Is it legal to chat with a loli? What if she asks me something naughty?
Is it legal to chat with a loli? What if she asks me something naughty?
its only illegal if you have autism, which sadly for you have
You can chat with her and if she asks something naughty just tell her to stop it, don't be a fucking retard
Just make sure to hide all the naughty language with codewords. Don't want the lolice finding out you've been teaching her bad things.
You can't chat with anime faggot
what if even a normal convo makes me hard?
how do i set up the code language though? in person?
loli is universal code for little girls
depends if she's legal or not, if you consider that a concept like legal lolis existing since some only see it as short and young looking. that's where the "naughty" part matters. otherwise do whatever.
if you get hard only by talking about casual stuff with her, you are already a lost man. do what you feel good
No its not retard.
No one and I repeat NO ONE calls RL girls LOLIS or RL BOYS SHOTAS
Its purely an anime term.
Put your hand up, you filthy scum!
she smol
im not lost, im happy
hope you get better one day
i call most of my short female friends lolis, some like it, some get annoyed. it's a term that's usable irl.
then you're good to go
thank you for your blessing!
weeks ago a friend of my cousin (14yo) sent me her feet.
what are you supposed to do?
Jerk off.
You'd be more likely talking to an undercover cop. Why would you even want to talk to one anyway? Can't you talk to someone you're own age? Better yet find a milf, they're fucking hot af, plus have more life experience.
be happy
because it makes her happy shes treated as an adult
The problem isn't the loli disliking his naughty actions or words, it's that the loli doesn't know when not to talk. That is what you must plan around.
What was this thread about, again?
I used to wish I was an adult when I was a kid, but then I realized how much life sucks ass. Let them be a kid and don't throw your disposition onto them. Also it's creepy af for an adult to chat with a child unless they're related.
or you know, it's a "legal loli" an adult that looks like a kid or teen
How the fuck she gonna walk?
Loli is a term universally known to mean a sexually attractive young girl. It is derived from the term Lolita, and is used to describe a sexually precocious female.
about a little loli
that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard
The definition of a word is determined by its common usage, not its origin. And the common usage of both loli and shota has to do with 2d you fucking brainlet
You do not hold any power over how something is defined, you retarded idiot. The word works both for real and animated characters in the same way symbols do not carry universally and exlusively one meaning and one meaning only.
The sooner you will accept this, the sooner you will end your depression and needs to win pointless argument.
Future replies will be ignored and your tears harvested.
Stop grooming kids
look at this autist and laugh xD
I never claimed i decided how things were defined. I said that the word is used most commonly in one context, which is what decides a definition of a word. Learn to read, and learn to argue you thick retard