars than go to the moon and mine helium 3

>Global Warming is a false flag
>drought conditions are currently ravaging the eastern seaboard

Forecast accuracy is pretty high. But this is local weather, basically from which direction the wind blows, global climate is a different thing.

>Yet China still produces 30% of the world’s pollution.

yes, China produces 27.51% of the world's pollution, with 18.1% of the world's population.

the United States produces 14.75% of the world's pollution with 4.4% of the world's population.

Or, to simplify it: the US produces slightly more than double as much pollution per person, as china.

Ok bud.

You do realize that scientist have been universally wrong many times threw out history. It is a defining characteristic of scientific method.

and you do realize that scientists have been right, many, many more times throughout history?

thank you.

now pollution is a blanket term. how much of that is landfill, how much of that is air, and how much of that is permanent

irrelevant, global warming is measured by total output not per capita.

honestly, I dont have the data to hand.

But I expect that a not-insignificant percentage of that pollution in china is industry goods manufacture, exported to the US and Europe.

climate change occurs every 20 million years. the last one caused an extinction event. the next one will probably wipe out humans. we arent going to save the planet or stop climate change. it will happen, whether it happens in 100 years or 1000 years or 10,000,000 years.

it will happen, and the next cycle of life will evolve just as humans did after dinosaurs.

>Seeing how none of them were alive to witness the last climate change

Ice cores, bentic forams etc.

Yeah per capita is irrelevant as fuck.
Still, get those top 5 countries on board with a climate deal and things could be better. Doubt it’d happen though.

No, its very relevant.

If a thousand people are producing 10 tonnes of shit, and another group of 100 people are producing 2tonnes of shit, then the 100 people are making twice as much shit.

That is not an "irrelevant" problem.

The US is producing 14.75% of the crap, despite having a population that's just 1/4 of that of China.

The"defining characteristic of the scientific method" is to create a solid base of repeatable and thorough information, then try and develop responses to that data that will be helpful. This means that being wrong is followed by notes, re-evaluation, and fix what they are wrong about. Literally a METHOD.

Also its "through out" you moron. Go work in research for one day and see how boring and tedious it is making sure there is accuracy at the end of a study

and the 10 tonnes of shit is the problem, are you dense?

>Still, get those top 5 countries on board with a climate deal and things could be better. Doubt it’d happen though.

You mean a climate deal like the Paris Accords, which not just the top 5, but 194 nations have signed.

All nations, except the #2 polluter worldwide - the US, who is pulling out of it.

>thinks a drought has anything to do with the earth's temperature not rising
kek. mate if we put the entire earth's history on a to scale 24 hour clock, humans would take up just shy of 30 seconds of those 24 hours. to think that somehow we are responsible for the earth's temperature (that hasn't gone up a single degree since 1999 by anyone's metric, took 80 years prior to go up 1°, ice shelf officially growing again, biggest ice cap since 1962 found in March, 2018, more polar bears alive today than ever before in recorded history, not one single piece of conclusionary evidence that fossil fuels do more damage to the atmosphere than fucking cows) is just about the most foolish thing I've ever heard. you fucking faggots are pathetic. truly.

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So the chinese can lower their emissions by dividing China in four or five parts? How dumb are you?


the 12 tonnes of shit is a problem.

that's 10 tonnes from the 1000, and 2 tonnes from the 100.

ALL of it is a problem. The one who is producing disproportionately more is as concerning as the one who is producing most.

The Paris agreement was and will always be trash.

Retard spotted

And yet 194 countries around the world have agreed to aim for it as a starting agreement.

only one nation claims that global warming is a hoax and refuses to abide by it.

I agree, the Paris agreement is insufficient. We as a planet must do a _lot_ more. But in the absence of that action, the Paris agreement is the best we can manage.

Nice sources you have.

which alternative do you propose?

Not. Like you ameritards would listen to facts when it is so unconviniend

needed sources for everything like some kind of fucking intellectual elite is what got you retards into being so weak minded. feel free to to look any of those up and disprove me.
>but muh experts
the world's leading experts in cutting edge mathematics and science collectively believed the earth was flat up until 450 years ago. I guarantee you that Magellan and De Gama and whoever the fuck were called baffling lunatics for even suggesting it. we know nothing. to even think you do is foolish. wake the fuck up dude.

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>needed sources for everything like some kind of fucking intellectual elite

Translation: "Muh feelings are more important than facts, and other people being educated about reality threatens me."

Out of curiosity: if you ignored all the crap the media have been telling you about how the temperature has been constantly increasing, and instead took a look outside. What would your senses tell you? Have temperatures really increased? Have they stayed the same? Or have they maybe even dropped?

Cause I don't know about you guys but over here we've still got temperatures barely above 10°C during the day, at the end of May. Which is anything but normal. And temperatures have been dropping steadily for several years now, with no end in sight. But maybe my place is the only anomaly and the rest of the world is heating up. Gotta balance it out somehow I guess.

Ehm... no?

Eratóstenes mesured that the earth was spheric in 276AC

I think you are just bait, no more respect for you faggit

You are a fucking moron just like the dipshit running this country. Please commit suicide for future generations

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Your opinion vs Scientific community

Tough match tbh

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>collectively believed the earth was flat up until 450 years ago

Nobody since the stone age believed the Earth is flat, and the ancient greeks already had pretty good measurements of it's diameter. You confuse this with the heliocentric model, if the Sun cycles around the Earth or the Earth around the Sun

Yeah, your comment pretty much sums up what's going on in the world today. Don't use your brain, don't pay attention to your own senses, only repeat what scientists tell you because they are god, and god is not to be questioned.

I was with you until you started to say we shouldn't believe or trust the scientific minds of the world.

If you hate science so much go live in a shit hut like a nigger.

Don't confuse local weather with global climate

Climate = Number of people on Earth, is the global population rising or sinking?
Weather = What Joe is doing today, will he play baseball or stay at home?

only a special retard conflates a local result with a global result.
you user are that special retard, cut of your nuts to save the race kthnks

Nigger that 1 degree is more significant than u think. Probably just bait tho.

Wrong...about the Earth's orientation to the Sun? That is something which can be measured with a lot of precision, even with simple tools, by anybody. The result is always the same.

We're in the cooling phase and should be slowly cooling.

On top of this, much of the crap China produces IS for fulfilling consumptions demands in the West. A lot of the emissions attributed to China are at demand-source, US emissions.

The point is I know im fallible and also im not specialized in science. I have strong opinions of object oriented programming and art.

If you don't trust other people why do you use technology you don't understand? how do you know they are not poisoning you via food/plastics to keep you as a lamb in the herd?

right, pick one part of what I said and do all the mental hurdling you want with it. because clearly I said that every single "scientist" believed it to be flat, not that it was *collectively* accepted by most people, many of those people being scientists up until those faggots "officially" circumnavigated it. at least that's what RECORDED HISTORY tells us. because recorded history is fact and experts are never ever wrong. fucking kill yourselves. there is NO hope.

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they are pretty much synonyms. But is pretty clear local climate and global climate are different things.

global temp can go up 1C while boston is having a freeze

I don't need to hate something to use my own brain and not take everything someone tells me as the absolute truth. But the question is: why do you hate using your brain so much? How did you come to the conclusion that scientists are some kind of god like beings who can't be wrong? Is this some inferiority complex? Believe everything the authorities say without question cause you're too dumb to figure anything out by yourself?


I'll take that as confirmation that you've observed similar changes. But because the media tell you that temperatures are rising, it must mean that they are doing so everywhere else in the world.

>and do all the mental hurdling you want

>Proceeds to break the world record in hurdling, with a word-salad response of utter gibberish.

Yes. You're totally right. I agree entirely. Well done. you're clearly a genius, and I'm not going to bother you any further. Would you be kind enough to go crack open a beer, sit on your trailer porch, and bask in your victor for a little while?

I have the hope that no female will let her get impregnate by such retard

No, I do independent research and then read other people's research. It's not that fucking hard to realize that there's always someone smarter than you in something.

Idk why I'm arguing with a fucking fast food worker about climate change. I'm sure you got it all figured out.

even small changes in the "global average" temperature can be bad. Global warming alarmists say it take 6 degrees (F) more to make the earth uninhabitable for humans

Attached: GlobalAverage_2018.png (1596x907, 264K)

If you left Yea Forums for a minute you might find that you can educate yourself on pretty much anything you can think of. You don't need to remain a retard who doesn't know shit about anything and so has to always rely on "experts" telling him what to do. You can do your own research and form your own opinion based on that. But guess what? Many researchers are just as ignorant as you, only relying on what's common knowledge so they don't have to confirm that things are actually the way they are.

Intentionally dishonest article. Chinese shill go home.

How about you find a stat that includes electric trolleys and trams? Oh, because then the USA would drastically overshadow China.

We don't use electric buses en-masse yet because the rapid charging technology isn't conducive to battery longevity.

In the mean time, almost every city operates natural gas buses that emit 90% less C02 than a diesel bus, or the diesel plants China uses to power their batteries.

Eat shit and die, Ping.

>increased by 1 degree
>Higher now then it was
>Not warming?


Climate change is definitely discernable if you just look around. I live in northwest FL. We have not had any winter frosts to speak of in years. My cypress trees retain their foliage much later in the year and they green up much sooner. I can grow tropical palms in my yard and they don't die in winter. Its full on summer hot much sooner. Its concerning.

Inferiority complex after all. The Smarter people always know better, so let them do the thinking. The role model for all sheep, going around calling others dumb.

Do you even know what pair reviewing is moron?

>brags to be an autodidact

I feel sorry for you for never having someone that teach you humility and how the fucking world works

Is called work specialization and its the reason we can shit in a ceramic toilet and not in a hole in ground. Are you really that arrogant that you cannot trust anybody else?

There are things individuals cannot achieve that communities can. Just look at the fucking lobbies, do you think they assemble because they are weak? lel

humans are not sacred faggot. there have been many species at the healm before we were. many of them did it far better than we ever could. if it's our time to go, it's our time. ice ages are 100% natural and 100% necessary. and by no means do they represent the end of a species. no one is ever going to change what they do because you struggle with the fact you do not matter.

which specie did better than us in which field? in technology?

100 years ago we had fewer and less sophisticated measurements of temperature. Just upgrades to the data would lead to a 1 degree rise in the overall temperature average.

it's almost like people move to Florida so they don't have to deal with that shit. are you a real person?

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>muh technology
I do not accept you're this inept. I won't do it.

You've never seen the inside of a research lab, let alone spoken to a real researcher for more than 10 seconds. If you're so against research and science, get off your ass and go build your own society with its own electronics and Internet. Because all of the technology in your mongoloid hands was made by scientists.

so, humans are not sacred and we're gonna die from natural events eventually anyway, but if there is something we can do to save our species, fuck it because we're gonna die anyway? what?

how about lasting long enough so we can get off this fucking rock and navigate the galaxy

There was no global collective of scientists 450 years. You had various regions with science at varying levels of development. But we’d largely figured out that the world was round at that point. And as for everyone else “most people” didn’t even know how to fucking read because “most people” were just farmers. You’re talking out of your ass and trying to save face.

>Remember all those years ago when we were supposedly gonna have an ice age?
>remember how right they were?
>remember when they changed it to global warming and al gore was screaming doom while having a giant carbon foot print?
Now it’s climate change. It’s the earth’s cycle. We’re just along for the ride

Don’t you have homework to do you dumbass teenager?

So angry, so edgy.

>should be
Key words

Good, we deserve it.

>smart people wrong

I wish some oil tycoon or whatever politician he has on a leash would tell you that the internet causes cancer so you could stay the fuck off of it

I actually want the coast line to be inundated. Life is boring, lets mix shit up. Imagine the movies we would get out of it.

Well, if I would think the changes I observe here in Frankfurt Germany would be an indicator for the global climate I'd kill myself, snow being a childhood memory and invasive ducks from africa breeding in winter where my dad was ice skating as a kid

Yeah accept it’s a non binding agreement without consequences. It’s nothing more than aspirational words.

So being in it or not makes no actual difference as nothing happens regardless.

We will be back with another president. More people are moving towards electric since it's cheaper in the long run usually anyway.

Well trumps done more on this issue than any other nation in history with with tariff war

That’s if they do it right, but they won’t and it’ll be more nuclear reactors being built.

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Why not? Because it doesn't fit your doomsday prophecy? I thought all you people died off in 2012 with the Mayan calendar.

Fuck we doubled down on nuclear power back in the 60’s we’d be in the clear at the moment. And electricity would basically be free

It's a polar reversal

>inb4 cow farts

What's the difference between climate change and global warming?

There’s a better way but electricity will never be free for all, someone has to make $$ off it.

What’s the better way? Yeah I said basically free, like dollars a month


Helium 3

We can’t trust colleges either

Go pull mental gymnastics to hate on America on reddit you fag

This is why Yea Forums is dangerous. I've been "lurking" here for a few months now, and I see why people have been fighting tooth and nail to shut this shithole down for good. There's a lot of clever content that can be appreciated, but this is just plain wrong. I'm smart enough to know you're kidding, but what about a rural youth from a broken home? He's going to see this and it'll be Waco all over again. Keep this kind of shit to your personal life and off of public platforms. Peace.

>threw out
you've said all you need to say

Can’t censor the world muffin, don’t like it don’t come here.

You sound like a commie. Go silence free speech elsewhere.

Pitiful samefag.
Like I said... This isn't my first rodeo, muffin

You're just a whiner. Complaining won't do anything. You want to stop people from talking? Go out in the world and make them.

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>you can’t say things because them some moron might do something bad because of yeah you said
Sounds like some faggotry but ok

You are mentally retarded.
Seek help from a professional.

Typical leftist argument, free speech is only okay if I agree with it or else it causes people to do bad things there must not have it.

Thank god the found secured our brains and guns in amended 1&2 or else we’d be commie bread lines or in reeducation camps

I’m apparently to drunk to type right now

They even named it, anything they don’t like=hate speech.

That was pretty quick for a sh00p. Why don't you use your talents to better yourself instead of spreading negativity? I'm genuinely asking you M2M.

Im sorry.. I'm trying to find it in me to see it from your perspective, but IMO hate =/= free HENCEFORTH hate speech =/= free speech. Is anything getting through, or am I wasting my time?

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Are you drinking toilet cleaner again user??

Your hate speech is triggering me into wanting to pull a trigger on a loaded gun pointing in your direction.


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holy kek include me in screencap

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Me too

>we must ban THIS speech because it’s hate speech
>now THIS is hate speech
And the line keeps moving and moving
ACTUAL hate speech will allow shitbirds to point themselves out. We don’t need the government to babysit you fucking child

Savage.. You keep this up and we won't have to worry about trump 2020

Well played, user. Well played.

you need to get dubs or post tits to be in a screencap

I don't understand why its so hard for people to understand hate speech. If you can sit on the potty, you know what hate speech is

Give me one good reason to post my tits

It gets you in the screencap
>remember the timestamp

It’ll derail this retarded thread

Post it’s? Awe man they have plenty of uses...oh wait it’s post tits.

How much are they worth to you? I might be willing to work with you on the price a bit.. Do you have kik?

>Paying for random tits
Kek nah
>how much are they worth to you
Exactly $0.00