My dear fagits and gentlemen

my dear fagits and gentlemen,

(sry my English)

i have 21 days to make my urine and blood completely THC(metabolic) free

been smoking daily for 20 yrs (with some clear months/year)

hair will be not taken, this is for a new job

best methods plox

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Your best method is to just not smoke weed for the 21 days and drink lots of water and do a lite wok out for 40 minutes a day not to hard but anuff that your going to swet for at least 20 mins of it

Sounds like you need to drain your blood user. Don't worry it's a pretty simple procedure and will leave no traces of THC. So what you want to do is slit your wrists and neck and sit in the bath, let the blood drain from your body. Don't worry you'll make new blood to replace what you loose pretty quickly, just make sure to drink a lot of donkey semen and eat a lot of eggs.

Tell them yes i was smoking weed assclown and to fuck off its not like you were in a crackden shooting heroin

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well, thank you, that sounds effective.

can you show me a short vid how you do it? maybe this is not a big question, you said it is easy

Drink green tea and grapefruit juice. Green tea is a good detox and grapefruit juice is a diuretic so it makes you pee a lot. This should flush you out in time. If you are overweight/obese then you are screwed as the THC metabolites are in your fat cells which can take 45-60 days to clean out.

Would do but I ran out of donkey semen a while back. Only socked with horse cum which isn't quite good enough. Wouldn't want to die now would I

Unironically stoners are gay and should kill them selves.
But do Also donate blood several times. Even if you have to lie about the last time you gave.

can not donate tho, i have super low blood pressure
even those little amounts make me almost faint the docs take for controlling

also, meanwhile it turned out i have only 12 days.

Maybe you should stop being a nigger

12 days? damn you're fucked. The only thing you can do now is buy fake urine WITH urea.

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a friend of mine can give me real urine. wath is urea for?

also this does not solves the blood question. unluckily i do not know, will the drug test be made on the urine, or on the blood (both will be taken, general health inspection as i said, for a new job)

Shove a condom full of pee up your ass.

Organic detox kit, they test for chemicals in detox kits

No troll OP, but drink a box of jello before you take the test. Google it if you dont believe me, but it worked for two tests I had to take.

eat cauliflower

My step dad did this when he was on probation. Box of sure jell poured into a 2 liter of 7up. Tastes awful but apparently works. Also have to piss at once before your test.

Water and move, around, u need to sweet it out. one ez toip. go out in the sun take a swim, our just faf your balls dry...

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This. 21 days is plenty of time to clear the cannabinoids and metabolites concerned. Just get your head right before you start, because you cannot fuck up halfway through.

Dude, don't worry about it, you will be too stoned to show up to work on time anyway.

21 days? You might make it even just by stopping smoking for that time period, but to be sure I would do the following, I would diet and exercise for the first 2 weeks, also if you have acces to sauna, I would use that quite often. I would stop dieting at least week before the tests and wouldn't do any hard exercises for 3-4 days before the test. I would also make sure I ate enough to gain some weight. Drink quite a lot water on the few days before the test. don't over do it tho, they will know if the sample is too diluted.

If it's like every other legal state, you can still be denied a job for smoking


depending on your smoking levels, it is impossible to clear your blood of THC in 20 days. A British study found that high level users still had detectable amounts of THC 30 days after stopping.

Ain't going to happen, the best you can do is dilute yourself to below threshold levels.

You're going to have heavy deposits throughout your environment and body that will be constantly contaminating yourself.

The best you can do is start running a daily marathon, but we all know that's not going to happen.

start living in a country where your boss can't controll what you do in your free time

Go to the health club and workout, sit in the steam room, sauna and whirlpool.

You can also buy home test kits on Amazon so you know ahead of time if you'll pass or not.
"ez home drug test"

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Everyone should be aware, companies do not care if you smoke weed. They test all new employees because they get cheaper insurance rates. It's all about the money.

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Op in similer boat to you took me about 30+ days to be clean, tested myself twice a week, and now im clean i enjoy about 1 bowl a week on fridays and get clean by Monday 20 days is going be tough id make sure to dilute never took a t break until now upside i got so high now

30+ days i am so sad
i think in the next 12 days i will live on beer and grape juice