
Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, Yea Forums...

Joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, joke about yourselves but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, do you fucktards realizse RAPE dehumanizes a woman as if she were not human, RAPE STRIPS HER OF HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, Yea Forums, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED!

And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman. I was raped. My virginity taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15.

Fuck you Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


cool story bro

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I'm genuinely wondering what you expect to happen by posting this here. GL changing any minds.

Are u actually trying to talk with Yea Forums? Like is this a joke?

I think someone is a bit grumpy, you need to be given a mouth full of dick and a good fucking to calm you down...

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You are sexist misogynist pigs. Apologize to me on behalf of all men.



rapey rapey rapey ...i bet youd love it cmon now dont lie!! They say thats when a girl orgasms best ;)

Sounds like you need a good fucking.

all jokes aside, you came to the wrong place to rant. if you dont like this community, then dont come here. they'll tear you apart

I've seen better bait


But you're just a piece of meat

See, when you post this stuff, it has the opposite effect to what you're hoping for, most times

Giving your virginity has never been worth a shit. Get over your shit. You're a victim if you want to be and nothing more.

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>fuck you Yea Forums

No. We haven't given consent.

This seems like a pasta or a troll but uh.

Rape survivor here. I use rape jokes as a cope pretty much all the time. Is it healthy? Probably not but also fuck off.

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Ive been raped. I still make rape jokes. Get over yourself.


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Tits or gtfo or ill rape you

you cant come in here with bait this bad

I'm 90% sure this is bait but if it's not no one fucking cares about your problems here lol

you cant be mad at it if you dont go on /b you fucking retard

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Did it feel good though?

Can you spot the difference between this post and this picture?

Protip: You can't
Protip: GTFO newfags

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Humor helps people get over horrible things. For all you know other rape victims still make rape jokes because it helps them cope. Sorry you can't stop using your past as a weapon long enough to move on and be happier with your life.

On the off chance this is real, i'm really curious to know how a blind man pulled off a successful rape.


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That pasta looks a bit too fresh.

Not OP but the rape not feeling good thing is legit. It's basically like forcing a dildo in there without being turned on at all. It hurts like hell then when it stops hurting as much it's because of blood.

It's a life changing experience that can make you hate men pretty easily. I recently got out of the men hating part cause it wasn't literally every dude just one psycopath.

But w/e

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Roses are red,
Food goes in your tummy
OP is gay, and rape is funny.


I see

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Holy mother of newfags...

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I was raped by a drunk Asian chick once. AMA

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HOw did you get lolibooru to work?

Literally just dont use google. That's really it

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>Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape!

Clearly a troll, but just in case someone actually feels this way:

Leave. Internet's a big place. Nobody's keeping you here.

Plenty of safe spaces elsewhere, where joking about rape gets you banned on sight. But that's not this place. This is a place for deliberately unfiltered discussion. Here you're allowed to say anything that isn't illegal to say, and the sort of crowd that gathers here reflects that. So here we have a lot of people who not only joke about rape, they celebrate the idea of women and girls being raped. As in, they'd be glad to hear about a girl getting raped again and again and again, they'd feel she deserved it simply for being female. I don't feel that way, but I do have some resentment toward women because of a number of women who deliberately hurt me in my childhood, and a number of girls whose attention I mistook for affection in my early dating years, only to be blindsided by their selfishness and disregard for anyone other than themselves.

So I don't really think the women-haters are on to something, but it does me good to see them saying hateful things about women and hoping they all get raped and abused. I can read that and feel less like someone else understands what hurtful cunts women can be, which makes it easier to endure real life, where the unspoken understanding seems to be that women are, by nature, gentle and kind, and to suggest otherwise makes you a dick. In my experience, women are neutral by nature, and grow up having fewer consequences for any hurtful actions, and so are less concerned with hurting others.

The images don’t load on my phone :(

Nigger nigger nigger nigger

Tyrone's gonna rape you again

Nigger nigger nigger nigger

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sounds like someone needs a good rape

O Lord this is a mess. and i quote,"joke about murder" but do not joke about rape because if i maybe allowed, rape is a no no. rape is worse than murder.
Quote,"rape dehumanizes a woman". Can you please go to any porn site and see how women themselves have given up on humanity and dignity and everything. Please do tell for what reason? cuz i can't make heads and tails of it.
one more thing, we all know rape is not funny, not to be laughed or discussed or made into a joke but....your reason for this is unreasonable. Deary, rape, murder, fagets none of it is a joke but everyone has their right to free speech. Do u want us to accept what your saying and then do what you want us to do, to follow you blindly. Please refrain from posting something like this.
if its something you cannot tolerate, then ignore but don't tell us what to do, what to think.

Im pretty sure the only reason women are on Earth is to be raped

Rape isn’t funny, but jokes about it are.

Someone sensible

Shut up and get better bait nigger.

can i joke about niggers

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please rape me daddy

Kek not even a good troll

Please rape OP the president of newfaggotry

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The real MVP.

Seriously tho Yea Forumsrother or Yea Forumsister hope you're doing good. Good on you for not being a cunt about it like OP is

But I mean rape is really fucking funny so you ain't stopping me faggot

It's a lot like "nigger." The more you try and prevent people from saying it, the more power you give it. Try and keep people from making rape jokes, you give more power to the rapists by giving them even more control over your life, long after the actual rape occurs.

i remember hearing the word "cunt" for the first time and i thought " wow that word sounds awful so it must be awful so its a no no word" but i used it so much it means jack shit so the same thing happened to other words like "nigger" "faggot" "kike" "spic" you name it

I was the exact same way with "cunt." Use any word or phrase and it'll lose it's punch, which is a good thing in most cases. Even happens with normal things like "literally."

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No, fuck you. God I hate the fucking liberal pussies.

Wouldn't it be funny if like five guys raped you right now?

Were you raped by a drunk Asian chick once?

You should fucking remember what happend to tumblr fucking retard

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Can you just stop baiting for replies. In pretty sure most of us know your just another b tard looking for attention because mother took pasta Thursdays away again because you didn't do the dishes

I know this is bait because every tumblr chick I have ever seen talk about how she was raped is turned on by it.
They love to tell who raped them and how. How much it hurt. How hard they cried. All while rubbing their cunts and openly saying them hope they get raped again.

But its Thursday?

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Lol rape

Yes. How about you?

>pic related

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Bugs Bunny Raping Elmer Fudd.

Tell me that shit isn't funny.

Anything can be made funny.

Who wants to rape my gf?

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oh look - this copypasta again

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Nice pasta OP

Would love to consensually pound her senseless all nite long tho.

wow you guys are real fuckin tough kickin a pretty girl when shes down and feelin bum'd out

just ignore these idiots op, they obviously feel courage behind their monitors but would never say half of these things in real life because they are...you guessed it, COWARDS. Do me a favor and don't accept any adds from these cretins because it most likely wont end up
do me a favor and add me on skype (hitman90001)
if u want we can just talk, shoot the shit, or hell even play games
I have over watch if u want, I can hook u up and we can rank up together (dont worry I'll carry im kind of a high level (gold sr) )

oh and if we hit it off u never know I can always use a sexy wife, I live in a pretty big house also sooo u never know babe, all I require is you don't cheat on me and be faithful which I know you will because you are hurt like me and we share that commonality.



for u to message me

muah xoxoxo

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So who's the thot in pic related anyway? 10/10 would rape

10/10 bait would rape

Def OP right?

>implying women give value to virginity

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Not even close to believable. Try harder faggot.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

If you didn’t want to be raped you shouldn’t have looked good

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Oh, shut the hell up.

Regardless of this post being legit or not, a bunch of you retards on b have rape fantasies, and those of you are absolute faggots.

So I guess a roffie samitch is out of the question?

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No you weren't. Tits and timestamp or you're just a fat fucking lying neckbeard

god stop taking the bait this hard i dont even have enough reaction pics for this

I was drugged and forced to fuck an ugly white chick. Not rap though. Women can't rape men.

No tits, even more importantly no timestamp. Fake as hell, wish it wasn't, rainbow hair girl looks cool.

What the fuck are you talking about retard? I said it was bait right away in that post. God you are fucking stupid

Is this bait or is this a genuine summerfag

Not enough details. I can't fap to this.

She looks like a good fuck.

Stfu faggot, go back to Twitter queer

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Pic is cute. I'd rape her mouth. More?

Perhaps if rape wasn't over used as a weapon to fuck with men by vindictive women, then men would take it more seriously.
I agree rape isn't a joke.
But it has become a tool for mean spirited people to condemn men.

I'm sorry that you're a miserable cunt, but I'm way more sorry for anyone who has to put up with your cuntiness than for any horrible thing that happened in your past, or totally justified thing that happens to you in the future. I hope you enjoy this apology, and that it was everything you wanted from 'all men'.

10/10 post have an upvote!
is this how i give you a (you) ?


I'd rape some tits onto that faggot, I tell you hwhat

i was raped to but i don't see me being a cunt like you

a penis walks into your cunt, without consent or your knowledge, and is now raping you. *pause for laughs.*

thats the worst joke ive ever heard

You win the award for "most likely to actually be a rapist in this thread" award.

