How many anons have been unfairly or accidentally kicked in the balls by girls?

How many anons have been unfairly or accidentally kicked in the balls by girls?

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I'm willing to bet very few because they know that's a quick way to get their ass kicked, only happens in movies. My dog has stepped on my balls countless times though

Judging by Yea Forums's track record with grills, I'd wager it's probably more than you'd think.

Though, not sure if entirely unfair.

At least once, one time by one of my exes before she knew how bad it was (we were fairly young).

How severe was it?
Why'd she kick you?

Yeah atleast twice but once I punched a chick in her tit for it cause she thought it was funny

Why do chicks find nutshots so funny?
How come so few of them understand how bad it is for a guy?

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Just jokingly, to fuck around i guess, so it wasnt the worst ive ever had.
for some reason she didnt know its an extremely sensitive area, even tho we were about 18y.o at the time.

I've never been kicked in the balls.
What was your reaction like?

Never, because I've got excellent reflexes.

Not me, although I'd punch a bitch in the uterus if she did.

ITT: little bitches who eeminices about lost fights with girl classmates in elementary school

Consider yourself lucky then, unless you like that kinda stuff, haha.
First i got mad, but mostly surprised since it basically came out of nowhere.

>Yea Forums me sleeping at 2:40am
>hot af girlfriend sleeping next to me having some kind of dream
>we're lay inng on our sides facing each other.
>because of whatever dream she was having she knees me in the balls
>natural reflex makes me pelvic thrust my waist away while chin goes directly into her forehead
>she wakes up screams "why did you do that?!"
>me in featle position "why did you do this?!"
>us.jpeg when we cant believe how a few seconds ruined a night of sleep

Did she ever come around to sympathy or apology for nutting you?

Dude, that shit HURTS.
If you had balls, you'd understand.

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Yea she said she was sorry and we had a good laugh later.

It's also the most obvious thing and if you don't see it coming, you deserve it

none, i deserved it every time tbh

nvm the random reply

What did you do?
How bad did you get it?

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once i got cartwheel kicked in the nuts by a girl

nothing that bad, i just seem to get on girls' nerves a lot and don't know when to stop antagonising them. never been got that badly though, cause you can always see it coming and preempt it.

one time and I was 9 years old, and I was like why would you do that? as I rolled around on the ground and she started crying and said she didn't know what would happen would be soo bad

how do you even let someone kick you in the balls anyways, most chicks are athletically challenged and wouldn't front kick or anything and would telegraph hard, how you don't check a kick from some chick who probably can't jump for shit is beyond me

> be me @ 7th grade
> sports class
> teacher is a mildly chubby short haired dominatrix
> make us play indoor soccer.
> she's the referee.
> I had the brilliant idea to fake an accidental tackling to get some milf contact with her
> she's surprisingly quickly stepping to the side
> trying to avoid contact with me
> it's no use
> I am already flying so cannot change direction
> balls colliding with her thight
> not soft at all

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accidental knee to the balls during foreplay. Hatefuck followed.

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Me and my friend had a bet about which Beatles wrote Yesterday. I thought it was John Lennon he said McCartney.
I said if I won, he had to wear a Hitler mustache for a week. If he won, I had to walk into the next party with him and say "bitches, start sucking!" And do the crotch chop like from WWF in the doorway.

So he won and we went to a party and I opened the door and yelled, "bitches, start sucking!" with the crotch chop. And some cunt was standing right there with a group of friends and she thought I was talking to her. And she square hoofed me in the nuts so bad. I was a bit drunk and gagged and puked a bit on the floor. Bailed and went straight home to bed.

Top kek
How did everyone else react?