I don't like pedophiles. Especially cunnyposters and loliposters. They are bad people and can get the fucking rope

I don't like pedophiles. Especially cunnyposters and loliposters. They are bad people and can get the fucking rope.

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Would you rather them satisfy their fetish on the internet or go out and do it for real? Leave them be

one they satisfied on the internet, they end up doing serious shit IRL
that's why (((they))) allow internet pedo shit

Op theres nothing you can do about it

And here we are, it's that muslim/KKK moron who thinks the jews control porn...
You are far beyond retarded.


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I'm not a fan of pedo's but girls aged 16 - 24 are in their prime. Prove me wrong.

Inb4 spite loli

Being a hebephile is literally the natural state for most males, but a majority aren't willing to state it out loud.

Suck a giraffe's dick.

Would love to

I wouldn't ever data \ fuck \ have a relationship with a female any younger than 25. Simple fact, they are all retarded and not mature enough. Even if they are super attractive their attitude would be a complete turn off.

fun fact: a giraffe has a very long neck, a very short penis, and very long legs.

This is why most males don't pursue relationships with girls that young, hebephilia would generally describe a physical attraction.

literally girls from the age of 11-14 only
I said 16 - 24 which isn't hebe

That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about 11-12 or thereabouts.

Fair enough, I didn't mean to insinuate that most males are physically attracted to exclusively or primarily girls in that age group but rather most males can find females physically attractive from the point of pubescence onward rather.

I agree, there is nothing wrong with seeing beauty in all ages, but some people take beauty as sexual attractiveness then act out in one way or another IE pron \ rape \ molestation ETC. Some people have no ethics when it comes to these things.

Pedos powerless without the power of the triforce.

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It's never gonna happen, buddy.

you do know cartoons depicting children are still illegal right?

if they're just hanging out online posting loli and talking they're doing no harm, and you're worse than them if you can't at least tolerate them.

hell, i'd argue that someone going out of his way to have a lifelong, happy and monogamous relationship with a girl that's still dreaming about a knight in shining armor, in this day and age might not be such a bad person after all.

oh and nice trips btw

shut the fuck up
lolis are best and people like you should die




I don't have a teenage daughter but If I did I certainly wouldnt want anyone thinking bad thoughts about her no no parts, and truly, I get your argument.


We are evolved from the neanderthal and he was descendant of chimps. Chimpanzees and bonobos will fuck anything in their community except for the moms wont fuck the sons. This means dads fucked daughters, brothers fucked sisters etc, as soon as they can walk basically.

It doesn't take much to get a dick hard, now insert some random neanderthal pervert into a situation where he (or she in some cases) has access to a young child... of course it happens.

We have laws, Most of us abide by them. That is called progress.

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you do know they're allowed on Yea Forums because they're not illegal everywhere, right?

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Humor me for a moment, (((who))) owns PornHub?

>We have laws, Most of us abide by them. That is called progress.
go say that to the canadians who can now get in legal trouble for misgendering assholes

90% of users on this site are from the US, which means 9/10 times people saving these or posting these photos are doing so illegally. I'm just stating facts homie you do you, I'll do me I'd never put myself in a spot posting cartoons of naked children on the internet it's just my style.

So if you have a picture of an asshole, all it is is a close up of the sphincter... and its a gay guys asshole... and if you call it a mans ass, since he's gay he gets to sue me because he identifies as a female? My brain.

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it's not illegal in the us (barring loopholes like obscenity laws or importing/mailing lewd material)

this site is based in the US

I don't think they deserve the rope but they are pretty fucking annoying

Get out of Yea Forums you little faggot.
How new?

i only post it in loli threads or when people are throwing bitchfits over porn on Yea Forums

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dead wrong homie go look up the laws.
you are correct

How many gigs do you have on your harddrive of this shit?

he prob has enough to be put in jail for about 30 years or more.

I sure would love to see a screenshot of the details


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Is the laurab stuff illegal cuz ive jerked off to her before...

hmmm go on user...

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