Why are you transphobic?

Why are you transphobic?

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Why are you transphilic?

I don't care if a girl has a dick, I just don't get why there are 50 trillion genders

The feminine penis

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Who cares? How does it effect you?

Why are you transformers

Look dis nigga can't spell

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What should I choose???

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What was between your legs when you were born? THAT is what you ARE.

because it makes my small peepee turn into the big peepee

Is that goatsee?


I'm transphobic because it genuinely terrifies me that humans can choose to be the best of both worlds now. Feminine body, with penis in-tact? That's too godly for this realm, send it away.

because i don't like hairy women

Whichever. Who cares?

My doctor was between my legs when I was born

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Yes that’s why your a dick

because you shove it in our faces all the fucking time and try to make everything about you. case in point, this thread.


It's affect in your case
Effect is a noun
How does it affect you is the right way to spell it


Because it's gross.

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ThAtS ThE SyMbOl FoR a TrAnSfOrMeR oN a ScHeMaTiC

You are a doctor then. A OB/GYN. go set up shop


Sorry it will change it

>what is the effect on you?

I wasn't until trannies started shitting everything up

Why shouldn't I be?

congratulations you're a doctor

transgender is a Jewish conspiracy to make young white people voluntarily sterilize themselves. everyone who wants to fuck traps instead of real women fell for it hard.

Like what?

Because they are useless minority that doesn’t benefit the human race at all and they that want special privileges. Scientifically speaking they are not even real.

Why should you?

Like Yea Forums with this very thread

Nigga you retarded or sumthin?

There is a big difference between fear and disgust and the sooner you dumb faggots realize that the better.

You run away from something you're scared of, when you're disgusted by something you want to burn it.

I would be scared coming face to face with a lion, but when I see a cockroach I kill it.

Looks like a pencil dick sliding into a butt hole

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no matter the amount of makeup you put on or the number of surgeries you undergo, you'll always be a man. A disgusting, broken man.


i fear the day when there will be trans-"women" that are indistinguishable from real women. sleeping with the those women will turn you into a faggot.

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Not transphobic but I won't actively role play in the lives of others. The majority of trans men are not passable, they look like common cis men in drag which is just unattractive both sexually and socially as I will feel inclined to assume the worst of this person's pysche.

In the sense of respect, the idea that people are respected off rip is false. Straight white men are given assumptions based on what they look like, as much as black women or Asian trannies. I don't have to actively respect made up genders or pronouns in a social setting because it's not relavent to me. I especially won't respect someone's wishes just on account that they decided to play dress up today, and poorly at that.

If anything it's an insult to real transexuals who are actively taking the steps to change their genders as opposed to seeking attention.

It's not your sexuality that bothers people, it's your inflated ego.

You need a break from the Internet user I

based nigger

Way after our life time, every “passable” trans is always revealed when they speak.

Change my mind.

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I just woke up though

Also trans body parts are fucking weird and could never compare to the real thing. Ending up with a tranny is just bad luck. Imagine trying everything to woo a girl and establish a real relationship only for her to have a bloody, hairy, loose, requires more upkeep than a fucking care alien instead of a self sustaining body part. I'd be better off with a flesh light.

You're always going to fear what you don't understand.

Gay people are mentally ill too

one can only hope

Aren't you fucking Romanians satisfied with r9k and pol as captured territory?

>mentally ill gays

That's a double-whammy!

It's advancing mental illness. Gay people can be contained and self sufficient in a community. Trans people rely on the moral boosts of others to confirm they are in fact whatever they decided to be that day, and will be upset if you don't find them passable or attractive.

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I wouldn't call it phobic. Nothing they do invokes fear. But they are shitty self absorbed people with little to no value in modern society.

They'll never be passable or attractive. None of them.

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The person who made this needs to be beaten to death

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I’m not transphobic. I just think it’s stupid and I don’t believe it’s a real thing. I think it’s fuckin gay. I don’t believe in any “spectrums”, you’re all a bunch of homos to me. I don’t see how that belief makes me transphobic.

The real trannygy is when one of these fags cuts off his dick. What a waste of a perfectly good twink.

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It effects society which effects me.
Why can't gays stay in the closet?
Who cares? How does it effect you?

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If trannies are transformers, would they be Deceptions or Autobots?

Honestly, I would totally fuck these dudes. No homo

If you look in the mirror and are disgusted by your genitals, there's something wrong with that. Getting them turned inside out won't magically make your depression go away.


At least they wouldn't breed then

wrong they'd be auto(gynephillia)bots

damn, that's good

“Phobic” means fear. No phobia here, m8, just a natural reaction to the unnatural.

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im not!

It's affecting people by brainwashing them into mutilating their bodies and/or killing themselves.

"God" gave us intelligence, friendo, and through our intelligence we've figured out how to decide what gender we want to be. So yeah, it aint all that unnatural, like being able to clone a sheep, or shut the fuck up and accept the things you can not change, like this for instance. Whining about how you feel on the issue doesnt mean anything. No one values your opinion so I dont know why youre so eager to give it

I'm not, my boyfriend has a pussy. Shit's cash yo

It's bad for your health to be transphobic.

Transphobia is not real. It is a term made up by the mentally ill. I just want them to get treatment and stop mutilating themselves. It is truly sad to see them suffer.

This retard, beating up strangers on the street for no reason.

I aint afraid of no fags, I only look down to don't step on shit.

As a computer repair 'tech' in a very conservative area, it's people compensating because you aren't allowed to just be a faggot, red hats look at shemales (and interracial cuck porn) like no one's business.

You can see it on this website too, lots of conservatives lots of girl dicks.

the one on the right is cute and I'm straight.

Why are you mentally ill and enjoying it?
It's not like autism where you at least get better at some shit.

yes, you are gay


I'm rather disgusted by trans people but beating them in the streets isn't okay. They have a mental illness that needs help. They're still humans with basic rights.

thats not beating them up, that is the pavement passable test. Men have thicker skulls if it cracks you know it is female.

Nah man, I just blanket the lot of them as faggots since I don't need a new kind of faggot vocabulary every week.

What the fuck

They've been pulling that "phobic" bullshit for well over a decade just to get a rise out of people who would've normally ignored them. I say we do the Japan method and ignore them until they fuck off.

or we could try the american option

People expect you to follow pronouns and the ideology which surrounds that.
Its retarded how they say gender is a social construct and in the same time cut off their dick and put on makeup to look more like women. Everything they believe is conflicting with itself.
Thats why 45% is too low


That sounds like a huge plus, at first, but then you realize that they'll just adopt some poor bastard. Then said poor bastard will get put on hormone blockers because they were brainwashed to think that being a tranny is the thing to do. It's a mental contagion.

Transgenderism is what happens when overpopulation starts to affect the mind of the weak/genetically unstable. They become depressed or addicted and end up killing themselves or trying to get attention in other ways

Same reason why Im scared of schizophrenia and the mentally unstable

Hey look, he faggot thinks we should all care that he's a faggot.
Just get your dong shoved up your taint and live on Twatter already.

Only to those that don't pass

I can be arrested for misgendering or whatever

Where we just fuck em up and let God sort them out?

Because the faggots on Twitter hate straight people especially men and talk about their fake gender and say straight men are evil while figuring out why they're losing followers and getting people like me banned for calling them out on their mental illness faggotry. Trannies made me hate the fag community.

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Because I don't like mentally ill people.

Starving children in Africa could've eaten that sausage.

I'm not, but I know a few people who are. Here's why:

1) They fear finding a hot chick, getting her into bed, and discovering a dick that's not theirs.

2) Some politician told them it's okay to hate trans folks, so they do without thinking why.

3) Some religious figure told them it's okay to hate trans folks, so they do without thinking why.

4) They're upset that society now says to accept trans folks, so they go from dislike to hate just to prove they "think for themselves".

5) Their lives suck, and hating on others makes them feel better. ("At least I'm not a fucked up shemale, right fellas?")

6) Blanket transphobia easier on the mind than holding a nuanced viewpoint where you only judge people for what they do.

The above gets worse because many trans folks are messed up *and* clearly different. Between hormone treatments and suffering from being bullied and belittled, they can often be anxious, depressed, etc. That gets annoying, and it's easier to feel hate than empathy.

start messaging ordinary "cis" women and telling them they pass really well and then act confused when they tell you they're women

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Then there's the people who see it for what it is and don't need help hating the encouragement for being fucked in the head. You act like a person needs to be coerced into thinking fucked up shit is fucked up shit.

None of what I said means coercion unless you mean peer pressure.

There is no logical reason to hate people who have done nothing wrong. And if you hate people with mental health issues, then you hate most people (probably yourself as well). Talk about stupid.

because a tranny broke my heart

Instead, some retard from Yea Forums is gonna put it in his mouth.

It's for their own good.

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I am not afraid of mentally ill people, I just think we should help them

You say it like peer pressure isn't the main way they push their garbage. Also I get tired of them calling normal people scum, bigot, and whatever flavor of the week term they can come up with. I'm usually a very forgiving person, but the constant bullshit has really killed my view of them. They never shut the hell up.


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because they are retardet and im not talking about cutting ur dick off
their character is always just shit if you dont know what i mean imagine the worst leftist scum faggot there you go the avrage tranny

i cant because i dont have a doctor in gay or illneses


You seem intelligent

ahh lol i get it i thought pemozide are hormones or some shit

autism level point, you're just generalising people instead of giving an actual coherent argument. what's it like being a mensa member?



>you're just generalising people
im sorry for that nigga but i never met a normal gay or tranny

based and yellowpilled

>falling for obvious bait posts

wich of them was bait?

-phobic would imply that I am afraid of them.
Y'all idiots need to stop misusing this suffix.

That's for you to figure out.

i think it was my awnser why should that be bait? read this