You think you're better than me, cumskin?
You think you're better than me, cumskin?
Oh absolutely
Hell yeah, you stupid NIGGER.
Everyone's better than you Tenda, even your cumskin daddy
At least cum does something. Shit is just waste. Fucking faggot go back to your discord
>You think you're better than me, cumskin?
I genuinely do.
I guarantee that not only am I better educated than any of your extended family, but I also promise I make more than the top paid 5 of them combined.
I also have a wife and kids who see me every day, they don't have to wait for a welfare check to get a burger and I've never been to prison. No-one I'm related to has been shot to death (except in war), no-one in my family has ever sold drugs or commited a street robbery.
No-one in my family talks gibberish and pretends it's a language (ebonics... I mean I ax you!), no-one in my family chimps out and uses violence when they lack the words to communicate effectively, this is because they have a vocabulary, a rational mind and are articulate.
I have quite a lot of money and assets and I didn't have to sling rock, rap, rob or play sports to get it.
Who has more use to society?
(Did I mention that I pay taxes too?)
Yes i do
And yet yo sisters and momma get bred by black men. All your articulateness and rationality and vocabulary mean jack shit in the face of a massive, sizzling, juicy, delicious, thick black cock.
cum > shit
are we called cumskins cuz blacks cum in us?
Better? Nope. I believe we all can benefit from each other in some way. We should work together to create a better tomorrow brah.
what a dumb nigger you are.
You say SLAVERY, I say sorry.
Yea... but you are still a shit skin... a nigger... that will never change.
Lads imagine living your life as a dumb nigger.
mmm juicy and sizzlin.. my mouth is watering now for that BBC
so all the cuck shitposters come to Yea Forums once they've been banned from /pol/
Nobody said slavery stupid bitch gtfo with that old ass bitch thread