Do you support nuclear power?
Do you support nuclear power?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, pretty much
Hell yes, but current uranium reactors are horribly outdated because improving them makes less profits
Of course. Do you not support it, OP?
So you would be ok with a nuclear power plant being built next to where you live?
Better than a coal plant
Also then whats the point of this thread? It's like saying:
>Do you Trust knives?
And have and MS paint animation of some dude getting stabbed...
A dramatization isn't the real deal, no matter how much you dress it up
It's redundant to ask a question you've already decided an answer to...
Yes. Safest and most effective source of energy. Plus in case you missed the last 32 years, nuclear power has made progress in saftey by leaps and bounds.
The only problem I would have is it would drive down my property value. Only because it's not visually pleasing to live right next to one. What are you a wind farm fag?
Absolutely. And I probably know more about nuclear power, both theory and practice, than most people here.
only problem is the plants aren't allowed to upgrade because of the green assholes, so we get stuck with 1970s grade tech. proven that the greens don't care about the environment, they just care about winning the argument
Yes, there could be 5 more Chernobyl disasters and I'd still support nuclear
I live in sc, there are 6 giant nuclear plants in my state
Mine is the only state that uses more nuclear than any other source
As long as the fail safes dont cause a faster reaction at a positive temperature of the core, sure
Small world. I work at one of them. But there are only 2 commercial power plants in SC, Oconnee and Robinson, both with Duke Energy. The others arent used for consumer energy.
Gary busey is looking terrible
Pic for proof
oh yeah, where you at bud? i'm around camden
what are those cooling towers in mcbee?
inside: i and my team designed the upgrade to the manufacture and assembly at circle W in the '90s
what are the others used for? producing isotopes for weapons?
Not aware of any cooling towers, Robinson uses the lake for heat displacement.
I think one of them used to be for tritium production but dont quote me on that. Either way they were run by DOE, so govt stuff. Commercial plants are regulated by the NRC here.
No. Its way too risky. When things go wrong, it really goes wrong, and its like a shit stain on your only pair of underwear. Its like wearing a condom when fucking a chick with AIDS. Condoms break. Just don't fuck the AIDS girl, i don't care how easy and tight she is. DONT DO IT
i could have swore i saw that, but i was young. maybe i saw the reaction chamber. you can't see shit now for the trees
Naturally, nothing ever goes wrong
They're horribly outdated because there's been a defacto but complete ban on new reactors
I wouldn't be okay with ANY type of power plant built next to where I live. Wind is loud. Solar is an eye sore. Nuclear and coal are huge and disruptive. None of them belong in a residential neighborhood.
I work in security and I can assure you that's deliberate lol
Are you an antivaxxer as well?
funny thing they won't let you upgrade to tech that would prevent the fuckups. thank you greens
People who base their sociopolitical beliefs off of a television show produced by multinational corporations should be shot.
Evironmentalists can be some of the worst enemies of the environment
Good gig?
hope so. the security at W was a joke. fingerhut guards
That's literally what solar power is
yeah, but caught in a mirror 93 million miles away, filtered through atmosphere and magnetosphere. not the most efficient way. thank god they are making batteries the size of football arenas, right?
Yes, but not with the USA's current trend of corporate deregulation. Just look at what corner-cutting for the sake of profits does in the oil industry. Then imagine that, but with the consequence basically being 3 mile island at best and chernobyl at worst.
I though Dominion was SC.
$28 an hour for minimal work? Hell yeah.
Duke is smart and made most security proprietary. Much better pay means you actually give a damn about keeping your job.
>Just look at what corner-cutting for the sake of profits does in the oil industry
what exactly did it do?
>doesn't know what a turbine is
All energy is indirect
Reminder that this happened under communists.
They are buying the old VC Summers reactor or so I've heard. But that was also DOE. Not sure what they will use it for if they buy it but that's still a ways off.
also reminder that it was a positive coefficient of reactivity setup. The reactors used in the US are intrinsically safer by design.
well, granted you are talking about a reactor, i'm talking about the plant where the fuel is built. it would be a bit tough for a bunch of lalalalalalal towel heads to achieve critical mass in there.
>supercritical nuclear reactions are actually communists fault
reminder that even during the manhatten project scientists killed themselves with supercritical masses
What an unexpectedly well-informed post.
On Yea Forums, no less.
Seriously? How many millions of gallons of oil have ended up in US coastal waters because oil companies cut corners on inspections? DWH, alone, spilled 500k tons
France is overdue for a nuclear disaster
please explain to me how a turbine captures energy and stores it until needed. this isn't like oil, you can't put it in a barrel for later use
And how many civilians did they kill?
The sun is, solar power isn't you fucking potato
Worse than the BP oil spill?
>gross ignorance
Not my job to explain your fantasies to you
>making retards look like Einstein
What do you think the solar in solar power means
That's 210 million gallons, btw.
translation, can't.
It's your claim, not mine. You have to explain it, not me.
and what the fuck has the fall out been? more oil is released from the fucking ocean floor constantly than is ever dumped by us. show me any oil you can find and i'm not talking about dawn dishwashing duck commercials. the ocean is huge and tends to clean itself. the amount of oil we've lost in the ocean is piss in a swimming pool
who made this claim.
how many civillians did the manhatten project kill lmao
ask the japs
Potato genius
We already have plenty of plants and only 2 major 'splosions being Chernobyl (because the govt people who were supposed to check thoroughly did not) and the one in Japan (which was because of a tsunami). The vast majority them are stupid safe cause in the end it's a steam plant with coal swapped for radioactive material, and there's so many failsafes it's absurd. Plus, it pays for itself faster than the other forms of energy, renewable or otherwise.
Oh, I thought you were just uninformed, not mentally retarded. My mistake
i think it was the guy that said i didn't know what a turbine was, implying that it was a battery
How about all the mercury, arsenic, and lead? The aversion to nuclear is because people are really shitty at assessing risk.
then I am not sure who to insult at this point.
Could the idiot please step forward?
I can watch russians dying slowly all day long.
They really are the fucking niggers of white people.
I didn't imply it was a battery, I was pointing out that all energy sources use indirect methods to convert the original energy into useful work. You're the only who's been making random claims about batteries and demanding I prove your point.
This is true.
As for the thresd topic and debate, while I'm obviously biased, I've seen the safety precautions where I work and I have not problem with the fact I live 7 miles down the road. But I also took this job understanding if something bad does ever happen, of the guys staying to get the job done. Hence the sweet paycheck.
this is why americans cant win war
they arent willing to what they need to to make the enemy surrender
Definitely not fusion.
Solar energy is literally not fusion energy you idiot
You just did. Thanks, retard.
i'd insult the guy that thinks a turbine is a battery. i've worked in nuke fuel since i was the 21 year old wiz kid.
Its not that the way oil is taken out and petrol is made is also bad. The fault lies in the government. They sucked. They should have made plans for protection and contingency. There was an explosion and the government didn't tell the people to evacuate for a long time. They all got radiation sickness
Go back to school.
Yes, but only if it's run by people who aren't fucking retarded mongoloids...(I.E.: Not Russian)
it wasn't for lack of regulation, it was that the companies weren't following the regulations. your original point is dumb
You did. Indirect != battery.
I have as well, but since I was 19. Have you ever worked at the knolls atomic research lab?
>doesn't know how the Sun works
kek, public school amirite?
I definitely agree that nuclear is our best energy source, especially moving into the future, but I'm still paranoid given our government's proclivity to allow large companies to cut corners. So far, we haven't had many problems, aside from 3MI (I remember a story about some other plant in CA leaking minor radiation, but can't recall the name).
Nuclear is going to be the best energy source in the future, but it also carries the largest risk. We have to make sure that formal, codified failsafes/protections match the pace of nuclear energy development.
if you guys only knew what really happened at Chernobyl. it was a fucking joke
Do you test your self with a giger counter? I hear just working near one get a you exposed a lot to radiation
that wasn't me, I was not involved in their convo, I was just stepping in to assign insults and mockery as part of my duties as an internet police backtracer.
Who exactly said that, retard?
How much does that pay in bitcoins per ruble?
naw, i'm an ME that designed the machinery and tooling to build all the shit. the stuff they were using was from the 60s. we redid it all in the 90s
human error due to soviet pressure during a test sequence. Well, some mechanical error as well. but the nature of their reactors was faulty to begin with.
When in the 90's I started my stint there in 99
They weren't following the regulations, and nobody caught them for years because there was no enforcement or verification of the regulations. Which is exactly the same as having no regulations at all. I shouldn't have to hold your hand through this, unless you're actually a child.
You should feel embarrassed
You literally should
>public school
did you just call him a commoner?
Samefags to double his retardation
For knowing basic 3rd grade science?
No. We have whole body monitors at exits to make sure you dont bring any contamination out, but Geiger counters are really used mostly for checking hand carried items.
And we dont recieve much radiation at a during normal operations. During a fuel changeover some people encounter a bit, but you can go stand in the sun right now for 10 minutes and recieve a higher dose than I'll get by the end of my 12 hour shift.
the assholes turned off all safety switches and precautions then tried to SCRAM the fucking thing and the control rods jammed up and wouldn't go in. OOPS!!!
>t. some shit country that has no military
where, at W?
The people who made up "Freedom Gas" is the same people in charge of nuclear energy.
Sleep tight everyone!
no, what? that isn't what happened at chernobyl.
yes. its too good to be ignored
knolls, am I talking to the right guy? I was working on the prototype s8g
naturally. its the only logical solution to our energy crisis
go back to fellating your tv president
or the nigger
or the retard
or the rapist
the cia stooge is dead, so it might taste funney
yes, it is. i've seen pictures of those fuckers loading bundles into the core using hay ropes thrown over 2x4 posts
Fusion occurs in a star, which produces light, which is solar energy.
Nuclear fuel in a power plant produces heat, so by your backwards logic, heat is nuclear energy
You don't even know what samefag means, do you
ok, but no. you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the events at chernobyl. I think you may be confusing them partially with 3mile island.
I'd greatly prefer innovating and proliferating solar
Build few if any new nuclear plants but retrofit old ones with modern tech while investing in solar efficiency and ease of manufacture would be ideal.
does the stooge have a small feminine penis?
Also skimming money from building materials and making the roof out of fucking wood and pocketing the difference
That's the problem with being stupid...
You are not smart enough to realize that you are stupid
ok, my team did all the redesign work at W columbia in the 1990-1996 era. but i worked with them on everything from1983-2005. welders, calciners, fuel rod loaders, everything. you couldn't throw a rock in that plant without hitting something we designed
Not him but that heat literally is nuclear energy. The heat is being generated by the radioactive material. Heat is energy and this energy is from a nuclear source.
That's how nuclear plants work anyways.
Ah, I was in Ballston spa NY at the knolls research facility for the Military.
We barely know how to properly harness nuclear energy. the way we use it nowdays is closer to glorified kettles than proper nuclear power.
The sun gives off radio waves
Are you saying radio is fusion energy?
Fucking Potato
fission vs fusion
don't say things that make you sound retarded. That statement you just made is void of anything meaningful, valid, true or useful.
yeah using the incredible energies of nuclear decay to boil water is primitive, but it's a good start
how else would you make usable energy out of it?
If you think that's logic, that's sad. The Sun is a huge fusion reactor, which generates various outputs, including light. That light is captured, becoming what is known as solar power. Hence, solar power is derived from nuclear fusion. This is really basic, user.
No, the heat is thermal energy. The nuclear fuel is nuclear energy, that energy converts into other forms of energy, one being thermal.
nuclear is simply a way to generate heat. There is no mystery here. What you seem to be suggesting is that there is some other method for collecting electricity from nuclear.
Of course not. You're just just being deliberately stupid now, aren't you?
Produced by
Derived from
That is vastly different to saying solar power is literally fusion power
the largest being thermal, therefore the most useful byproduct to collect.
>how else would you make usable energy out of it?
and keep it under control? no other way at this point. just because the EPA was able to demand catalytic converters on cars and they just happed to get that to work they think they can just dictate any innovation now and it will magically happen
rather, utilize, not collect
Anyone whos not a moron should.
You spend a lot of time saying stupid things to random people while staring at yourself in the mirror, don't you?
100% yes.
but that's not what was said
this was said
>That's literally what solar power is
and that's clearly wrong
Solar power is literally derived from fusion
You really have a problem with words. And your own innate stupidity, but that's a given.
So why is the solar energy fusion energy, but the radio energy is not fusion energy?
You can't have it both ways
sorry dude, words mean things. if you don't get them right, they mean nothing
no it isn't, as solar cells can be powered from sources other than the sun.
All light is not generated through fusion.
How is this conversation taking place?
Yes. But it's not nuclear energy, it's thermal energy
Solar power literally comes from fusion. Why are you being so deliberately stupid?
No I support thorium reactors because they’re the key to saving us all.
Unfortunately the government would rather spend trillions on military instead of mining it AND you can’t make nukes out of thorium like you can with plutonium.
But derived from is not the dumb thing that was said...
Saying solar energy is literally fusion energy was
It literally isnt
Jesus fuck, you're stupid. What other sources of light are used in solar power? Protip: The word "solar" should be a clue.
well, since we don't power our reactors with plutonium either I am not sure what your point is.
but the way of collecting it is so different from current designs for fusion reactors you can easily classify it as a different thing.
Coming from and being the same, mean different things user.
How are you not understanding this?
plutonium is created via uranium decay you dumbfuck
being called stupid by someone who is trying to convince people that solar power=fusion energy
not by the decay of the uranium isotope used in our reactors, moron.
Dunning Krueger in action
i remember guys in plastic suits deweaponizing plutonium from russia back in the 90s. oh, thank you Bill Clinton
We don't use it in our reactors. WE=US
Do you believe that solar power is literally fusion energy?
By your logic, the electricity that comes out of the wall and charges up your cell phone can only be called wall energy, because it's not longer valid to call it solar power or coal power.
Solar power is fusion energy. It's transformed, but that doesn't mean it stops being solar power.
You're trying to a draw a line that doesn't exist, retard.
didn't matter. that fucknut signed an agreement that we would take anything from them. what a fucking joke
Samefagging enough, retard?
It's derived from fusion energy, moron
it is actually derived from photons, which can be derived from a number of sources.
it was almost funny. a plastic covered dirty area, on the fucking clean side for god's sake. i'm surprised i don't glow in the dark now
They’re are 3 you forgot about catawaba. I’m a traveling nuclear mechanic. I’ve been around the world doing this for a lot of years. In the United States a lot of the reason they’re no longer building plants is because it cost so much to maintain them.
No, thats your retarded logic.
It's electrical energy that comes from the wall.
Solar energy hits a photo voltaic cell which produces electrical energy.
One form.of energy gets transferred into another.
This is basic shit, and you're only digging your hole deeper with your nonsense replies
isn't catawba in NC?
Being this desperate
Yes. Also, Chernobyl happened over 30 years ago in the former Soviet Union who were notorious for having inferior reactor designs and lax safety standards. At least in the states, the accident at three mile island was used to reform safety and control systems, ultimately making the technology safer and more efficient. The USSR covered up what happened at Chernobyl for years so, poor example of the dangers of nuclear power. It’s one of the most eco friendly means of producing electricity we have. And if the US weren’t so full of retarded libcucks and evangelicals, we’d have decided to launch the spent fuel into space where it can’t hurt anyone decades ago. But people are stupid. So what, you want to go back to burning coal?
Now look at what started this
>That's literally what solar power is
You don't even know what point you're arguing you fucking potato
Nah. It’s in York SC. Near Rock Hill.
Not really, no. The "Sol" in solar power literally means the Sun, because that's where all the light comes from. I suppose you might be able to derive similar energy from other light sources, but that's either using other power sources to generate light (and thus is rarely going to be efficient), or it's using other sources that are so marginal they might as well be nonexistent.
3 mile island was a fucking nothing that was built up by a movie starring jane fonda
the goddamn russians dumped live cores in the ocean. so much for anything they did, fuck them
>One form.of energy gets transferred into another.
That's exactly the point being made, retard. Thanks for demolishing your own stupid argument.
ok, just over the border
see that everyone, just stop replying. Its brain dead.
That’s too bad, plutonium is superior to uranium for reactor fuel.
Solar literally comes from fusion reactions in the Sun. How many times does that have to be repeated before you understand such a basic concept?
Nuclear power actually produces the least amount of deaths per MWh of prouced energy when compared to any other means of production. While ARS is a horrible way to die, it's still better that we lose 50 people a year to ARS than a million to pollution related diseases. Fusion would be nice to have, as it doesn't produce radioactive waste, but untill we have fusion, wherever solar and wind are not viable nuclear is the way to go.
For variations in load on the network we can use pump-storage hydro plants.
I have that extension installed too, faggot
hahahaa, said no one ever
can we just stop and say that all energy ultimately comes from our star?
>retard calls other people retards
>is still the only retard in the room
Yeah. It’s a shitty station anyway. Duke Energy and their cost cutting measures can get fucked. I like ONS though.
Sure kid, stay retarded.
The point being argued was
>That's literally what solar power is
And it literally isn't
Thanks for demolishing your own stupid argument.
Almost all, yes. But the autistic faggot doesn't seem to realize that.
nuclear reactors go through too many conversion. you need electrical energy to produce the neutron that initialized the reaction in the uranium which generates thermal energy which you use to heat water into steam and pressurize it to turn to kinetic energy to turn back into electrical with turbines. each conversion stage has losses.
now lets look at others. solar uses the photo-electric effect directly to convert light to electrical energy. hydro and wind turn kinetic directly to electrical. we should work on being able to harvest the power of radiation directly
now thats a good question. And I have no idea. ask a nuclear physicist.
yes because I actually know how it works and the risks involved
Physicsfag here. Thorium is a meme, and nuclear waste is a poor choice for nukes. Unless you wanna make dirty nukes but that is in nobodys interest. Fusion is the thing of the future if we ever manage to make it stable and produce more energy than it spends.
Are you not an English speaker or something? Because holy fuck you're stupid. Solar power literally comes from a fusion reaction. It's therefore a type of fusion power.
off by 4
yeah, i made a lot of money off duke in stock, but i don't really like them. they are like the Bell monopoly of electricity
>Unless you wanna make dirty nukes but that is in nobodys interest.
They'd be the weapon of choice of terrorists, if they could get their hands on them.
Until you understand that coming from does not mean is
Radio waves come from the same fusion reaction. Radio energy is not fusion energy.
What point are you even trying to make?
>thorium is a meme
Aren’t you late for school junior?
Wait... so ALL energy is fusion energy?
>hydro and wind turn kinetic directly to electrical
that is good, but until we have a way to store said energy, it's always going to be nothing but a backup. primary will always be on call sources, nuke, coal, etc.
this may be, hands down, the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Even when considering that you are just trying to act stupid to get people all worked up this is still off the charts level retardation.
No, that is factually incorrect.
You're inability to understand This does not make your flawed assumptions correct.
Yes, fusion energy produces solar energy.
This does not equate to solar energy being fusion energy.
no, only it's source. anything that converts it, well face it. it's no longer fusion
Hey guys I watched the new Chernobyl series, I'm a nuclear scientist now, AMA
I know, I was mocking the retarded genius
I think you missed my point. this is a pro nuclear argument.
whats so stupid about it? it might be over simplifying it but nuclear energy is focused around boiling water to turn to steam for energy production.
You're literally on the spectrum aren't you? That's not a valid argument. You're literally arguing that the terms "energy" or "power" can only apply to the specific reaction that's currently occurring. That's not how anybody uses those words. When we say 40% of France's energy is nuclear, we don't mean people use split atoms to power their cell phones. We mean that's one of the root sources, which is then converted into things like thermal and electrical energy, transported, possibly stored chemically, and then charges your phone.
The energy that runs your cell phone isn't just chemical (battery) power, it's also nuclear, or coal, or whatever power.
And yes, solar power is fusion power.
OK gotcha
and that's why i pointed out that until solar and wind and hydraulic can be counted as on call sources, they will never be front line
I can't believe your still going with this.
No brakes on the potato train
Your post is factually and logically incorrect. You're making false assumptions, drawing false lines in the sand, reinterpreting things however you want, using words in ways nobody else ever uses them, and otherwise acting like an idiot.
A paragraph worth of ad hom with reddit spacing and no counter argument, captain of the debate team?
You're still sticking with your brain-dead stupidity. Congrats on being persistently moronic.
No lets keep burning coal fuck the planet
you're pointing fingers at environmentalists but the fossil fuel industry would also prefer to maintain this fiction about the safety of nuclear plants.
It's a perfect argument.
Why is the visible spectrum fusion energy, but the invisible spectrum not fusion energy, when both are parts of the electromagnetic spectrum produced from the same reaction?
Just admit you said something stuoid and should have explained it better rather than stamping your feet and defending your mistake
We don't launch it into space because of Challenger dipshit. An exploding vessel could mean radioactive fuel raining down over whatever part of earth the rocket is over. Not worth the risk of creating an accidental dirty bomb when storing it on site is cheap and efficient.
So you believe that solar energy is literally fusion energy?
That is the only point being argued here
We could burn every ounce of coal and it wouldn’t hurt the planet, mans ability to live on it is a different story tho.
Nuclear has too much bad press. A this point it's going to take less time to solve the battery problem so we can get a constant flow from solar and wind than to change people's perception of nuclear power.
so much irony
>brain-dead stupidity
>thinks solar energy is LITERALLY fusion energy
tard clapping
Nobody made any distinction between visible light and the rest of the spectrum. It's about the source of the photons. Which is fusion reactions in the Sun.
Or did you not realize I was calling you autistic when I said you were on the spectrum?
It's really sad you've spent so many posts proudly proclaiming your ignorance. Yes user, the Sun is a really a giant fusion reactor. Look it up.
No, I believe solar power is derived from fusion. Learn how to use English.
Nobody argued that it wasn't.
You are so frustrated you don't even know what you're arguing
Sure you did. You keep saying solar power doesn't come from the fusion reactions in the Sun. That's the whole point of this tangent.
That distinction was made when I said if the light produced by the sun's fusion reaction is fusion energy, then the Radio waves produced by the sun's fusion reaction must also be fusion energy.
The potato genius said no
You just don't stop do you?
I can only imagine how much your friends must suffer putting up with you in person.
Then why are you arguing?
The claim made was that solar energy literally is fusion energy.
It isn't, and that's where this started, because the retard kept insisting that it was
No, it isn't.
The point is that solar energy is not fusion energy.
Like I said, libcucks and evangelicals. You’re at risk of dying everyday, dipshit. If no one did anything because it was “dangerous” we wouldn’t have made it this far in life. Take your liberal cautionary bullshit back to plebbit fuckface and leave the decision making to people with fuckin vision. There you can connect with all your gender neutral friends and come up with 101 ways to be a vegan and suck cocks.
Then what about wall energy? It's clearly not photons shooting out of the socket, so it can't be solar energy.
That's literally your logic. Since you just keep digging in when you're clearly wrong and never drop it, you must have no friends.
It's fusion energy, transformed. How did you miss this during elementary school?
Nobody said that
You did. You can't just pretend it didn't happen, we can all read the thread.
the future is Thorium based Nuclear energy.
Once again, you're pretending ignorance about the source of solar power. Retard.
Yes, but that isn't literally fusion energy then is it?
You are either vegetable level retarded, or one of those irritating people that argue to the bitter an even after they realise they were wrong.
Is solar energy literally fusion energy?
Yes or no?
Show one example of me saying that solar energy was not produced by a fusion reaction
You can't
I already said this but they’d rather chimp out on each other than hear about cutting edge technology.
>saftey leaps and bounds
In Mother Russia, reactor supports you
maybe you should stop wearing seatbelts and helmets then
You're joking right? First of all, I'm not a liberal. Second, why would we waste money doing something we know has a chance to potentially kill hundreds of people when it costs practically nothing to just store the used fuel safely on site? Call me all the names you want, you're still an idiot.
Everyone knows the source, that's not relevant.
Is solar energy literally fusion energy
yes or no?
You already said this.
What you refer to as wall energy is electrical energy. It may have been produced by solar energy, but that does not mean we can say that electricity is literally solar energy now does it?
Not that user but no, no it isn’t. The light, heat and radiation is a byproduct of fusion.
you're right dramatization isn't real
in reality it looks even worse
google Hisashi Ouchi
nice gore
solar energy is derived from either a piezoelectric reaction or a electrochemical reaction.
If you want to trace back energy origins :
1) it's a futile experiment, all the energy anywhere is derivative from the universe-creation event.
2) who cares?
Which is the point ive been making and hes arguing against.
The claim made was that solar energy is literally fusion energy.
That is what was argued against, and this potato genius has been defending
Everyone knows the answer is no.
The idiot can't admit it though because he's invested too much arguing intonit to admit he was wrong
You still haven't answered the basic question: What is wall energy?
Is a certain percentage of it solar power, or coal energy, or nuclear, depending on how it was ultimately generated? People use that phrasing all the time, that's how the terms are used. You can't redefine words and expect people to agree with your shit.
Every single reply you've made, retard
Theres a difference between me choosing to do something dangerous and accepting the consequences, and a private company putting me in danger without my vote simply because it's easier for them. You sound more like a libtard than anyone else.
I've answered it twice now you dumb cunt
It's electrical energy
You're the one obsessing iver how it was produced for some unknown reason.
It IS electrical energy. That is the answer
So you can't then.
Tracing back energy origins is very relevant, it informs a lot of our thinking about the world. For instance, understanding that the Sun is the source of almost all energy we use in our daily life.
If we could replicate what happens in the sun on a smaller scale then we would have fusion energy but that kind of tech is still in its infancy.
Agreed. But we can't, and that doesn't make solar energy literally fusion energy
No it doesn’t, that other user is retarded.
Of course. Nuclear power is the greenest and safest method of producing energy.
why is nobody actually mentioning nuclear waste
ah probably because it's a non factor for people who don't think more than 2 days ahead
you cannot guarantee the safety of most nuclear waste for even 1 half life as modernish civilisation hasn't even existed for a fraction of that time
Fukushima is still leaking you know
Nuclear power is basically a Faustian bargain.
If people are 100% sure nothing will ever happen to it just like what happened to fukushima then thats fine.
But chances are is that it only takes 1 disaster to make a country uninhabitable.
What about it?
>Inb4: "Greenpeace told me 6 million died"
Okay, let's accept your retarded premise. Wall energy is electrical energy. It's not solar energy, it's not coal energy, it's not anything else. It's just electrical energy.
Then what's solar energy? Solar energy is generated by a photovoltaic effect, which takes photons and converts them into electricity. So at that point, by your definition it's electrical energy not solar energy.
Congratulations, you just denied solar energy is solar energy.
You've literally been arguing it the whole thread
Compare that to climate change
You could try not building one on a fault line or in a known disaster zone
They need to crack open Tesla’s papers on wireless transmission of electricity and put the reactors on the moon.
I knew y'all were a bunch of Navy fags
You should know there are people that still live in the Chernobyl area.
They've been there a long time and theyre still alive
It’s still leaking radiation into the pacific daily.
What about all the waste generated by other forms of energy, like coal? Arsenic, mercury, lead, and so on don't have a half life, so they never go away.
MARF Fag reporting
You think the state of the oceans has no effect on environment?
it still doesnt have a 100% guarantee that nothing wrong will happen,
people make mistakes, and that might destroy huge area that will never be habitable again.
im all for nuclear power, but the question is are you ready when things go wrong and maybe millions of people get affected
Yes, and?
No. Solar energy is light.
Light produced by fusion energy
Light that can be converted to electrical energy
You are so fucking dumb you think wall energy is a term to be used for fucks sake
And that’s a bad thing.
So you can't then?
You get bombarded by radiation just by walking outside, thanks to cosmic rays. Saying "radiation" doesn't making something bad or scary. You need to quantify it, and compare to likely outcomes, and other risks.
I wouldn't have a problem with it, but there's no large pool of water next to where I live so they couldn't build a plant.
tesla is a meme
They say it's incredably inefficient
There's a reason he stopped working on it
>naturally occurring radiation that we evolved in
>highly radioactive spliiage from a man made reactor
Pick one and give your head a shake.
you could wirelessly transmit with a laser, but one with sufficient energy to be worthwhile is not wireless power, it's a death ray
>might destroy huge area that will never be habitable again
This is not what happens
>No. Solar energy is light.
kek, so when people talk about solar energy they're not talking about the electricity generated by a photovoltaic process, they're actually talking about beams of light?
Wow, you're dumb.
They say that because wireless energy=free energy for everyone with no way to regulate or charge $$ for it.
Literally any of your posts.
I’m sure it would help lessen our reliance on fossil fuels, so yes.
If we transferred useful levels of energy wirelessly we would fry all of our electronic devices. Lasers are viable but still extremely lossy and hard to aim when the source and the reciever are moving.
why don't we have like battery sized reactors that are safe to have around the house?
or at least a smaller one to run just a city or something?
Laser from reactors on moon to a hub on earth and distributed from there.
Highly radioactive? You mean like the extra dose of radioactivity you get from living in a brick building?
There's a reason I said it's important to quantify the effects. You're just using scare words.
When you realize you were wrong the entire time but your too deep to stop
Pic related
So you can't then?
>battery sized reactors
because making stuff smaller is not easy, especially when handling uranium
You're the one who's been been denying that solar energy is solar energy. Words have meanings, you don't get to redefine them so narrowly they mean nothing.
I literally just gave you an entire threadful, and it's not enough? Go back to pretending solar energy isn't solar energy.
Apples & oranges user, why are you attempting to dismiss a leaking nuclear reactor as no big deal?
you do realize Chernobyl is a dead zone right?
and fukushima is barely alive at this point, the japan government is doing its best to cover up everything because their efforts arent doing anything
damn, you Trumptards are getting salty now that impeachment is coming
You're the only one that's said that
I've said solar power is not literally fusion energy, and it literally isn't.
For some reason this caused you to go into potato meltdown
There are so many issues here.
1. Lasers aren't perfect, at Moon-Earth distances the beam would be tens of meters across.
2. Extremely lossy, people living next to the receiver wouldn't know night because of the crazy bright pillar of light (laser scatters in the atmosphere)
3. Any plane, bird or sattelite that would wander into the path of the laser would immediately be atomised
I could go on.
You still haven't shown one example of me saying it.
I never said it, which is why you can't.
You thinking it was ever said just shows that you really don't have any idea what you've been arguing abiut, which makes this whole thing even funnier than it already was
>dead zone
You idiot, it's blooming with life.
So you can't then?
>Niggers of white people
Keked so hard
Damn, he should shave it off. He'd look badass bald, now he looks like a clown.
you are fucking stupid
educate yourself and stop making retarded arguments
2 of those are easily avoidable.
For capitalists? Yes. For communists? No.
The release of radioactive (mainly plutonium-239 isotopes) has had a negligible impact on the marine environment. around Fukushima and the pacific in general. Try reading something other than Greenpeace's thinly veiled neo-Luddite propaganda once in a while.
It's not apples and oranges, I was literally I literally comparing sieverts (a unit for absorbed radiation) from two radiation sources. You'll notice the level of radiation that impacted anyone outside the plant is drowned out by the background radiation we experience in everyday life.
ok i get it
you're a troll
i should have realized sooner
Your very first reply denied that solar energy comes from fusion. You're a fucking idiot, and should feel bad.
Radioactive material=ok for the environment, gotcha champ.
Radioactivity is a natural part of the everyday environment.
You're just scared and can't assess risk.
People still live in Chernobyl
The forest has boomed and taken over again. The herbivore fauna has suffered, but that's because they eat grass, so have a build up of radioactive particles inside them. For the most part Chernobyl isn't dangerous anymore unless you are on the reactor site
Show me.
Guarantee it did not say that solar energy doesn't come from fusion reactions.
It would have said that solar energy is not fusion energy
You can't grasp the difference
Yeah 2 people in their 80’s (and I’m pretty sure one died) that refused to leave, you should go live there if it’s so safe.
So you magically think that inconsequential amounts of radiation from a man-made source is somehow magically worse than the same type and amount of radiation from natural sources, because magic?
This is why we need science education.
Not a single person recieved a dose of radioation even close to fatal at fukishima. Chernobyl is safe nowadays, just don't go into the reactor building.
So you're back to your wall energy is not solar, nuclear, or hydroelectric energy argument nonsense? Congratulations, I think you reached peak stupid.
A coal power plant throws a lot worse garbage into the local environment every day, but people freak out when they hear the word radiation.
Ah I get it, you don’t know anything about it or what you’re talking about, makes sense now. Weird though, I thought you millennials cared about the environment..
Calm down timmy
Explain the explosion of plant and animal life in this so called dead zone
You're spreading propaganda
573 dead (not counting disaster workers who died later from exposure)
>calm down Timmy
Oh you expected a reply? Here you go.
What the fuck is wall energy?
I think you.mean electrical energy, which has been established not to be nuclear or solar or any other kind of energy, because it is electrical energy.
You're legit fucked in the head.
>duurrrrrr fire makes light so light must be fire energy
I literally provided a well sourced graphic that quantified amounts of radiation, including various exposures to the Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima disasters, and showed they were less than routine, everyday exposure. So yes, inconsequential. Your inability to compare numbers is proof you're an idiot, not that you're an expert.
Just a reminder that pic related is what you are arguing...
Think about that while you rage internally after 404
>well sourced graphic
If you say so
>stupidest reductivist argument on the planet
If it's electrical energy, and not solar or coal energy, then why does everyone care so much about solar energy? It's just electrical energy, no worries.
It's from XKCD, and there are a dozen sources listed on it, including many authoritative government sources.
I said show me
Why can't you do that?
humans are a bigger threat than radiation
You're the one who's reeeing
Congrats on repeatedly showcasing your stupidity.
I repeatedly cited the posts, you're just being obstinate.
Because different methods of electricity production have differing environmental impacts.
Not that it's relevant to anything here, and definitely.not relevant to solar energy literally not being fusion energy
You are one dumb fucker user
I thought you said it was wall energy
>government sources
When people talk about solar power or solar energy user, they don't mean beams of light. They mean the electricity generated. How fucking hard is this to understand?
No you didn't you delusional nutcase
You're beyond help user
I hope your parents die early and never fully experience the shame.and embarrassment you are.going to bring them
Not an argument.
>not an argument
But greentext.
I hope your parents are blessed with your early death, user. Kisses!
I've made one point
Solar energy is not literally fusion energy
You.have written novels in argument of that
You should tell somebody that you have fusion energy coming from your wall energy sockets. You'd win a Nobel prize
And they definitely don't mean fusion energy
How fucking hard is this to understand?
>still denying solar energy
So you can't then?
But that's where solar power comes from.
How hard is that to understand?
My blessing to your parents.
dude i get it
you trolled me pretty hard
im pretty sure you havent read anything related to fukushima
You're retarded, illiterate, or both
Either way, you are wrong, and have been automatically screeching that you're right.
How many things have you thrown atbyhe wall in anger so far?
I can't your parents? Your mom maybe, but I don't like waiting that long in line.
>I ascribe my emotions to other people on the internet, because that makes me sound reasonable and not insane
topkek user