Where do I get heroin?

Where do I get heroin?

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ask pillhead junkies . they’ll more than likely know .

where are you from?


Same place you score every other drug, the local dealer.

you can get the same high as herion from smoking nutmeg

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Heroin store.

Don't do heroin, retard

If you already dealed with someone for other drugs (which i assume you have) see if you can buy heroin from the dealer.
if not, dark web.

if you cant figure it out yourself you are too young to be doing drugs and being on this forum in the first place

Not OP here
I'm 35 and don't know how to get heroin
I'm just not a fucking druggie

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From Damian Gallow in Jacksonville FL.
Fucking edgy cunt.

You don't need to be a druggie to know how to get heroin. You just have to not be retarded.

Heroin dealer

>implying you are retarded if you don't know where to get heroin

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it sounds like you're in a difficult spot emotionally OP, if you can afford heroin you can afford therapy. Find a counsellor, they wont judge or report you for thinking about using, you probably just want to escape a shitty situation and I get that but this will never help you solve whatever's bothering you, will only make your hole deeper. Please reconsider m8.

my answer was towards op who was implying that he was looking for it
if youre 35 and still lurk Yea Forums, and NOT on drugs... its time to reevaluate your decisions mate

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Fly to San Franscico. Go to Fishermans Wharf. There's some Chinese there that sell Dungenesse Crab in carts by the ocean. Pick up some and enjoy it with a nice roll of sourdough bread. Stop by Castagnolas and get a cool ShockTop beer to wash down the bread and crab.

Right next to that beautiful seaside resort are rows and rows of Junkies and Drug Dealers. Buy your heroin then go to Ghirardelli Square and pick up some Meth they sell next to the non-pariele candy.

Fly to Los Angeles. Go downtown to 1st and San Pedro Street. Get yourself one of those amazing Kosher Burrito's that are world famous. Right next to that is Parker Center, the headquarters of the LAPD. There are rows of homeless next to that, and lots of Heroin Dealers. Buy your heroin there, then stop by the Hollywood Walk of Fame (watch out for the human feces), and stop by to get yourself a Pinks Hot Dog before shooting up.

Welcome to California, 2019.

this guy does H

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I'm 50 and not on drugs and still lurk and post on Yea Forums

Fuck you, spermazoid. My generation invented the internet, which means it, just like your mom's asshole, belong to US.

you'll instantly destroy your life, you dangerously stupid person. fucking nobody has ever stayed on top of heroin and you'll be another sad faggot bum that society forgot, then you'll die shooting up somewhere

enjoy your welfare

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You know what is comical? The govt. decided to "crack down" on prescription opioid abuse, and started busting doctors and drug companies, etc, which just drove all the secret upper and middle class junkies to start buying it off the street, which then caused them to start dying like flies from fentanyl overdoses, which then made the do-gooders go "see?? we DO have a crisis!!"

People were alive and just fine when they had access to prescription grade certified drugs, and then the do-gooders killed them.

"The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions"


If op lives in Anaheim and can’t find drugs he has bigger problems, his brain is made of play dough and his eyes are made of silly putty

why not just make it?

it's just equal parts bleach, peroxide, and sulphur

Has Anaheim turned to shit too? Grew up going down there to Knotts and Disneyland. Fucking California is circling the drain.