You think you're better than me, cumskin?

You think you're better than me, cumskin?

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Oh absolutely

Hell yeah, you stupid NIGGER.

Everyone's better than you Tenda, even your cumskin daddy

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At least cum does something. Shit is just waste. Fucking faggot go back to your discord

>You think you're better than me, cumskin?

I genuinely do.

I guarantee that not only am I better educated than any of your extended family, but I also promise I make more than the top paid 5 of them combined.

I also have a wife and kids who see me every day, they don't have to wait for a welfare check to get a burger and I've never been to prison. No-one I'm related to has been shot to death (except in war), no-one in my family has ever sold drugs or commited a street robbery.
No-one in my family talks gibberish and pretends it's a language (ebonics... I mean I ax you!), no-one in my family chimps out and uses violence when they lack the words to communicate effectively, this is because they have a vocabulary, a rational mind and are articulate.
I have quite a lot of money and assets and I didn't have to sling rock, rap, rob or play sports to get it.

Who has more use to society?
(Did I mention that I pay taxes too?)

Yes i do

And yet yo sisters and momma get bred by black men. All your articulateness and rationality and vocabulary mean jack shit in the face of a massive, sizzling, juicy, delicious, thick black cock.

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cum > shit

are we called cumskins cuz blacks cum in us?


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Better? Nope. I believe we all can benefit from each other in some way. We should work together to create a better tomorrow brah.

what a dumb nigger you are.

You say SLAVERY, I say sorry.


Yea... but you are still a shit skin... a nigger... that will never change.

Lads imagine living your life as a dumb nigger.

mmm juicy and sizzlin.. my mouth is watering now for that BBC

so all the cuck shitposters come to Yea Forums once they've been banned from /pol/

Nobody said slavery stupid bitch gtfo with that old ass bitch thread